Console Survivors, please at least try the crossplay...



  • sherman
    sherman Member Posts: 8

    I play on Switch and the matches I'm getting are outrageous. I was so excited to play against Freddys and Quentins and in Badham Preschool for the first time ever. But with the matches I'm playing, it's not worth it. We just aren't meant to play against high fps PC players on our tiny handheld devices. I play on a monitor still but it's just not the same anymore. I can't loop cause M1'ing is so easy, and the opposite for playing for killer. Everyone just has stretched res and hug the wall AS TIGHT as they can and we're just not used to it. Ranks are being spot on in matches. but with the difference between platforms WE NEED the MMR. Console players I feel are so much more casual (but still more toxic sometimes), and care less about skill.

    It's just a buff for PC and a huge nerf for console. We're kinda forced to opt out and then get kicked with longer queue times whereas PC gets to kick everyone's butt. I get that console players can still be better by all means but in a general sense we're just weaker. For an especially small console like the Switch, we just want to play what we normally know. And the skill bar for PC is much higher. I've been willing to try lots of games, but I'm better off quitting for a while.

  • dumpmasta
    dumpmasta Member Posts: 7

    that's the spirit! I'm taking the same perspective and hoping to elevate my sucky gameplay!

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    I'm on PC and don't want to enable crossplay for the simple reason that I feel like console teammates will be a hindrance to my games because the reduced frames and movement. It's bad enough I'll get potato mates on PC, why make the pool bigger?

    This is coming from someone who has been an Xbox gamer for years and only just built my PC last year, so.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    I feel for you. I went against a red rank Ghostface who was obviously on switch. We obliterated the poor guy. Unfair as hell.

  • KiPi
    KiPi Member Posts: 43

    Idk about your matches but I kinda feel offended about that 'Everyone just has stretched res' as I never used it and never will. Never used/enabled anything. Do not throw us all into that bucket pls...

    How do you even know that for sure? From my point of view it can only be an assumption.

    Nontheless I can understand some complaints like the FPS issues for example. That is a huge no-go and even without crossplay quite the funkiller.

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    From what i saw there's not a huge difference. For the killer you face there's a huge difference. It's alot harder to play billy/nurse on console. Most of the time it's been a stomp.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I played this morning on my PS4.

    Let's say from a Rank 1 Spirit I was Rank 20 and my Meg was Rank 20 as well. I haven't played in months on PS4 since I switched to PC.

    It was pretty fun, but I'm not going to spend my time and test cross play to Red Ranks so I'll stick to PC. It's smoother.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I haven't read any replies, I just want to leave my thoughts as a console player which right now usually play killer but spent a loooot of hours playing survivors as well:

    there is no downsides in crossplay, game play wise, not for killer, not for survivors. The reason is that this is an asymmetrical game and survivors have a decent frame rate on console, meaning that

    1. having a mouse and keyboard is really useful only for the killers - but since they won't face other killers that advantage is completely lost on the inherent game design
    2. console killers will struggle to face 360s in the same exact way

    In fact I will possibly be unpopular when I say that console killers will have an easier time against pc survivors, and let me elaborate on this:

    console killers are used to face every possible juke available in the game, because console survivors learned to exploit our awful framerate to their advantage. They don't even have to know that this is the case, they just know that moving quickly left and right and/or 360ing is more often than not absolutely enough to literally disappear from the killer POV. This is something that PC survivors are not usually doing because it just doesn't work when the killer has a decent frame rate.

    So what did console killer learn, to face this kind of survivors? Looping, mind-gaming and pathing - which are the same things that PC survivors learned to try and escape a killer. And it all comes down to this: if PC survivors are not trying to juke you at every corner (and, from what I saw today, that's exactly what is not happening), we can track them much, much more easily.

    Console survivors on the other hand will need to (finally) learn how to properly optimise the tiles instead of relying on senseless jukes, which again is absolutely possible without mouse and keyboard and with console frame rate.

    I'm confident devs won't go back on their decision this time.

    TL;DR - from a console player POV, cross play is good and we're gonna kick your ass, dirty PC peasants 😎🥕

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I did a few cross play matches, it definitely felt choppy. I was curious about disabling it and to my surprise, zero delay in matchmaking. Was no different than yesterday. A lot of people I've met and spoken to indicated they've disabled it because of the perceived Advantage for PC killers.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    Framerate will never be fixed on consoles. It hasn't been fixed fir 2 years and it isn't going to magically get fixed now. I don't see why people magically think because crossplay is a thing that optomizaqtion will happen. Its just a small fix to queue times. Until they fix the framerate (which they won't), many people and myself will keep it off

  • DurkaDurka
    DurkaDurka Member Posts: 29

    Yea, overall this is definitely a positive thing for the game and us console players. (I'm on PS4). I tried out a few survivor games to see how quick matchmaking was and to my surprise, it did actually seem to place me in lobbies faster. (Thank God, sometimes I wonder why any of us kept playing when matches took 15 minutes to start). Fwiw I'm currently rank 2 survivor and rank 1 killer.

