Pc players, humble the console swfs now that crossplay is here

With the arrival of cross play, all the crazy pc nurses, pc spirits and a bunch of other killers that are better on pc now have their chance to show toxic console survivors the real world. So PC players, humble these hyper toxic console survivors.
I will say, I have never see so many twinked out survivors until now. A cross-play spray can Nea, with OoO, DS, Deadhard, Andren that's rank 13 with 2 other purples.
Luckily Huntress does just fine with hatchets on most Autohaven maps.
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hyper toxic survivors in general are easy to deal with because most of them are just dumb with no skill
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Lol I dount it but let's see..I think you discredit console killers too much..they just are unfairly handicapped
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I had 3 no mither noobs (they just went down one by one). Good thing I take WGLF, I got at least stacks.
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They def are handicapped, they also have a far harder time using killers survivors dislike, like deathslinger, huntress, nurse, and even spirit to an extent because pc spirits get to mess around with settings for the optimal experience
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Fun to run over them, ~ 5 games today and none have good experience against nurses 😂
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I would, but the "lag" has been destroying Plague more than normal.
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I haven’t seen any toxic SWFs yet to be fair, just cuties that do stuff like take a hit and use the speed boost to run into the basement. :(
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Yeah I've had the game crash out several times since cross play was introduced right when the match starts to go badly for the opposition. Very suspicious indeed.
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It must be a pc bug, i was playing with 3 PC friends and their games crashed a lot before the match started.
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Smart survivors will just click off of cross play.
Match pc players vs console players gives pc players a clear advantage.
This is clearly shown as nurse is a god on pc and not so much on console.
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No, I haven't had that, I was just talking about her terrible server-sided hit registration that I really hope they aren't basing the server hit validation on. It sound alike you're experiencing a crossplay bug that might need reported
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I'm already doing it. I've been trained by the nastiest players PC has to offer, thus far I've stomped the console players.
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As someone who plays on both PS4 and PC. I think your overestimating PC players by a long shot.
Most of my friends so far are unimpressed with the crossplay. They see even more of the less than skilled players. Assuming there all console players is a joke 🤣
The only killers who really get a buff between PC and console are Nurse, Clown, Huntress, Plague, Slinger, and Legion.
Enjoy that superiority complex you got going though.
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Well take it from me..they are all possible..just harder
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Yeah, a PC bug introduced after console players infected the game with their jank. lol
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Sure buddy
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I had a game as Nurse against 4 Console survivors. The first 20 seconds it went clicky a bit, then it was silence and scream for the rest of the game as usual :P
It was an honor to show them Nurse. I guess we will see a lot more complains about her in the near future, once console players realise what Nurse really is ;)
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Those are precisely the killers I mean that will bully survivors, of course there are pepega pc players, but there are also very strong pc players which are on average more than our very strong console players
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love it lol. looking forward to introducing my bone saw to them myself but they keep on disconnecting 😑
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Worded it better than i could.
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Don't worry my friend, I got your back. Just had a game full red rank 4 man swf with Object (all console players) and the full meta perk setup with 3 flashlights vs my Deathslinger and oh boy it was fun, they very obviously had no idea how to deal with a Slinger who could actually aim. Needless to say it was a 4k.
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As a PS4 player, I look forward to the day I encounter you and your beautiful Nurse. Console Nurses are too easy to beat and Nurse is a favourite of mine to go against, so hopefully we will meet in the fog soon! 😀
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You people act like console players were never aware that pc nurses exist and are scary to face.
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I haven't seen any toxic console survivors but to fair most of them only complete 1 gen before all dying.
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Already did a few times, no gens to 1 gen done against my oni without camping or anything.
But I was a ps4 player, so I'm just teaching them how scary pc players can be.
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won every match against them so far so im doing my part
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Or, you know, I can just continue to play for fun and hope my console opponents also have fun so too many of them don't disable cross-play and I have to sit in lobby simulator again as a PC killer.
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So let me get this right. You get cross play, which increases que times and might improve things a bit, and your first response is to purposly rally people to go out and teach people a lesson for daring to make the best of the platform they are on.
To directly quote you on another thread.....
