Console Survivors, please at least try the crossplay...

I'll start this off by quickly addressing console killers. The latest patch has really poor framerate for you that drops below 30fps, so I understand if you opt out of crossplay, this post isn't for you.
But for you survivors, please give crossplay a chance. you are NOT at a huge disadvantage going against PC killers.
With a controller and relatively stable framerate, you have near the same skill floors and ceilings as PC survivors. I play survivor on PC with a controller and can handle it just fine, and I was an Xbox/PS4 player for two years before moving on to PC. All the mindgames you can learn are still there, M/KB doesnt give an innate advatage to PC survivors.
Yes, you will see more killers like Nurse or Huntress, and no you wont't be getting away with as many 360 spins as you used to. But that doesn't mean you are disadvantaged, You aren't trying to throw a hatchet at the Huntress before she does the same to you, the killer using a M/KB doesn't affect your ability to loop or your game sense.
I know most of you are good players, since I was there with you. Crossplay is great for this games activity and playerbase, quick matches and more variety of killers. Please, don't be turned off by 5k hour Nurse horror stories. We PC survivors have to deal with them as well, and we keep playing this game. Calling for blocks with PC will hinder all the effort crossplay is trying to achieve in the first place.
Shhhhh... don't belive him. This is bait.
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PS4 player here
I'm ready to give it a go later after I'm released
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I think you nailed it with the 360 spins being much less effective. Most of these survivors are not going to like losing that crutch, and will likely avoid cross play with a PC if possible
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Thanks for contributing zero value to this discussion.
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I tried it multiple matches as survivor and decided to opt out. Maybe will try again tomorrow. PC survivors are just kissing gens and letting you reach stage 2 or they sandbag you. Killers played like total ######### compared to console killers. Now I'm not saying you have to follow the survivor's rule book for killers, but camping, tunneling and slugging with 1 AFK survivor or at 5 gens is not exactly a good first impression.
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I've only played 2 crossplay games, but so far I've not had any troubles. But I've only played 2 games. And they weren't red rank killers because I've deranked to Green due to not playing much this month due to data caps.
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It’s the frames that make the difference. When you get hit with sloppy butcher and you lose frames and end up running into a wall just to go immediately down. Or when a skill check pops up and it skips 90% of it because it lost frames. That’s what makes the difference. Meanwhile the Pc players watch their skill check glide over like butter knife drenched with butter on toast. Controller has nothing to do with it.
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I'll definitely try it for a while as survivor. I'll try it as killer too but I'm less optimistic about that.
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PC cheaters can play against their own. Also mouse & keyboard, better framerate is way too much of an advantage
I refuse to support cross play if PC is involved
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When I saw crossplay I said straight away I’m turning it off I’m not looking forward to playing against pc players but I’ve left it on and it’s surprisingly ok I have had 3 games and it’s ok so far
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You have a point, that's why this is an important milestone for the game. Going ahead with crossplay opens up more avenues for console players to get extra features, like graphical settings, M&KB support etc. That's why its important people support this going forward.
It will also help to highlight the glaring optimisation issues current consoles face right now, hopefully it will be moved up in Priority now that PC players are exposed to it indirectly.
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You are awesome, this quote actually fits so well. Console survivors will have to relearn what they get away with, just like I did making the swap.
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I've only ever played on the PC with a controller. I hit red ranks normally as a Survivor, highest ever has been Rank 1. I can attribute maybe 5% of my losses to inefficiencies inherent to a controller in a KBM environment, and even that might be high. The overwhelming majority of the time, I lose because I did something dumb.
Give crossplay a chance. It's not that bad. Framerate issues are another kettle of fish, however, and I do empathize there.
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I've come across hackers on PS4, just so you know. So that issue isn't exclusive to PC. For killer yes those two things are very discouraging, but seriously as a survivor you are NOT hampered as much aas you may think.
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Just saying that when I encounter console players I know that game will be at least easier than against PC survivors.
And the games always are easier.
Whether you like it or not, there's a difference between console and PC.
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Nope. Opted out as soon as I saw that crap.
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I play on Switch so my frames are probably the worst of everyone's. Though I'm hoping to gradually move to PS4.
Though I will say that watching Bubba come out of the wall made me think "HACKER" for about 2 seconds before realizing there was a window there.
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Do we know if Switch is up and running with crossplay. I am interested in facing different people. You start to memorize builds people run where I play.
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Ranks reset today too.
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Of course matches are going to be easier at the start. Rank reset just happened today, and the player base has QUADRUPLED in size. Console survivors will find it a shock that killers don't just whiff hits anymore, but over time they will adapt. I didn't magically become superior when I made the switch a while ago, and game sense is not a mechanical skill in the slightest..
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I have the awful feeling that if I activate crossplay my frames will go down the drain and all I will face is Spirits, Nurses and sweaty SWFs
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Why, what are you afraid of?
Explain your reasoning. are you not confident in your skills? Because no mouse and keyboard is going to change how you play survivor, unless you are just too used to killers being hampered on console. Last I checked looping a Wraith around a pallet doesn't require precise accuracy on your part, I actually prefer a controller for survivor BECAUSE I can wrap around loops smoother.
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Actually. Using a controller for survivor movement might be even better than a keyboard due to the analog sticks.
What might throw survivors off is not being able to 360 every single killer they come across, since PC killers don't suffer the terrible performance console killers do. Not to mention the awful aim assist.
So yeah, I don't think console survivors we give away their pinatas so easily.