    The only major disparities I can foresee will be playing against huntress, deathslinger, nurse, and maybe plague. I did go against a PC huntress for the first time, and it was without a doubt the hardest huntress I've ever played, as she was making pinpoint shots. But so be it...console players can adjust, it's not the end of the world and it'll be fun to go against a new player base.

    Also PC survivors may have an easier time quickly glancing behind them while in chase, but again, not really a huge deal.

    One BIG downside I've been experiencing though. Frame rates on DBD have already been worse than any other game I play on PS4. Today playing with crossplay, it seems to have gone from really bad to even worse. Like so few frames that it actually strains my eyes, even when playing as survivors. This is an issue that's usually worse while playing killer.

    I really, really hope the poor frame rate issue has a solution in sight, or even just a dev update would be great. Other than that, cross play should be a solid addition to this game and I'm glad they were able to enable it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i have this game on steam and ps4 i suck as killer on steam rank welp 20 now could make it to 16 or 17,on ps4 i pretty good killer rank 5 to 6 so what the different now for killer?

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,716
    edited August 2020

    I've played a few a matches now as survivor and I haven't noticed any difference in other survivors. Some are good, bad, stealthy or aggressive, it's no different from normal.

    I've played against one crossplay spirit on the lab and all 4 of us got out. She wasn't bad or great. She was fairly on point with her phasing but dead hard to extend chases that little bit and that everyone was all over the gens helped quite a bit.

    The biggest issue though is the massive frame issues now and then, even more then normal which has to get sorted. Had a legion down me at a rather safe pallet even when I knew where he was coming from. I didn't even get hit through the pallet, I just got downed before I could even throw it. He just kind of slid at me really quickly and I was dead. The killer wasn't even a pc killer either it was on ps4 with a couple other crossplay surviors.

    I'm looking forward to crossplay and getting better at the game but I might have to turn it off if these weird frame spikes are going to be the norm. :/

    Edit: I've played some more games and so far it was only one match where it had strange lag spikes. I still get lag spikes, frame drops and bad hits now and then but its the normal ones I'd get anyway. So, yeah, I am enjoying it so far.

    Post edited by ohheyitsbobcat on
  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    The longer the game is out and the more new players that join crossplay will have faster and faster queues since it's default and most ppl won't know to turn it off once it's off the news section.

    So eventually most ppl will be forced to enable it or face longer queues muahahaha. Gotta man up and face us eventually console players. 😄

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I have to admit playing clown against console players is pretty bad, you hit them with a bottle the a m1 and you can just see the frames disappearing from their screens as they fly into a tree

    the second down comes quickly after that.

    fix the optimization then bring in crossplay

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    So far, queue times are still the same at night, waiting at least 10 mins for a match

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I played a dozen games. The frame rate was some how worse as was my que times. I opted out for shorter que times on PS4.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 955

    I recently just wanted to do a daily. Legitimately. It was for The Clown who I haven't played as since before his "buff"? And I'm not really into this crossplay but I was going to give it a chance.

    And..... 3 games into Crossplay. Me on Xbox..

    I get this...

    Why? How do you even lag switch? I mean I heard of this term but dunno crud about it. (Not to mention I only replied once before being accused as suspicious)

    And they're still texting me after this. I had 1 stinking kill. And they were on YouTube apparently when they texted. While I was minding my own dbd business.

    Are we gonna be getting accused of hacking and lagging now? I normally like to keep texting allowed. I wonder if anyone else gets this?

  • Merle
    Merle Member Posts: 6

    The last few comments are mostly about the frame difference. Yes it´s an advantage for those who have more FPS on their platform. And I think, they will never come to that point that you have as many frames in dbd as in other games on your platform.

    Or maybe they are just working very slow.... If I started the game few weeks ago, there was the old intro with the raven and the lockers and it was so incedible laggy that you only saw a slideshow of pictures and couldn´t skip it fast. They fixed it with the new intro when you starting the game, it´s okay now and you can skip it instantly. But I mean the offerings are still just colored squares and you only can guess what it is, I think fixing this issue is much easier than changing the intro, but they didn´t do that.

