Spirit is the most balanced killer in this game.

She generally gets 2k in red ranks against decent survivors.
Spirit with Stridor? use IRON WILL. You have a better chance of playing mind games while she's in phase.
Yeah but the issue is you don't always know that you will be going against spirit.
And spirit knows that stridor will always help her.
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Bait. Stridor Spirit counters Iron Will
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I agree. A skilled Spirit is one of the few killers that have the potential to take on good SWF groups.
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Yes, but you have a better chance of escaping.
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I don't think so, If you as a Survivor have Iron Will, and the Spirit does have Stridor, she can guess your location better.
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No, since your grunts of pain have a smaller radius it actually helps more spirit than it counter her.
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Spirit is the most balanced killer in the game imo. A very unpopular opinion though.
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Let me put it this way: the way you feel going against sweaty survivors as Myers or Pig is the way the majority of your opponents feel going against you.
Call it as balanced as you want, nothing will ever change the fact you are perpetuating the genrush mentality by leaving no other option.
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This is a myth. You can slightly hear his grunts but you CANNOT know exactly where he is. It would be like the survivor wasn't bringing Iron Will and the killer didn't have Stridor.
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Since you're making less noise, the range that you would normally make with your grunts of pain gets shorter.
Iron Will + Stridor makes you better at tracking people as Spirit imo.
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Kind of irrelevant as Iron Will is already meta and extremely good against all killers. So it doesn't matter if you know you are going against Spirit or not.
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The day spirit gets nerfed to the ground I will probably still sleep peacefully, not bother at all
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I think the most balanced killer would be a spirit/billy/nurse combo. Like you can do a chainsaw sprint while being invisible and can go through walls.
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And ? Why should a single perk counter a entire killer?
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Low quality bait.
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Honestly, I really never understood why every survivor thinks that spirit is SO OP EASY WINSSS OMGGG.
I'm a killer main, I have played since...2018 or so? I can't remember.
And yet, I find spirit one of the most skilled killers to play. Yes, I know, you can use stridor, but still with that perk sometimes you hear the sound so loud, that's difficult to track. Because maybe you think you are near that survivor, but that's not the case.
I have seen other complaints about spirit like "If you have a good headset gg easy". Also, that's not true and that's just salt.
I played spirit with my old stereo headset, simple headset, and I played spirit with my 7.1 surround sound headset new and absolutely nothing changed. Sure, you have technically more points where you can hear the sound coming from, but in reality you won't even notice that.
I really want survivor mains to realize something about spirit: Do you know how much spirit changes the gameplay for killers? Playing spirit is playing a different game.
When you have tons of hours on killer like me, or like any other killer main, you have developed some kind of...accurate vision. I mean, we, killers, rely A LOT on vision. We are oversensitive with our eyes and sound. I'd say that having an accurate vision is like 70% of the gameplay and 30% sound.
Of course sound helps, but just when you are looping to guess where they will come from, or to know where they are going when you are blinded so you won't keep the track on them.
But when you play spirit, the whole gameplay suddenly changes. It's like...90% sound and 10% vision at least when you are in the spirit realm. You know how much can this fuc k your mind if you are a main killer. I can guarantee you it's hard. Unless of course, your are every time playing Spirit.
I just wrote this really long reply because I wanted to stop the common sentence of "spirit is easy", coming from salty survivors who got beaten up by some random spirit.
I'm my case I almost never play spirit just because of this issue. Playing spirit is just playing another game.
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I rly hope you are joking
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Ah yes, the spirit gets to see a survivor's scratch marks and have an auditory cue of where they are while survivors have to make an educated guess blindly. Completely fair and balanced as all things should be.
In all seriousness, most players said that Billy was the most balanced killer and look at what they did to my boi. He's still fine but his addons have been "balanced". You can expect a similar result for this "most balanced killer" because the majority consensus for guessing blindly is that it's unfun.
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if spirit is the most balanced killer then im incredibly attractive and ds/unbreakable is perfectly fair lol.
unfortunately none of these three things are true.
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Sorry but if you're only getting 2Ks as Spirit in red ranks, you are definitely doing something wrong. She's so easy to get 4Ks with 5 gens idk what you're doin
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Most of the time I go up against SWF groups with more than 1k hours each. She is balanced against these groups, when you go up against a group of survivors alone it's obviously easy. So maybe the problem is the balance between solo and SWF mode.
