Second Stage of sacrifice: Giving the Second stage skill checks

One of the issues I have noticed in dbd is how fast it deteriorates your controller/keyboards and I really hate it.
So I want to see how this could work by changing the second stage to work almost EXACTLY like second stage in cages WHILE still keeping the idea of the survivor doing something to keep them active during it.
When a survivor enters the second stage of struggle, you will get a skill-check every 3 seconds, everytime you hit a skill-check the next one will get smaller and smaller until you miss one, reducing the total time left in the second stage by 20% and resets the skill check size.
This is the start of making dbd more “controller/keyboard friendly” and I plan on changing the wiggle as well
Yeah, it gets annoying when you constantly have to mash a button to struggle, it tires out your finger and as you said, it takes a toll on your keyboard/controller.
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I cannot name the amount of times I have died because my finger tired out
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What do you mean by no?
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Ah so you like buying controllers/keyboards?
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Luckily, I haven't had any damage done to my controller yet.
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I have lost a controller due to it already, both second stage and wiggle had broken controllers
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I've only been playing dbd for a year and I mostly play survivor.
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Keyboard macro. 1 keypress = infinite spacebar. 1 keypress = infinite struggle. Pretty sure you can get controllers that will repeat a button, at least they did when I was a kid, IDK if they can macro, but if it's connected to a computer it definitely can.
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I started in 2017 all hallows eve, my controllers have suffered alot from it.
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I mean that it’s not necessary.
just make struggle automatic
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Keyboards i agree with. Controllers have an easy fix, just get one with the turbo function.
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Devs have stated they want the players to be involved with how it goes, instead of let the system do it for them, hence why I mentioned “keeping the survivor active”
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Then what would be the point of even having a struggle phase?
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People still sell turbo?
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I havent lost a controller yet. How hard y'all mashin'? I like it the way it is. You don't have to go all crazy to stay alive, lol.
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Thats not the whole purpose, sometimes it will just outright kill you just because of a small lag spike or fps drop due to NOED or other hexes activating. Along with this, certain survivor perks would be easier to change (Camaraderie) and it will prevent times where you can’t prevent yourself from dying just because your finger got tired. I just used the option that happens the most often as I don’t spam it really hard, it just slaughters the cheap controllers and keyboards and NO GAME should force you to buy a better controller or keyboard just because of a mechanic
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between dbd randomly deciding not to register button presses sometimes and the nerve damage on my right hand...I'm all for it.
They did ask about this in a recent survey.
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I’ve been having an issue where I am struggling and the dedicated server just doesn’t accept the input. So I die with a lot of time left and I intended to stay in the game. I check my connection speed every time this happens and I haven’t had a ping over 30 or less than 15 MBPS down so I feel like my connection isn’t contributing to the problem.
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I prefer automatic struggle with a concede button. I feel like it would be more true to the flavor of the game.
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In the player satisfaction survey they held after the silent hill chapter one of the questions was "how satisfied are you with the struggle mechanic?" and the next question asked about the struggle mechanic for pyramid head's cages, so it's possible they could be planning to just bring that over to the normal hooks.
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I like your premise but I don't like your implementation. Making it skill checks every 3 seconds, slowly get harder, and eat 20% of your time... when taken together is still way too annoying.