Lost DLC

I recently Re downloaded DBD on my PlayStation only to find that almost all the dlc I had purchased is gone and my player level is significantly lower than it was. When I view dlc in my storage it shows all the ones I have purchased in the past locked and I can’t Re download them. When I view them in the store it says I have to pay for them again. As proof that I actually owned these killers it displays the bought skins I used when I played them. Please help I don’t have the money to re buy these killers nor should I have to. I emailed the support team about it but they haven’t got back to me.
Sorry to hear that but skins aren't any proof, I unlocked skins for killers like doctor, legion and plague but I don't own the killers nor the dlcs
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You'll have to delete your cache data on your PS4. It was a bug from a few days ago. Doing that should fix it. Look online on how to delete game data and cache data for a game on PS4.