    I don´t know why, but I feel no big difference when I played on PC with PC players and on Switch with Switch players, but with crossplay of course. On a standard-low PC that I own I was used to have hard FPS drops randomly ingame, but I guess it´s still better because most time ingame you still have more FPS than on console. I don´t want to think about playing with a good graphic card and a little bit more ram. On Switch it was (not anymore since crossplay) a constant low FPS rate, I got used to it, everybody have the same hardware and software and I resigned that FPS are low, but they didn´t dropped at any point ingame and it run smoothly.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    The option to lower the settings helps increase FPS better than the crap console gets. The option is there and they also can upgrade their PC to get decent frames. I’m not talking 200FPS but at least a consistent 60FPS is way better than what console has right now. Console can’t do anything about it. Only thing console can do is hope BHVR fixes it.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Quick matches? Yeah I think not. I literally have been waiting to the equivalent of time without crossplay. But yeah I do agree with giving crossplay a go. Just enjoy yourselves no need to be alpha survivor or killer like the rest of the bandwagoners.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I enjoy the new crossplay feature, I think it was a great addition to the game and all these people opting out will start to feel the que times soon enough. Remember folks, this is literally day 1 of this feature.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Not everyone on PC plays with stretched resolution. I don’t and I know a lot of other players who don’t. Just so you know, so many PC players are against stretched res.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 955

    That last sentence of yours is where things get complicated. More often than not, it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so by the hundreds of other players who, aren't so humbled in their gaming. The competitive advantage is of the mindset that they're MLG Players they believe.

    Rare to come across anyone in their own platform a player who plays for fun unless they already know the players they are having fun with.

    But then again, I'm a solo player. With casual Tendencies. Who never learns to turn off texts messages post game 😖🤷‍♂️

  • HolyLadyGaga
    HolyLadyGaga Member Posts: 51

    Funny how console players think every PC player is a god survivor/killer. If you have a problem with playing with a variety of platforms then OPT out, it's not a hard concept to grasp. I'm not shocked at the amount of complaints that have been coming in, BHVR can never win. There will always be something to complain about. I've been enjoying the fast killer queues! Survivor queues are really long but that's because everyone wants to play with their friends (I don't blame them). There's more to a game then just consistently complaining about a feature that you can turn off.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Im sorry im nervous and i don't trust it

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    Keyboard and Mouse have little to nil effect for a survivor. If you wanna opt out as killer, fine. But you are not disadvantaged as a survivor with a controller.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    I respectfully disagree @ExcelSword, also forgot to mention the ease of access to third-party programs. There's just so much more you can do on a PC, because consoles are solely designed for gaming/videos and that's it...I just don't trust it.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited August 2020

    "With a controller and relatively stable framerate, you have near the same skill floors and ceilings as PC survivors."

    Survivors on Console do not have a stable framerate.

    Frames can get janky when a Hex Totem breaks, Noed activates, a gen pops, Get hit by freddy, go to pull someone off the hook, vaulting...

    Frames get bad when you: get hit with Sloppy, Get hit by Madness, Enter Clown Gas, Dead Hard, Spin the camera too fast...

    There are more, these are just examples.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I tried it and I love it. The only thing I noticed is that there has been an increase of survivor teammates that just crouch around everywhere.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393
    edited August 2020

    If I'm being honest, I was blown away at how bad most of the console survivors were. No, I'm not trying to be provocative or mean. I kept thinking I was being matched against rank 15s. I started taking the foot off the pedal. I stood mid-field on 4 matches and let them get a few gens done before finishing them. Out of 11 matches, there were 7 where I had everyone on death hook by the time 1 gen was done. Don't get me wrong, it was nice not hearing gens popping off like the 4th of July, but I felt dirty destroying these teams. Then I get to post game and see they are all red rank console survivors?! WTH?! You meet the occasional boosted survivor....20% of the time on PC, but there were less than 5 times I got in a chase where I felt I needed to focus and mind game some.

    Keep in mind, I was running Trapper, Pig, Hag. Not like I had Nurse/Spirit/Billy out....Though I only gave one hatch, I did play very laid back and let them get some gens done. It just seems console survivors are used to being able to 360 and loop killers and therefore don't focus as hard on gens. They constantly tried to 360, every-single-match. It was shooting fish in a barrel. They did not mind game as much, instead trying to rely on a 360 or a timed Dead Hard...which most PC killers know to wait for.

    Is it the frame rate issue for console killers that creates a false sense of security for console survivors? I feel bad for PC solo survivors right now. It has to be frustrating. I saw someone say that PC survivors will bang away a gen and let you stage 2.....yeah, it's sometimes the right thing to do. Especially facing a forever Freddy who is tunneling or a Stridor Spirit. You get the gen done, put pressure on the killer, then go for rescue. It is all situational.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Regarding your TLDR: Bring it on. I love fun matches!

    (I had a Killer match last night with three fellow PC players and one survivor with the globe icon. The cross-platform survivor gave me the most trouble that time, and even escaped at the end. The three fellow PC players fed the entity.)

  • KRG
    KRG Member Posts: 96

    So many babies here... Killers camping, slugging or survivors being toxic is not something thats connected to ONE platform.

    We are playing the same ######### game for ######### sake.

