New Killer idea

GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55
edited August 2020 in Creations

Ive been playing a few months and have looked over the killers. Ive noticed we have alot of slashers, a a wraith, a demon, and some other monsters, but we dont have a vampire yet. Whether the vampire is an orginal character or from a movie/game/book ip doesnt matter that much. But i think itd be cool to have one and add some more variety to the cast of killers.

Here are some of my ideas on abilities

Power: Ability to turn into a mist, swarm of bats, or maybe even a crowto better blend in with the map. I think it should work similar to how ghost faces stealth works, meaning when in transformed the vampire wont be give off sound or other notifications thats survivors would normally get. I'd say he should get a good speed increase when transformed, but maybe be unable to attack for atleast 1 second after returning to vampire form.

For his normal attack i think it'd be good for him to use his long vampiric claws

For a second ability, perhaps if he hooks or downs an survivor he will be given the option to bite the survivor, which would shave some time off his powers recharge time, but also be immobile while he is drinking the survivors blood.

As far as perks im not entirely sure what would be fitting for a vampire atm, so ill come back to that.

What are your thoughts on a new killer or thoughts on my idea?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • IronAlpha
    IronAlpha Member Posts: 9

    I think a vampire would be cool but Ghostface kind of has a lot of vampire-like attributes.

    Similarly, I think a werewolf killer would be cool. Or maybe a mage with some sort of magic based ability.

    I’d also like to see some sort of archer with projectiles similar to huntress.

    I’m neither creative nor motivated enough to think of any perks though.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i guess if they wanted something drastically different from Ghostface, then instead of transforming and being undetectable, the vampire could have the ability to mesmerize a survivor, which would make the survivor run towards the nearest survivor thus revealing the location of another.

    Although i still like the idea of being able to drink blood from downed survivors to speed up their power recharge time

  • knee_ah
    knee_ah Member Posts: 56

    Such a good Idea!!! I think maybe the vampire can turn into a crow and the crow is screaming ,making noise (not so loud) like normal crows when aproaching so survivors can sometimes tell if he is coming like Pig has her loud breathing, Ghostface his footsteps or jacket sounds . And for second ability after drinking blood maybe the survivors should get slowed down when doing gens,healing etc. and maybe even be oblivious for a few seconds-minutes ( that could be an addon) We can say that the survivors feel dazed ? (Maybe a new effect like Oblivious status effect, endurance or something from BT)

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i like that a d long lasting debuff would be nice, there'd need to be something on the map to remove the debuff though to balance it out, maybe holy water or a cross.

    And yeah while crow transformation isnt traditionally a vampire abililty, i thought itd better fit the game snd would stick out less than bats

  • knee_ah
    knee_ah Member Posts: 56

    Yeah the debuff can probably work like 2 minutes or more with addons or can work like Plague so you can get rid of it by cleansing at a fountain. Though Plague gets advantage by survivor cleansing so idk. If we are choosing something like holy water then this debuff has to be strong or decent bc otherwise survivors are simply not gonna care about it and it'll work like thanatophobia . The killer should be able to bite the survivor after they get downed maybe cuz if it works after they are hooked it's probably not gonna slow down much.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2020

    i guess a perk idea would to slow the survivor down by 8% vanilla, perk1 would up to 12% slowdown, then 18% and finally all the way up to 20%/25%.

    I guess a cross placed on the map would work but some people might not like the religious imagery, so either a holy water pickup or a pool of blessed water would work to remove debuff.

    Or the loss of blood could make them more clumsy, either increasing the rate of generator qte's, increase the speed of qte's or make the success zone smaller.

    edit: i would even increase the length of the debuff to a somewhat obnoxious length of time to try to push the survivor to seek out a cure for the debuff.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I can think of ways to make vampires fun, but we need to be careful with the slippery slope of heavily overused bad guys. First it’s a vampire, then a werewolf of course. But then the floodgates open. What’s to stop us from doing zombies? And heck, how about a dragon? And before you know, DBD has the same cast of characters as every other title out there.

