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General Discussions

We need more black and POC survivors



  • Member Posts: 48

    Might be an unpopular opinion but...

    Forcing diversity for the sake of diversity is bad. Race has an impact on a characters story so make the characters whatever race makes the most sense for that specific character.

    Comparing the amount of killers and survivors of certain races is stupid and inherently racist.

    The racial diversity does not matter unless they outright refuse to include, or undermine, a specific race or races.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    I have never not played a game because my avatar is not a white male.

    I don't care. I have played as a hedgehog, a Ninja turtle, a pellet eater and a Fox ear ahole.

    We get too wrapped up in ######### that doesn't matter for something that is suppose to be an escape from the real world.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    There is no issue at all in regards to character gender/race. Probably the most balanced thing about the game.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I agree, as a survivor main I personally don't care about the color of the survivor and I'm Native American. Whenever I play with Claudettes they usually use iron will or urban and always use the blendette strat. Half of the time Claudettes don't contribute at all, such as not doing gens and hiding. They get hit one time then run away using self-care. I've tried using self-care and I would very much rather have one of my teammates heal me than take a whole decade in a corner doing nothing except be selfish. What I care about most when it comes to the survivors is the perks, not what skin color they are. It's just a game

  • Member Posts: 26

    worrying about forcing diversity is valid tbh! but so far, bhvr have been very good with their characters of color, and put a lot of care and thought into the lore of every character they create. so i feel like asking them to introduce more and different characters of color (and properly confirm existing characters as being of color, such as jake being officially korean, or ace being latino) isn't something to really be worried about.

    i'd also personally love for them to explicitly confirm claudette as autistic, since that's obvious what they were hinting at with her 'being different'. it's OK to say the word! and just more neuro diverse characters in general.

    being rroma myself, i'd like to see a rroma character in the game. we don't get a lot of representation at all, and when we do, it's usually pretty bad and a racist characiture... but bhvr haven't done things like that, so i'd trust them more than others to include my people in their game.

    plus, spreading out and basing more characters on different cultures allows for more mythology to be explored and more customs and folklore! they've done an amazing job with spirit and oni, and the plague, so it would be awesome to see what else they can do.

  • Member Posts: 209

    I don't love how this request is worded- while I broadly agree that more diversity would be better, I actually think this is something that the devs are aware of and working on, so it's not the best accusation to make right now.

    That said: I also really dislike the 'proportion of the population' argument people are making to handwave this topic. Dbd is a. international game, not only in its player base, but also its setting. The idea that either BHVR or the entity should aim to have the game represent ethnic representation within in America/Canada is at best really really boring and at worst... Well y'know.

    Final point: licenced survivors really scew the proportions of representation- quentin, nancy, Steve, Laurie, Ash and bill are bump up the Caucasian population of the game. Of these quentin is meh, but the rest all have some degree of brand recognition which justify their inclusion.

    Tl:dr- to OP- they're visibly working on it.

    To anyone using the phrase 'representative of the population', stop making me cringe and switch your brain on for a change.

  • Member Posts: 26

    the thing is, some of us Do care! such as op, and others in this thread. the game isn't all about the mechanics for everyone, the lore and characters are important to a large part of the fan base as well. so even if it doesn't matter to you, that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to others! and if they did add more characters of color it wouldn't matter to you and the others who only play for the gameplay aspect, right? so that's why op brought it up- we love what the devs have done so far in terms of characters, and would like to see more.

  • Member Posts: 666

    So let's do math their are 22 survivors 8 of are poc which is 36 % that's including licensed survivors if you remove licensed survivors which there are 8 the number of poc drops to 7 and the total number of survivors drops to 14. Geez I wonder what 50%og 14 is .

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    I feel like the population percentage argument isn't for being accurate to something but rather it being a comparison to other things. DBD is about as diverse as other places of the world so unless those places are also problematic this isn't a problem. Do I think the percentage argument has to apply to DBD? No. If they want to make it more diverse than something like Canada thats fine by me.

  • Member Posts: 186

    I think you're confusing Ace with Jake.

    You also left out Feng and Yui.

    Black people are "POC" so you're making an arbitrary line there.

    If we consider original characters only, which we should since BHVR doesn't have creative control over licensed characters, we have 8 white and 6 non-white survivors. On killer side, we have 7 white and 5 non-white characters -- not including Legion, since you could count them either way.

    I would say BHVR/DbD has done a pretty fair job at representation so far. There is an important difference between representation and tokenization, and you seem to be asking for the latter.

  • Member Posts: 444

    She's different as in genius level inttelect high iq

    That's why she's very good at science

    Autism does not = genius level inttelect trust me I wish but that's not what autism does.. Hint I know

    What it actually does is make talking to girls a fkn nightmare.

    Plus autism varys

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Short/Tall would actually mess with balance. That's why that isn't a thing.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Don't worry, there'll be more of non-white skin color in the future.

    The last one was Zarina, and while that was 6 months ago, new Survivors only come once every 3, excluding the exceptional Stranger Things chapter.

