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"They are just friends wanting to play the game and have fun"

This is pretty much every red rank SWF. Either you let them escape and get ######### talked, or you win and get ######### talked. Btw there was no tunneling, I don't get why he even mentioned that tbh.

There was much more said but you get the idea. The people that say "my swf group isnt like this", I find you are either not being truthful or you are in a very small minority. Red ranks are filled with nothing but this salt.

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  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Dude looks like he w as just mad that he lost to what is perceived as one of the weakest killers in the game.

    Considering that the others didn't have a single message, based on how you've covered their names, this may not necessarily be an SWF group.

  • Member Posts: 710

    You answered to your own post

    >red ranks are salty

    A lot of red ranks are really salty whenever they lose, the sweaty swf are thats true

    But NOT every swf is that way

    Beside it can happen to anyone to be entilted and needing to blow some steam

    Either make them even more salty, either report them, but in any case just move on.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    This is your average red rank SWF group? Thats kind of cute.

    Wait until you get the real tryhard:

    This is where the fun begins. I only won this one because we were on Rotten Fields.

  • Member Posts: 445

    OP -- the problem with you and other killer mains on here is that you assume every group you go against is SWF. Apparently, you assume that even when you win. SWF is the minority of players. Toxic ones are a minority within that minority.

    Go to the official DBD Discord server. Play for a whole day as a survivor. Play with different groups throughout the day. Then come back here and complain.

    It seems one way or the other because you are the only killer in your matches for a given day. If you play as survivor in these SWFs I mention, you'll see that it's not as you describe as often as you think.

    SWF has advantages but it also comes with disadvantages. (Again, take up my challenge and you'll see first hand.) You get poor communicators (including those that don't talk at all), you get people with bad mics or thick accents, you get folks that say stuff you don't need to know and omit the things you do, you get those that are know-it-alls shouting at everyone to play their way, and you get people that don't know how to play or that play in a very risky manner. Another factor is the peer pressure. In SWF, you get people screaming at you if you don't save them. There's also a pressure to not let your team down since they can literally call you out on comms. All of these challenges offset the advantages, especially when you consider that it can be distracting. Yes, there are groups that play regularly together and are a well oiled machine, but those again, are a minority.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Pro tip. Turn off chat it's complete cancer. I occasionally play red rank SWF and can say with certainty neither me nor my friends have ever acted this way win or lose.

    There's a difference to playing for fun AND being good at the game and being a toxic sweat squad.

    9/10 times you lose to a SWF its just friends playing normally with the unfair advantage of voice comms. But chances are they were better than you anyway without it. I get accused of SWF constantly even when solo.

  • Member Posts: 3,344

    Of course any group with someone trashy enough to say stuff like that will probably have other trashy people in it.

    Who else would be willing to associate with someone that says stuff like that than another person that thinks there's any time where it's ever the right thing to do?

  • Member Posts: 429

    So what?

    Why is this post needed, what is the point you're trying to prove?

    Trashy people are in both sides tbh and more often than not SWF ends up in a 4k for the killer, sweat squads are somewhat rare in comparison to that and I've had no problems myself with them.

    Close the chat and move on, no point in paying attention to it.

  • Member Posts: 907


    You can check profiles on Steam. So saying that killer mains "assume" is just wrong. And even if you don't check it, there are certain playstyles that are dead give aways that you are facing a swf. Overaltruism for example, where they throw the whole game just to get an unhook (bonuspoints if they blame the killer for it).

    But you list some interesting points, so props to you.

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    This isn’t a SWF issue, it’s a player issue. I’ve received messages like this from solo players too. Whenever I play with friends we don’t send abuse if we lose, we also don’t go out of our way to make the killer have a bad time. It’s just nice being able to play together and know we can rely on each other to get objectives done.

    I actually don’t understand how people get this angry over a game. It’s actually scary to me that people can wish such evil things on a stranger because they got beat.

    I lost a match to a Billy last night (I was playing solo) and after the match he messaged me GG as I put up some really long chases and I replied telling him how much fun I had and how good he was as Billy. Not everybody is a complete dick on this game and can give credit where it’s due. Unfortunately I’m probably in a small percentage. Online gaming just attracts hateful people.

  • Member Posts: 985

    Press the button there and the chat will disappear and you'll never have to care what they write to you.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    While I don’t condone those type of comments.

    You can’t pigeonhole SWF teams in that same nasty behavior category.

    I guarantee you that even if they were randomly queued they would have still been toxic in post chat.

  • Member Posts: 2,803
    edited August 2020

    This isn’t a SWF thing, this is a “person with issues” thing. Plenty of normal people play in SWFs, the kind that don’t wish death upon you and even say gg once in a while. And unstable people also play solo and say awful things.

