Am I camping?

So I had to play Bing Bong for a daily and had 4k even being lvl 1 (rank 10).

Thing is, I received mean message from the 1st survivor I killed, saying bad words and that I was camping.

Usually I hook a guy, go to a gen I know is being work on, kick it and go back to the hook to see if someone showed up... And that was the case several time.

I wonder If I played properly or if it was legit "camping" ? 



  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    Basically what boss said, camping sucks sure but dont let survivors made up rules tell you how to play.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    Hellrossa said:
    So I had to play Bing Bong for a daily and had 4k even being lvl 1 (rank 10).

    Thing is, I received mean message from the 1st survivor I killed, saying bad words and that I was camping.

    Usually I hook a guy, go to a gen I know is being work on, kick it and go back to the hook to see if someone showed up... And that was the case several time.

    I wonder If I played properly or if it was legit "camping" ? 

    It’s your style of gameplay, you shouldn’t have to worry about what other players think because you are not actually harming them. 

    If the dev think camping/tunneling is really ruining the gameplay for survivors then they need to create another objective so that killers do not have to worry about gen rush. 

    SN: I turned my Xbox messages to private because I started to get annoyed with certain messages. 
  • _Trapper
    _Trapper Member Posts: 6
    No it aint camping but if u tunnel the survivor that was hooked they might get mad and send you offensive nonsense. But dw just ignore it and play the way you like
  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    You got a 4k?  Then you played properly
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Don't let survivors shame you into playing by their rules. Camping is part of the game and the devs have said so multiple times.

  • Hellrossa
    Hellrossa Member Posts: 105
    Thanks everyone :) , I was a bit worried
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Sounds like "patrol camping". It sucks but ehhh, as a survivor I'd rather u do that instead of straight up  5 meter camp. Atleast then maybe the meathead who's barreling toward me has a chance to unhook me (fingers crossed for borrowed time but probably not lol)
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    Usually its camping when you kill at least one survivors.

    Just ignore them after game chat, even if you stand 1 cm away from their face on the hook, its still a legit way to play, the devs confirmed that

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    What you did is completely valid. Survivors will complain for everything after game lel
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Why should you even care? Camp or don't camp - in the end it's just another made up rule that you are not obligated to follow.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Camping, in any form, is a viable strategy. Like any strategy, there are ways for survivors to counter it and win. Sounds like those survivors didn't realize that.
  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    Spoiler alert! The generator was 2 feet from the hook hue hue.

    For real camp or no camp it doesn't matter. Just play the game and move on. If you get hate mail just tell them GG, if you wanna tease them then say "You're the worst piñata, all salt and no candy"
  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    Oblitiry said:
    Spoiler alert! The generator was 2 feet from the hook hue hue.

    For real camp or no camp it doesn't matter. Just play the game and move on. If you get hate mail just tell them GG, if you wanna tease them then say "You're the worst piñata, all salt and no candy"
    Using that quote by now LOL
  • Hellrossa
    Hellrossa Member Posts: 105

    @Oblitiry said:
    Spoiler alert! The generator was 2 feet from the hook hue hue.

    For real camp or no camp it doesn't matter. Just play the game and move on. If you get hate mail just tell them GG, if you wanna tease them then say "You're the worst piñata, all salt and no candy"

    haha I love that quote. Indeed the gen wasn't that far, and bing bong is fast while cloaked ^^

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    Sometimes survivors don't even use the term "camper" properly anyway. I was called a Facecamper.. when I literally ran the furthest away possible before they got rescued.. like what? Does camping mean I stayed on the map these days? 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Spoiler Alert : You are always camping. Somehow, someway, you are camping. Even if you blink off the map as Nurse after hooking someone. 

    (Yes, I’ve done that. My TR was near where I hooked the guy in the basement, after I Blinked and somehow wound up underneath the map. I was called a camper after cause nobody would go to the basement to save them cause they heard the heartbeat.)
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    because you went to that Gen and back you wasn't camping but proxy camping instead 

  • Didn't you know if you're within 30m of the hook you're a camping scumbag?

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Haha I've been called a camper and a gen camper before one basement hook Sa a scratch near it so checked in case they was there was not I got accused of camping and one was gen camping (I lobbied onto my game and I was in a party chat with some survivors I met earlier in the day they was on there alts and lol once we realized we was in the same match we started mind gaming each other and even they said 3 gens in a row is not gen camping if I check each one regularly for people on it
  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134
    edited October 2018
    No that isn't camping. Usually by the time the terror radius is gone someone is there for the unhook, but If I catch someone else while checking the gens being worked I'll go for them and catch the guy who was saved later. At that point there is usually just one guy who can be working on a gen. None if both go for the save/heal. If I don't see anyone I'll make my way back toward the hook. Usually in time for the save. Depending on the situation and I might go for the injured guy to start eliminating survivors but usually I try to go for the guy who made the save. That's where make your choice would come in handy.
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    If you're still on the map, some survivors will say you are camping...
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I f you get 4k and less then 20000bp you might wanna re-think your playstyle.

  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    @Hellrossa said:
    So I had to play Bing Bong for a daily and had 4k even being lvl 1 (rank 10).

    Thing is, I received mean message from the 1st survivor I killed, saying bad words and that I was camping.

    Usually I hook a guy, go to a gen I know is being work on, kick it and go back to the hook to see if someone showed up... And that was the case several time.

    I wonder If I played properly or if it was legit "camping" ? 


    That's not camping. That's simply checking if someone showed up, patrolling. You were even nice to do it like that considering how survivors always behave.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    who cares?
    camping is a strategy. it has its ups and downs, if you used it and you were succesfull, congrats.
    when your the killer, DO NOT let the survivors tell you how to play. if you played like they've wanted you too, not a single one would have died.
    so just play the game the way YOU want to play, and if your playstyle helps you completing your objective, then use it.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    I f you get 4k and less then 20000bp you might wanna re-think your playstyle.

    No offense, however I’ve had matches where Survivors legit hook rushed me in the basement as Leatherface. This was Rank 16 mind you (before the new rank reset rules) and I downed all 3 in one fell swoop and killed them all... 16k points... not really a whole lot I could have done to stop that...
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @SovererignKing I don't mean cases like this or ebony mori everyone after the first hook. I'm pretty sure you know where I'm getting at.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    You stayed on the map after the hook, so obviously you were camping.