"the things we were talking about was about the pc killer mains making console survivors miserable"
A good portion of console players are opting out due to FPS issues. Keep up this kind of attitude and the players that have decided to stick it out will just not bother. And I'm not talking about you winning or knowing you have an advantage, I'm talking about the general attitude. Because nothing will make console players feel unwelcome more than crap like this thread, making the opt-out button far more desirable.
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I still haven't met a single console toxic survivor. Most of them are actually kind of sweet. Baby dweets
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I ran into one, it was a David. He wasn't as skilled as he thought he was.
I've been going easy on them and giving hatch or door. I don't know if its console players being weaker, or I'm just so used to the 12k combined hour survivor teams that people in purple ranks just don't stand a chance. I will know more when I go against the red rank console players.
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I like the crossplay it's cool to play with different platforms. Even with the pc player's superiority complex I still enjoy my time playing as a console user while on crossplay and proud of it. So, continue to disrespect console users if it makes you guys feel content because quite frankly it doesnt phase me in any way I have too much pride for that. Let it be known, period.
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I play at red ranks, but maybe it's a region thing. They are chill, i'm considering to stop playing nurse
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By no means, at least my comment, was meant to disrespect people on console. Actually a compliment, you are more pleasant to play against (from my experience). I can play more casual which is amazing, I even let people escape
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Oh no I'm not centering this on you, just others who seem to belittle console players on this thread.
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I didn't even realize they were a swf until I saw their perks. That was easy I guess...
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So lucky. I ran into a bunch of them going clicky clicky with their lanterns. Slaughtered them all as Wraith so you can imagine how skilled they actually were :/
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Wow pc killers have such ego lmfao
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We all know what you did to achieve that result on that killer.
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I honestly hope that all console players turn off cross play because this some toxic egotistical nonsense. If you pc guys are so good maybe you should stick to pc and instead going out of your way to ruin others who just want to have a good time and by that i mean a fair time where there is a chance for both parties to have fun/win not just a one sided beat down. Every console player i ran into last night has already turned cross play off and thats because all the pc people who felt they need to come and prove they superior ruined the game for them.
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After a full evening of crossplay, i'm pretty convinced PC players are not the master race you try to make everyone believe you are. You guys eat the T-bags just like console killers lol.
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I played quite a bit of survivor yesterday. PC killers didn't feel like they were any different than the PS4 players. Well actually they were, because they kept DCing whenever they were losing at a much higher rate than Killers playing on console. 3 DC's in a row at one point.
Also I got to red ranks as survivor and killer using a controller on PC in no time. The only killer who gets a massive leap from being a joke (In some cases) to truly scary is the Nurse from console to PC. A few get better sure, but not enough to really make me care. The PC apocalypse from cross play is highly overrated. I'll be keeping it on, I want to face more good Nurse players.~ More fun than Spirits and Freddy to be honest.
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Something people need to really keep in mind is that you have no idea if someone is playing on PC or not, you only know if they are a different platform than yourself so keep that in mind when you say silly things like "lulz I dunked on PC killers all night!" For all you know you were dunking on Switch killers all night. Idk how it is on console, but an actual good rank 1 killer is something to be scared off no matter what killer they are playing, because you will struggle all game even if you do escape. TLDR: Keep the arrogance down, you have no idea what platform they are playing on.
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Camp and tunnel? Nope. The closest I got to camping was placing 1 trap at the hook. The console scrubs just didn't know how to crouch.
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Damn some of you are already missing your long killer queues aren't ya
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You know that not all survivors are in any way, shape or form toxic, right?
Your post makes you seem like the type of PC elitist that the average console casual (like myself) bring up whenever we share issues with PC gaming.
By all means, go and destroy TOXIC console players, or just toxic players in general, but most of us are here for fun. If we don't annoy you, don't grief us.
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But....but....whats the point of having a massive, superior E-Peen if they can't swing it around???!!
Oh the humanity!
But seriously as i mentioned before, this is just a good way to chase away the console players that do want to try out cross play. Because the message im seeing in this post is.
"Lets put those console survivors in their place. Who cares if they are really toxic, we have to show our massive PC boners of eliteness so that they know whats what and....wait...where are you all going?!"
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sounds like some trolls need to be reminded that they are PLAYING A VIDEO GAME IN THEIR BASEMENT. For everybody else, try to have fun when you play, and never mind the bollocks.
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yeah, maybe "dumb" is too offensive. anyway altruistic&toxic swf are easy to go against (for me)