    Stop dividing this community even more. Crossplay is great option and should stay in the game.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    5:30 pm behind the school yard.

    I'll be waiting, don't be a 🐔🐔

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    This is EXACTLY what it is. As a killer running up on a survivor they will 360 and there is no way (at least most of the time) to visually track the character. It wasn’t as bad when the game first hit PS4.

    imagine playing mortal kombat and your opponents attacks never visualize on your screen. How can you react to a 15 frame kick when are viewing a slide show. The survivors just disappear from in front.

    I wrote in a post yesterday how pc killers will be the ones to actually understand because you will see so many console survivors trying to 360 you. You guys can actually track it. I’m glad some pc killers are writing on here about their experiences so that hopefully bhvr will do something

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I was mentioning that yesterday. As a PC Killer, average at best, I'm loving cross-play because now I can actually get matches. I've had some cross-platform players give me good runs for my money. Others were fairly bad, but the same is also true of survivors I've faced who are also on PC.

    That said, far too many cross-platform survivors tried to 360 me in matches. Yeah, it doesn't work the same against a PC killer, and gifted me with a lot of free hits.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    I tried it, first PC Huntress I played was the best Huntress I have EVER played. Honest people, what do you think that means?

    Give console the ability to filter out just PC.

  • Hopscotch9
    Hopscotch9 Member Posts: 2

    I've honestly been enjoying my games more now that there is cross-play. I main survivor on ps4 and have still been dealing with the same types of killers that are on console. Yea you might not win every game against pc killers but at least instead of crying about you can quickly find a new match. Just play the game and have fun.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I would never play with PC players who has a better platform. It's like a middleweight boxer would go up against heavyweight class. It's better to be among the best players at your console than being a player in the pack.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Yea,sure. The game performance is terrible on console because of my survivor/killer skill. Maybe I should get better so that the game stops running at 10 fps and I don't get stuck in place every time sloppy butcher is applied.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I have crossplay enabled, but I'm going to lobby dodge players with [][][][] bars instead of letters/numbers in their username since I would have no way of reporting them if it came down to it

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    The PC Players are actually extremely bad. I expected much more from them honestly.

  • HarlowXRaven
    HarlowXRaven Member Posts: 191

    The statement you have made is false there are lower frame rates for console first of all, we also cant adjust our computer settings to make our view better or anything of the sort. Plus another reason to turn it off is the fact that pc players are toxic and im not just talking about killer survivors too. I was playing solo survivor and someone was farming blood points on ppl by getting them off the hook and running away. In order for the killer to get us down and then at the very end having a key. They also dc alot for unknown reasons just getting down dc. They are also tunnelers too ik its a strategy but on console I don't deal with it very much. When yall joined everything became a lot more toxic too tbh. Yall dont know how to have fun or either your fun is making other people miserable. In fact if there was an opt out of crossplay for pc I would take it.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Personally, I disabled crossplay and I will avoid enabling it again, if I can. There has been an outburst of Ebony Moris since crossplay came out, and most of those were PC players. Then, not pointing my finger to PC killers only, but I got tunneled and camped way too much with crossplay active, not to mention NoeD. Most importantly though, the thing is you have 60 stable frames, while we have 30 or less, with a Sloppy Butcher basic attack almost freezing our game. And yes, other than mouse sensitivity enabling some easier 360s, there is no real difference between console survivors and PC survivors. The real issue though, the difference that matters (and that was not mentioned) is that between PC and console killers. Surviving someone who chases you until a new mayan apocalypse comes is hard enough against people who suffer your same frame drops, let alone against people with more sensitivity, better performances and possible external programs like adding crosshair to Huntress (which I hope, and think, is not very common). In few words, console survivors are at a disadvantage against PC killers, and PC survivors have an edge over console lillers. Until we too get stable framerates and killers hoepfully lose Bloodlust (since it was there to counter infinites, which are no longer a thing), crossplay is a no for me. The loss of BL would also lead to fewer palletsx ofc.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Yup, do as I do. If you are on console, you can search for the given player's tag on Steam. Otherwise, you should be able to look for their profile on either Xbox Live or PSN.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    Before the bubba and billy update and before cross play I played on average of 4 hours a day and twice as long on weekends. In the last three months I’ve finally decided to start playing killer. Decided to main nurse because of everything I heard she’s the hardest killer to learn and play. With all the patches bugs hot fixes the game play has gone down hill on both sides. Frame rates on consoles are awful. I may play an hour a day now. This game is gonna lose console players if the devs don’t do something soon to recapture their interest. I literally saw a post on here where a dev responded to someone bitching about how long a match should take but then can’t even respond to a now 18 page thread asking for some solid answers on console optimization they said would be out in March of 2019. So as far as your cross play you can keep it until the devs start making good on their promises.