Who is the hottest female killer?

There was an equivalent poll for male killers so yeah. What the title says. You can provide with your reasons, too.
Who is the hottest female killer? 75 votes
Huntress hands down is my forever babe. She can crush me with her thighs any day she wants to.
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
Well, it has to be Legion if we are getting a 2 for 1 deal!
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
Whoever voted for plague has clearly never had to worry about hitting a gag reflex before...
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
Susie actually doesn't want to kill, she's actually kind of nice.
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
*COUGH*sparkling knife cosmetic description*COUGH*
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
She not doing on her own free will though.
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I think you might be a fan of Xenia Onatopp from the James Bond movie Goldeneye. Crushing men to death with her thighs is her specialty. 😅
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
she wanted to impress frank? sounds like a M.O. to me. at least our poll votes agree lol
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Hag ! ohh baby yah D:
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
No Julie wanted to impress frank
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
Nvm, just read sparkling knife cosmetic desc.
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
There is no confirmation susie actually killed the man.
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This is such a big mood oh my god.
Plague is a close second for me though.
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Is the demogorgon a male or female?
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I don't know tbh? I think he's male but tbh I never even thought about it.
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I practice a lot lol
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How I imagine Nurse looks under her taped up taped up trash bag:
^ Me just after a missed blink attack and / or pallet stun
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I have no regrets.
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Plague queen
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Legion (Julie & Susie)
I mean, have you seen that booty?
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🐷 Amanda Young is kind of cute
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My babe, Adiris!