If for you it is easy to do 4k with "5 gens" then the problem is the survivors that you have faced, they had no experience.
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You dont even know that Stridor is the direct counter to Iron Will and you wanna tell us something about how ballanced Spirit is? I hope you are joking.
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Yeah I have to strongly disagree. There is no balance in having to take a potshot in the dark on whether or not you’re gonna randomly get downed because the Spirit is able to hear you and show up out of nowhere without you being able to react.
Billy is still the closest to being the most balanced. Strong, yet counterable. A fun power to use and go up against, chases that are purely skill based from both roles.
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How does having iron will effect anything? Literally all they have to do is turn up their volume settings even more..
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Hard disagree, I consistently 4k with Spirit and I don’t even main her.
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I see that everything is correct there, even the matchmaking.
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If you are suggesting that the Spirit is the most balanced killer, then you are also implying that some killers are overpowered in comparison to survivors and some are underpowered.
Balance implies an equal number of advantages and disadvantages. Most people are aware of Spirit's advantages. Can you list the Spirit's disadvantages that lead you to this most balanced conclusion?
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Yep. Just wanted to point out you don't need stridor to get a 4k.
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Hell no. She is NOT balanced. Any killer that requires a perk to counter (Iron Will) that can then be countered by her running a perk (Stridor) is not balanced. Countering killers should not require a specific perk in a survivor build. Period. Accept it and move on already.
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Did you just leak the next killer?
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The same can be said about Survive with Friends. There is no disadvantages, only massive advantages.
Survive with Friends is why Spirit is a balanced killer.
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And what happens when she goes against a solo q team?
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The same when a SWF team goes against a Clown.
The other side gets wrecked.
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The fact that one problem exists does not negate the fact that the other one is also present.
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The bigger problem however is that sooner or later the developers will solve one of the problems, while not solving the other.
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That remains to be seen.
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The current state the game is in, Spirit is balanced! But Spirit is literally the product of the problem with looping! She takes all the information for herself and gives nothing back or in otherwards she flips the script on survivor and survivor's hate this because survivor's are use to having the 51% advantage in a loop, Spirit changes this to 50/50 and if the survivor leaves the loop it changes 30/70 in her favor (which I agree with because the killer should have the advantage in a 1v1).
This is one of the reasons why I main Spirit because she changes survivor's mindset from "Imma loop this killer into oblivion" to "We need to hurry up and get gens done as quickly as possible." I understand she's not fun to go against, but constantly dealing with looping and being able to do something about it is way more fun than not being able to do something about it
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the most underrated comment i ever seen
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Thank you <3
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Spirit literally is easy. I play both surv and killer. Red ranks for both
Had never played her because I know she’s an ass to verse and I don’t want to be that person. But decided to try her out the other week (before ######### matchmaking).
Ended up getting a 4K against others red ranks and done purple ranks 3 games in a row.
Shes the easiest killer in the game by far.
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Kinda funny how the 2 killers that can face a 4 man optimum swf and have control of chases and are actually kinda scary need nerfs. But thisll get lost in the echo chamber.
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most balanced? no. Strong? yes
spirit and doctor are probably the only killers that can take control of the chase
yes she rng based, but so it the whole game even for normal killers
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Competent does not equal balanced. I would need to see some hard data to back the 2k average claim that seems far too low. Regardless, she strikes me as the least balanced and worst designed killer in this game- at least in terms of fairness to counter. Just by standing still spirit can reduce survivors’ tactics to pure guess work and avoiding getting hit becomes a gambling game. That is far from balanced. She needs a rework quite badly. I only play her when rituals force me to, using her feels cheap and usually results in easy wins- in fact most of the time ppl dc upon getting downed and as much as I hate when ppl do that, in this one scenario I kind of understand it.
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Spirit + Rancor + Bloodhound + Predator + ...........
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Yesterday I played 2 games again with the spirit (last played on May 11), a total of 4 ~ 5 games in one year.
All 4K games and at most 1 escape per hatch... yes, it is very balanced (red rank).
It should be noted that my headsets are expensive, you can hear the grass at 2 meters without problems.