    I’m not saying it’s a bad idea. Obviously these creatures are highly popular for a reason. I’m just saying DBD needs to be careful to maintain its distinction.

    In my opinion they made a mistake by using Demogorgon. Before that, all killer were essentially “human”. With Demo, we have our first “beast”. Now there no argument to prevent others from being introduced. Wolves, spiders, snakes, etc. Any of these could be made into a unique killer, but I believe this would dilute the DBD brand...

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    Id say a vampire is just as human as Freddy Kruger, both were human at one time but are now both something else.

    As far as a dragon, thatd be just way to big and i know its not originally from DnD but one from the that fame is enough lol.

    As far as snakes go... well A medusa like character would be pretty cool imo as well. Spiders would take a little more though to not be generic and im just not that big into Werewolves to come up with any good ideas for them.

    But vampires have tons if different abilities depending on which lore youre drawing from, so i thought itd have lots of potential for diverse gameplay depending on which direction they went with it.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Admittedly, yes, vampires meet the human qualification. My concern is just how common they are in today’s entertainment culture.

    Medusa would be fun, so good mention on that one! Human, horrifying, not overly available everywhere else. check, check, and check! I would absolutely support that one.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    imho, they might be popular atm, but they are rarely done well. Usually over romanticized, but not in the right way and they are rarely all that scary. I think they could definitely come up with some devious looking designs for a vampire, or atleast something scarier than Edward Sparkles.

    As far as medusa, id give her the lower body of a snake and the top half of a human and have the survivors hear a terrifying hiss when she is close.

    Her powers would be hard to not make her op snd stay true to the lore. But im thinking sone the opposite of ghostface shroud. Like the longer uou look at her the slower youll move, not dramatically but enough to make you want avoid looking at her longer than a glancw, which her power could be that she can enhance that ability to make survivors slow down alot maybe up to 50% or just make it a aoe attack.

    As for her normal attack, id say just give her claws or maybe a bow.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    While I agree a vampire would be cool (and have my own vampire idea written up accordingly). This SPECIFIC vampire idea is literally just the wraiths power bust worse and with a cool down.

    Wraiths power:

    * Undetectable and invisible

    * MS increase while power is active

    * Cannot attack while using power

    * Exiting power takes time

    * After exiting power gain a speed boost for a second

    This vampire power:

    * Undetectable

    * MS increase while power is active

    * Cannot attack while using power

    * Exiting power takes time

    * Power has a cool down. Action can be taken to speed up the cooldown

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    That'd probably work out, but i'd like to see a Killer that brought something different rather than just a reskin of another killer

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138


  • potatogamer
    potatogamer Member Posts: 27

    I legit had a dream about this the other month where Dracula was a killer and we got a dope ass castle map I think it'd be really cool, especially the castle part, a nice middle open grounds kinda like midwitch but not as dumb, a big entryway with pillars and stuff, all that jazz

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You don't understand. That's the suggestion you put in the OP put in a point by point form with the flavor removed

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2020

    ok i see, well i wasnt exactly completely set on the transformation power, but id def want to keep some sort of blood drinking mechanic. Another idea i had was give the Vampire a memorize ability that would make the survivor seek out the other nearest survivor so the vampire could follow them and have the opportunity to attack them both, while also cutting down on the amount of time the killer spends searching for other survivors.


    Also i maybe some sort of dash ability would be cool, something like an cooldown ability that alows the Vampire to pass through pallets and such but give it a reasonable cool down time so its not abused. But also allowing the killer to shave off time by drinking blood of survivors

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Blood drinking mechanic on a vampire is absolutely a must. My own vampire concept had one too:

    You could do some kind of vertical movement ability, however free flight wouldn't work due to how map dependent it is as mentioned in the post I just linked since it came up there too.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    hmmm i do like my crow transformation idea, maybe instead of flight he can teleport instantly next to other areas on the map where crows are perched and maybe also have survivors become highlighted when they disturb the crows