    So while you could say: "Wow, it's been 6 months since then!" You could also say: "Oh, it's only been 1 Survivor since then."

    Just don't be excluding white, mkay? 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited August 2020

    You could also say "Basically half the cast on both survivor and killer sides are people of color", so this isn't really a valid concern, and someone just doesn't know how to do the quick maths"

  • Member Posts: 253

    How so?

    They already have this for Killers (such as Plague and Freddy/Legion).

    What benefit does a male survivor have if there is a balance? Because Iron Will exists so making less noise (not always the case as well) isn't a positive and no perk shrinks your frame.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Killers are different. Killers have a terror radius.

    Iron Will and survivors being shorter are not the same thing, and that's a false argument. Iron Will makes you quieter. It doesn't make you potentially invisible if you crouch in a bush - and that's already a thing that happens with certain survivors wearing certain outfits.

    Survivors being shorter or taller would actually mess with balance because the game depends on killers being able to find them. More specifically short survivors. I shouldn't be having to tell you this. It's common sense.

  • Member Posts: 562

    Not to mention hitboxes would be even more weird if heights were changed

  • Member Posts: 158

    You can be glib if you want, but new characters, racial representation regardless, isn't a huge issue in the game right now.

    Do you want new characters to be priority, or the various playability issues the community is constantly concerned with?

    Dbd is a very diverse game and they can work on both, dawg.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    And dollars to donuts, survivors running the "short" survivor would whine when the hitbox is the same size as every other survivor and it looks like they get hit from a mile away.

    Much like people whine about Freddy's lunge; he has the same lunge as every other killer, but since he's smaller, it looks like he just lunged across a football field.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    The cast is already very diverse.

  • Member Posts: 562

    I completely agree. You would have a bunch of short Claudette in black hiding the whole match, then when they get hit cry it's not fair. No thanks, it is not needed here

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    All I want is another black female survivor and I'll die happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    I'd like to see a male hispanic/latino survivor. There's literally not one in the game yet. Or a male arabic survivor would be awesome :D

  • Member Posts: 34

    Ah yes, diversity for the sake of diversity. Gotta check the woke boxes off amirite. ######### off with this #########. Who cares. Play the game and enjoy it, or don't, I don't care.

  • Member Posts: 192

    That wasn't why I wowed. I wowed because that person said OPs request were more important. Not going into detail as it has no place here. All it would do is start an unneeded argument.

  • Member Posts: 189

    Most killers are either deformed, have really dead skin, have a mask and or a suit that covers practically their entire body, changed cause of their powers, or just aren’t human at all

  • Member Posts: 545

    How insecure do you have to be to notice how many people of each race there are in a HECKING VIDEO GAME? And then complain about diversity in a game where there are clearly enough POC characters? Jesus Christ, do you really have nothing better to do?

  • Member Posts: 48

    Not needed at all

    If they add a killer where the main victim is a poc that's fantastic

    But for example with the shape , that survivor must be a white lady

    Bhvr is doing a great job with their survivor diversity

    A native American , /skin Walker killer would be a nice add though

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    The person who you just replied to is the same person you wowed, and unless I'm stupid they're entire comment was about OPs request not being more important than everything.

  • Member Posts: 621

    I honestly couldn't care less about gender or race of survivors, at the end of the day I just want to throw some people on hooks

    and as others have pointed out, forced diversity is bad.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    I don't see the issue. The survivors we have now are already pretty diverse, 3 black, 1 latina, 2 asian, a Lebanese girl. Jake looks pretty dark skinned to me as well, though I'm not sure what his nationality or race is supposed to be. That being said, if the Candyman rumors are true, we will get a new black killer, which would be a first I think, and depending on which Candyman movie they go with for the season, the survivor could be black as well.

    I guess there are a few groups that aren't as well represented yet, a second latino character is not a terrible idea. As someone who is part native American myself, a native American survivor or killer might be cool to see. But I can't say that diversity of the characters is something I care about all that much, I just want to see designs that I like, regardless of the gender or race of said character.

  • Member Posts: 87

    There is already enough racial diversity in this game, more than enough I would say.

    This game needs more GAY characters. Then everyone will be happy and contented.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    My comment got removed as well for pointing out that DBD is already Diverse, if not more so than most other games with half the cast being POC. But defending BHVR for being Diverse is bad, and calling out the OP for being provocative is bad?

    Defending BHVR and pointing out that the games cast is already diverse is also apparently "Discrimination"....

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Anything that even hints that something is racist towards white people is removed, that isn't the correct narrative and you aren't allowed to talk about that.

  • Member Posts: 1,299

    So my post about poc got deleted dunno why though

  • Member Posts: 189

    Yes I know they were humans, but we im saying is we can’t see their skin color/tell what their ethnicity is cause of mutations, their outfit, or just diseases so why does their race/ethnicity matter when we can’t even see it. Also like many others have stated, adding diversity for the sake of diversity is horrible and shouldn’t be done

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    I'm closing this here, the discussion has gone on long enough and the same things are being repeated over and over.

This discussion has been closed.

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