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It is. I played with my cousin this morning and she's on XBOX One.
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If you are playing killer, I understand you. The devs have been neglecting killer framerates on consoles for too long, so I think its fair if you don't want to face survivors with 60fps, when some console killers are barely hitting 30.
But if you are a survivor, please give it a shot. Nurses can still be outplayed with a controller, and Spirits exist on all platforms anyway. I know most people can adapt if they aren't afraid.
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Is there any way to tell wich platform your teammates are on?
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I understand if you came across frustrating players, but keep in mind that toxic players exist on all platforms. In fact because of the massive playerbase, those toxic players may not have been PC, they could be any platform now.
Keep in mind rank reset just happened too, so your teammates skill will vary a lot anyway.
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Yea Pc vs console makes literally no difference for survivors. The mobility and mindgames are the same. This is yet another thing for entitled survivor mains to whine about.
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Ahhh, so the new 'thing' is attacking people for not wanting to engage in cross play. Yeah that'll encourage people to try it out.
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Is there a way to tell who your playing with ie the platform ? I see the globe but would like to no if it’s pc or Xbox
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Nope. There still are strech resolution abusers, hackers, that program who tells you the killer before a match, game file modifications and the list goes on.
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It's not an attack, it's factual. There is literally nothing to complain about with survivor crossplay, so people make up reasons.
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And where is the basis of this 'factual' data? Are you in possession of everyone else's gaming experience, or have you in fact just made a generalized statement, ignoring issue that others have posted while adding the stock 'Crybaby survivor mains' insult?
At the end of the day, everyone's experiences seem to differ, and honestly who cares if they play crossplay or not? Some will choose to, some won't, why do the latter deserve a personal attack because they choose not to for whatever reason? It boggles the mind as to how many silly reasons people jump on in order to insult the other side.
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I’m a PS4 player and I’m having fun with crossplay tbh
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People opting out of crossplay hurts the wait time. And all of the "reasons" listed I very much doubt are based in fact. I have been playing CONSTANTLY on PC for like two years and have never seen a hacker or exploiter.
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Stretched res mostly disadvantages KILLERS, I'v already said that I think killers opting out is okay. But hackers already exist on both platforms, so you aren't completely safe. The devs have also more securely encrypted their files since the last patch to prevent that program exploit.
And it should be said that PS4 players could already tell who they were up against using PS4 party features, which I believe was patched but worth mentioning.
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Seriously dude you don’t have to worry about hackers, they’re very rare. And that program you’re referring to which tells players the killer doesn’t work anymore since the devs already encrypted the log files.
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If you think the frame rate is "fine" for survivors on consoles you are delusional.
Get hit with Sloppy then tell me it's fine.
[BAD WORD] crossplay. Until DBD runs at a stable 60 FPS on Xbox I'm turning that ######### off.
Post edited by Rizzo on9 -
While I mostly agree with you, you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Insulting people doesn't help to convince them to play with us.
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My FPS for survivor is below 30 FPS for the most part, if they fix that I'm happy to re-enable crossplay for PC as a survivor.
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I tried and No♥️
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Fair enough, I remember SB being notorious for Frame rate for many years. But if more people support crossplay, it will help the Devs see the disparity between platform performance more clearly, and hopefully make it more of a priority than it already should be. I'm mostly discussing balancing differences between platforms, of which I believe is either none to negligible for survivors. All platforms should the ability to PLAY their game, so I understand wholeheartedly if you don't want to opt in while this is not the case with optimisation.
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Actually if we want them to fix the game then turning OFF crossplay would be the way to go. Refuse to use the feature until they fix the game.
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The problem with this is, as per the norm with the DBD community, they'll try it for a few games, have bad games, and "crossplay" will be the scapegoat because nobody in this community can ever accept that they just lose sometimes.
That goes for all platforms.
Killer gets beat by a group of decent solos. Says "sick SWF" in end game chat. Loss validation.
Survivor gets sacrificed. Says "My teammates ######### me" in the end game chat. Loss validation.
Green rank killer gets beat by purple rank survivors, and in the end game chat they say "Stupid matchmaking". Loss validation. Even though survivor rank is so easy there's potatoes in red ranks.
It's a curse of the DBD community. Crossplay will be the new loss validation.
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Play killer on ps4...especially after the latest update and come back and tell us that any one of the ps4 killers give a ######### about your wait time.
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The only difference between a PC killer and console killer is framerate and camera sensitivity.
As OP said, it's not as if going against elite Nurse players is impossible. We don't even really fear Nurse that much on PC anymore. There aren't that many good ones left.
No, you're not going to be 360'ing high end PC killers. They're playing at ridiculously high DPI and maxed mouse sensitivity. But M1 killer looping fundamentals are the same. You're going to have to adjust to how fast they can flick the red stain, but that's about it.
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This is not true. The devs see the disparity already. Console has been promised improved optimization for over 2 years now and it has not happened. This will not make it happen either. It's most likely not going to improve their revenue to improve the console experience so they don't really care about it. Either that or they have nobody who knows how to work with console which I don't believe.
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What platform are you on? I've played on both PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, framerate for survivors were more than adequate for me at the time. I mention this because if your reason is that its unfair for you as survivor, well you can already come across people using better hardware on your main platform anyway, so opting out isn't really avoiding the issue. Feel free to opt out anyway if it isn't manageable for you anyway.
Post edited by ExcelSword on1 -
Usually, you're right. On this forum we have regular diatribes and rants. Positive or not, people will keep spreading misinformation.