As a killer how do you deal with a 3-gen situation?

I usually play PH or Doctor, and sometimes i find myself in the 3-gen moment when the 3 are nearby, but there are 4 or 3 survivors left.

If i chase down a single one, the rest will finish a gen, if i stop chasing and disengage they will heal. If i slug, they will wait till he self heals to 99 and have a healed survivor pick him up when i'm not there.

It usually happens with survivors going 1-3/4 per gen. i have tried different approaches but i cant find a proper way to win when this happens.

Any tips? I'm still trying to learn how to play Killer properly.


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Keep slugging and patrolling. Can’t heal forever. Alternatively if you believe your in a good enough situation you could just let the gen go and try to secure a couple kills. For PH you could cage or judgment if they’re tormented.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,171

    I generally will smack one and chase for a bit. If it's clear that I can't end the chase very quickly (or if I haven't even gotten one hit on them if they just stand far away and run whenever the terror radius gets anywhere near them), I'll break it off and go back to patrolling. I don't want to sit here and camp the 3 gens forever but I'm also not going to just let the survivors play me like a fiddle when you have that moron standing 40 yards away T-bagging wondering why he can't get me to chase him.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,788
    edited August 2020

    Generally I would make sure not to chase too far from your gens. If they want to loop around the gens that are left, by all means chase them. That means you can pressure the gens while chasing. Otherwise, if they try to lure you away from your three gen, I just try to make them drop a pallet or hit them once and then get back to the gens. That's not always possible before you get too far away, but getting something out of any chase is nice when you can swing it.

    I typically don't slug in three gen situations unless I see a really easy way to turn up the pressure (e.g. there's someone injured very close by when I down someone). There are two reasons for this. First, Adrenaline is everywhere, so slugging with one gen left means they might be able to break your pressure by completing the last gen. Also, it's very helpful if you can hook someone in the middle of your three gen. That way you can defend the hook and the gens all at once and you can probably do some serious damage when they go for the unhook.

    Perks matter a lot too (Pop is another common reason I like to hook instead of slug, for example), but that's generally what I try to do.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    I just don't care because while 3 gen strat is effective, it makes for a very boring game. I usually give up while playing both sides when the game turns to that.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    if all 4 survivors are still up, then it's almost impossible, except with maybe billy (pre nerf), spirit and nurse. Generally you can't hit survivors forever, you have to get your pop to regress on command a gen, but you can't leave your 3 gen, which is why you need a oneshot killer or spirit. If you haven't overcharge (lol) or pop you will eventually lose a 3 gen against 4 survivors.

  • HatchIsMyMercy
    HatchIsMyMercy Member Posts: 219

    I prefer surveillance in these situations, if you regress all 3 gens, you are free to chase and if surveillance tells you a gen is being worked on, you can easily move back and force them off of it

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If you don't have Pop and/or you haven't created a deadzone, you are screwed. Just play as well as you can.

  • Iconoclast_iv
    Iconoclast_iv Member Posts: 26

    I do use surveilance, it doesnt help since they do the gens at the same time. I cant be in two places at once.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    If determined to win, don’t chase anyone too far, maybe far enough to get a pallet out of them, then return to your route. Given enough of this, and after they’ve checked boxes for keys, they’ll get desperate and start making mistakes just to be done with the situation. If playing anyone other than huntress I typically just let them finish whichever of the three is furthest from the door or has the least safety and go from there bc I don’t have time for that mess. If playing huntress though, I stick to it and collect my inevitable win, since when I’m playing her I make a point to defend a 3 gen that’s actually defensible at range. On the maps that aren’t evil for her of course.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Don't chase anyone too far. I'd recommend having Pop and Surveillance, play Huntress with good LoS on your gens, or run an impossible skillcheck build on Doctor. Anything else will struggle because of how easy it is to stop gen regression.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    exact strategies vary by killer but if i'm up against a good team i usually try to force a 3 gen situation. It just requires patience after that. Yes, the survivors will get hit, peel off and run to the other side of the map to heal. But eventually the easiest to kill (usually also the laziest) will screw up and run to the other two uncompleted gens instead or take you to another survivor by mistake. If you wait long enough one of them will mess up . Once you have it down to 2 left it's GG.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    Milk it hard because I never do it intentionally, lol.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Except for certain killers, there's no way to fully guard a 3 gen against survivors that are competent enough to know what to do in the situation. The best you can do is get the gens as regressed as you possibly can and then commit to a chase and try to get a down.