    Post edited by xenotimebong on
  • Member Posts: 21

    Even if i close that chat window im always curious how mad they are after match. There will always be excuses why its my fault not theirs (when cleary they fkup)

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Theres no "trying" involved. This is simply bad. Attempting to downplay what that person said is what leads to such things being said, and the sentiments of toxicity in general. Many people have fun by hurting others as best they can. Excusing it is almost as bad.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    They try to make all SWF look bad though while this type of person can play this game in any way is not related to SWF.

    no one tried to downplay what that specific person wrote.

  • Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2020

    I'm bouncing between rank 4/5 and probably 90% of 3/4 man SWF (there is always an SWF it's just a matter of how many, 2 3 4? 2 x 2?) I face are exactly like this, I'm frankly surprised they weren't all 1/2. My chat default is closed.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Jeez they have a potty mouth.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    How can we even be sure this was an SWF group? Apparently only one of them even wrote anything in the chat! Normally toxic SWFs back each other up here but this was not the case..

  • Member Posts: 756

    They were SWF, there was much more in the chat I just didnt crop the rest.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    When 4k...i won against swf.

    When lost, swf on comms for sure, can't win this.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Who cares if they're SWF just leave the match at the end and don't stick around if you don't want to deal with that it's quite simple, if you take swf out of the game there won't be a game left

  • Member Posts: 905

    I've had that before lol heck once got accused of tunneling by a guy who was hook farmed twice with me there after I left him alone and killed the one that farmed him twice around 3 gens in and giving him tons and I mean tons of hints I was stalking him from behind

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Re: Survivors.

    I don't value their opinions. I don't hear their voices. I don't know their names.

    They're just meat.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Hope you reported them @MeatBycicle

    Sexy username btw

  • Member Posts: 266

    Swf or not that doesnt matter. The real issue are the people who say these negative things. Hopefully you didnt get hurt by what they said.

  • Member Posts: 445

    What about a profile tells you that the team is SWF for certain? If it's not certain, it's an assumption.

    And play styles are not always a dead giveaway. I played exclusively as solo for 3 years before finally playing SWF a few months ago, and I can tell you that there were many games over those 3 years where solo folks were being way too altruistic. It can be because of challenge or just how they play. It's all an assumption.

    If the team has the same user names and is dressed alike, your assumption is likely a correct one, but it's very difficult to be 100% sure, meaning that all we can say is that we assume based on whatever.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    What does this have to do with swf?

  • Member Posts: 3

    Wow. On console I keep messages off for that reason. I agree though it's a person (or people) with issues doing that though. Enabled by thinking cos it's online it doesn't count.

    Hope you reported it.

    I bet they're not as er "vocal" irl

  • Member Posts: 907

    Checking friendlists. Easiest way to prove if it's an SWF.

  • Member Posts: 9,700

    Most SWF groups are just people trying to have a fun time playing with friends.

    There are SWF groups who will get salty regardless if they won or not just like there are solo survivors who get salty regardless if they won or not. However, Salty players are a minority. People just think salty players are larger than they are because it's easier to remember the post game salt moments and those moments are the ones people are more likely to share online.

  • Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2020

    Ok so they lost and they are salty. Why did you open this topic? Do you want someone to pat you on the back and say you did good?

    Like what's even the point? You won, move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2020

    How is this "enabling the mentality" exactly? There is no stopping this mentality, you will always run into people like this, in any online game out there. Just learn to deal with it and move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,457

    9/10 you're talking to little kids with no life. I have come to conclusion that majority of the player base that talk like this are below the age 18.

    I don't entertain it.

  • Member Posts: 9

    SwF bAd SoLo GoOd.

    this is by far not every SWF in red rank and it can just as well happen in solos :)

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    First of all, it should never get as far as that player took it over “tunneling”. I hope you reported them.

    Secondly, what makes you think this is SWF? Did they say they were SWF? It looks like that player is the only person trash talking.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    You know how to end survivor toxicity? Stop making game being survivor side heavily make it so killer have even making an awful fail 2kills and survs wont be more toxic anymore.

    In my opinion, survive shouldnt be a common thing and definetely SWF is making it easy.

    P.S: No im not a 4k thristy killer I just wanna have fun. If you wanna know why game is surv side in my opiniin I will make a list.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    I see no DS in there, so they shouldn't be bitching about tunneling.

    Not pointing fingers, but disregard their tunneling comments. Imagine bitching about getting tunneled and not using the perk to prevent it.

    That's on them buddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    He's not really enabling anything. People are #########, people play games and people will talk ######### to you because they're mad and wanna feel better about themselves. Just report them and leave. SWF or not people will talk ######### to you

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    0 Decisive's 0 Unbreakables. Ahh the dream.

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