Keys + Hatch

Sciffer Member Posts: 41
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Is there any chance you guys think that this bs ever going to be changed? Now before any of the survivor mains go on their screeching. Idc about mori and noed, remove them for all I care, mori is broken generally speaking and only is fair in my opinion in certain situations, such as against swf that know how to get everything squeezed out of this game. These seem to be some of the biggest complaints I see people make on killer anyways, if not the only complaints along with maybe spirit or some ♥♥♥♥.

Back on topic though, I am quite tired of survivors just losing the game and then go weeheee hatch and key. It's not even an animation that takes a while, it just opens and they jump in. It does not even just save one person, anyone can get it which is if you had a decent game and survivors literally did not ♥♥♥♥ up everything under the sun, then there will be a hatch when 2 people are left. It's frustrating as it is when you literally just got cheated out of 4k by this deus ex machina bs but it can be even worse if they bring a key and a map and are on coms so you know they gonna get out. How is this balanced? How is this ok? The answer is that it's not balanced or is ok, it's total garbage. A killer does not get to bring their friends to help them to play crows or some ♥♥♥♥ that can tell them on coms where survivors are as they fly around, the killer don't get to exploit pallets or vaults or jungle gyms, the killer also don't get 2-3 more people help them hammer a hook to go faster as survivors can on gens, so it would be at least nice that after winning a hard game against a sweat swf you then did not had to deal with them trash talk after they literally just got saved by devs.

PS: thank you for adding cross platform. It might take people moment to adjust but just over all a great move.


  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,760

    There are lots of counters to keys. Franklin's, moris, tunneling (at least once the hatch spawns), etc. I've really never found them to be that big of a deal as killer. Usually if you just play well you will already end up killing the person with the key before they can use it without having to specifically tunnel them. If they happen to use a key, oh well.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, you're at fault for considering a 4k is the true win condition. If survivors have to use a key to escape the game, then you won. You've gotten your pip, probably a kill or 2 too. It's your own goals that make the situation unfair.

    Pallets are not exploited. Its up to you to notice whether you can mindgame the pallet or have to break it. As a killer you can see crows fly away from extremely far away and if thats too hard to do, you have a perk to teach you spot it too. Besides, breakable walls will be implemented retroactively at one point too. Giving killers that too. As for hooks going faster, actually, you do have that ability: get away from the hook and return. There, you went from a 60 second hookstage to a 3 second hookstage. Which is faster than any survivor can do gens.

    The only problem with a key, is if survivors have been absolutely destroying you, they can still use it to ######### on you even more. That problem exists with more things. You as killer can ######### on survivors, and have Pop or Ruin ######### on them even more. Survivors dont have too many things that allow them to use offensively against a killer.

    I do agree that the purple key should be a 1 man escape, the green key should get a buff in the amount of seconds it can be used and the pink key needs to have a reduced timer. But they are averagely balanced. Not perfect, but their requirements for usage is fair enough. This is why people are bitching about Ebony Mori especially, because it only has a use against the sweatiest of teams. But its 6x more common than both purple and pink keys combined. Let me repeat that, you get enough Ebony Mori's to permanently remove all keys in the game by killing everyone early on and still have leftovers. Not even including the fact that there are killer perks that counter keys.

    Essentially, if you see a key, run Franklins 4head.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    I don't feel like bringing franklin's every game is viable in case they find key in a chest. Mori? Everyone seem to hate it and want to delete it so toxic answer is not a good answer. Sure this might not happen every game but why is this even a thing? Last survivor already gets a chance to escape and killer got to slug to even secure 4k. Why is it ok for survivors to also find a button that wins them a game after they just lost said game?

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    I don't actually consider 4k only way to win. 2k is a tie, 3k is victory, 4k is absolute victory. Yes on crows and semi yes on pallets cause unlike survivors you don't just get handed by a map an obvious chase stopper except a few very obvious dead ends.

    On the problem that you have with a key though I entirely disagree. If you already been destroyed, who gives a ######### if they use a key or not? My problem is when you worked hard to get 4k but get denied cause game goes 'nah, they be fine' and give them a key from a chest. Also did you miss the part where I explained how toxic it is on swf that are on coms? Even if you got franklin's all they got to do is ask to pick it back up.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Chests are completely RNG tho, considering Hatch placement is essentially RNG.

    And its not really toxic for SWF to be on comms. Teamwork is extremely strong, but good survivors keep track of where the survivor with a key is. Especially if Franklins is in the game. Comms make it easier to do some things, but the vast majority of cases, an SWF will perform equally to a full random team. Often even worse, because SWF's are altruistic as #########. And trust me if I say that altruism is the downfall to many teams.