to much cheating and boosting on here
I been running into alot of boosters and cheaters recently, especially after the cross platform with pc started, and its driving me nuts, i can't just report people and send video evidence everytime i come across 1, because its happening all the time now, and its a waste of time to get the recording on a flash drive, upload the video, and then send it to the devs, its annoying, why can't you guys do your part by having the server record it like most games, black ops games has a theater mode that Activition use to use to spot cheaters and booster, like its constantly recording, send a report, activition would look into mine or the offenders theater mode, the cheaters and boosters are annoying and ruining my gaming experience, but sending evidence everytime, and i mean everytime, as often as i see them now, its just a waste of time, can you just try to find another method of a faster way of spotting these people, because i don't have that much time on my hands to report and send evidence of 1 by 1 offenders
Are you sure about those cheaters though?
cross play is just several hours activated and I have seen maybe 3 cheaters on steam version in 2 years..
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oh yes I'm sure, 2 different matches today people seem to have the most amazing reach with there melee weapon, and they wasn't no where close to me
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Sound more like lag though?
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thats a thing, i wasn't lagging, besides, im running 400mbps or close to it since suddenlink won't let get my full speed
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hitreg is killer sided.
if they got the hit on their screen, they got it on yours aswell.
what you are describing here arent cheats, but bad latency.
dont worry though, the devs are working on server sided hit registration
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There are cheaters on console also but I'm sure he's probably having immense fps drops from the console shitting itself in these servers , hopefully once it's up and running a few days with them tweaking things in the background it will go away or reduce it but I've personally only had like 2 matches where I could see why he would say that
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Doesn’t have to be you. Hit detection is based mostly on killer side. They want to implement server-aided hit detection to prevent those laggy hits caused by bad killer ping
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It’s possible. I’m pretty sure I did catch a speed hacker during a match as Oni today. Was walking towards the gen they were working on and saw her zoom behind a rock at an ungodly speed. I wasn’t sure if it was lag or not, but it happened again a few minutes later. She crouched behind a rock and when I went over to check, she was completely gone. It wasn’t Urban Evasion because I checked all around the rock to make sure and I didn’t see any scratch marks. She ended up escaping with a key in the end. :/
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Well... I play on PS4 (and on PC, but on PS4 for the trophies now) and the moment crossplay got enabled and I got back from dinner right after that, I got nothing more than lagspikes in my games. Didn't matter if I played killer or survivor.
So yeah, I disabled the crossplay.
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speed hacks, i thought they teleport
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Had one today as well.
Everyone had red pings (one of the signs the killer is using hacks (though not always)), the killer knew exactly where we were despite not running any perks for that, and he moved faster than he should (again, no perks for that, no addons)
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That's lag bro. Cheaters on PC are REALLY DAMN OBVIOUS.
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but there are other kinds of cheaters besides hacking though, people can cheat in voice chat, glitching, or other stuff, and boosting actually does count as cheating as well, even though they separated that report from cheating and exploits
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I can second that. PC has always had issues with folks running crap in the background to give them an edge. The platform is notorious for it across all games. If there’s a will, there’s a way. DEVS looking the other way because crossplay has virtually eliminated their que problems.
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That's called "lag".
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Cross play between Consoles and PC is live now?
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how did you get the cage on your profile?
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Only if they want to be.
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I told a guy that saying "this game has to many white people" is a racist thing to say, so they gave me some kind of semi-ban.
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wow, devs semi-ban you for that? who would've known that the devs side with a racist, if thats the case, i would try contacting someone about it if i was you, because i don't like racism, and i also don't like companys banning people because of you race, gender, or orientation
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have you contacted anyone about that?
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lovely, ran into another booster working for the killer, im deleting this piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you devs need to do better than this
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Lol, there’s definitely been a lot more lag since yesterday.... don’t assume people are boosting or cheating. My connection’s usually really good. Today? Ping’s great - connection’s great... I’ve tested it. still getting lag spikes as killer. I hit a meg who was in front of me, when I went to pick her up, it made the vault sound and she was over the wall - still downed. They need to make some changes and fast.
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report system should be enough, if you want a god dam evidence then get it by yourself, boosting and cheating is a waste enough of my time, saving the recording, making sure if its small enough or not, if its not small enough, i have to go through all the trouble posting on my youtube channel, make it unlisted, and send the god dam link, if you guys can't figure away to monator this piece of garbage of a game with your technology or what ever, then you should just quit, i don't give a crap if this gets me banned or not, but you had this compliment coming for a long god dam time, fix your god dam system
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oh smart boy here, im not assuming jack squat, i just ran into a dam booster working for the killer giving out my location, the killer wasn't even attacking the noob, and that noob followed me everywhere having that killer follow him, don't accuse me of assuming, because im clearly not, i know ######### im talking about, and so does the devs
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Umm that’s not cheats that’s lag my dude either you or those killers have bad connection
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That’s related to latency, not cheating. Seems like you don’t know how to differentiate those things.
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Also, you need to chill. Why are you so angry??
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i guess im going back to call of duty and rainbow six since they monitor there games, unlike dead by daylight
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chill? im done with chlling bro, devs should've had this issue took'n care of long time ago
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maybe i should post a video 1 more time to prove to you of what i had to deal with, and make it public
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and i can tell you that the devs ain't doing crap because i look at my video, and 1 of them didn't get a view
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top 2, if you can see, they don't give a crap, i even sent the devs a link of my video to
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So I checked your YT channel and your latest video is from a week ago titled “Dead by Daylight possibly a wall hacking cheater”. Can you clarify what led you to think this killer was cheating and why you reported him for exploiting? I just want to understand because it’s not clear.
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but i made my other videos public
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last 1 be up soon enough
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there we go, my video is now live, take a look at this, watch at the very beginning to see who is who first, so you know what to expect once you come across them
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This to me is an example of a killer that either hasn't played in a couple months getting back into the game or who deranked for some easier matches and using bitter murmur and spies from the shadows to find people since they probably don't have BBQ on PH yet. The first time they were found the killer walked right past their hiding spot, and with them being injured it makes it easier to find people especially when they're not using iron will. Nothing about that clip was suspicious in the slightest other than someone being bitter enough about losing that they immediately reported the killer before seeing the killers perks to figure out why they were found so quickly.
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I just saw this one and it honestly seemed like a normal game to me. Yes the Claudette was trolling and I would be very annoyed too but there were no cheats. I thought you had evidence of a players hacking and such.
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I've played DBD for 350 hours now (and I don't leave my game logged in to rack up in-game hours like some people) and only come across a hacker ONCE.
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My exact thoughts. And yes he reported the killer right away, didn’t even wait for the match to end.
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just because you have a good upload or download to some site, it's not the same as no lag while you are playing. there is much more that can happen and cause you to lag while you are playing. I have 1 gig up and down and I get very little lag but i've noticed it happening on some image intensive maps. ALSO the killer or survivor can be lagging (which ever you aren't) and cause the same thing...
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its because he found me so easily without proper perks
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Same for me but just 2
These OPs are just trying to exclude from crossplay PC with any excuse invented
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there's no need to wait, they where working for each other, that all the info i need