Transfer Progress from Console to the PC

So I know there's no cross-platform gameplay and that's fine.. but can it be possible to have the option to do this:
Option to transfer all progress made on the console to the PC Version when you buy it, thereby resetting all the progress you made on the console back to zero.
(Vice versa too.. Platform to Platform.. PC to Ps4, Ps4 to XBox, xbox to PC, etc)
I have DBD on Ps4 and spent a lot of time playing it and leveling up my characters. I don't have a PC right now but if I did I would want to play DBD on PC instead of Ps4. When I do get a PC can I transfer all my progress on the Ps4 to the PC version? I realize this would reset all my progress I made on the console but that's fine.
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Been asking for this for awhile. I play on both PC and console. I've spent the bulk of my time playing with friends on the console. But now with the terrible matchmaking times I've gone back to PC. I don't want to have to grind all over again for things I already have.
I'm pretty sure they can implement this. If not now, when the dedicated servers come for sure. Other companies do it. So I hope Behavior comes around.
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Yay, I'm not alone in wanting this. I bought DBD on PC too. I only bought it to try and see if my laptop could handle playing it. Unfortunately it doesn't do well.. so I requested a refund but got denied since I (tried) to play it for over an hour.
So I got a copy of DBD on PC but can't play it.. however I plan to get a Gaming Computer at some point in my life (haha) and would love to transfer all the progress on my characters over to the PC version. I have Nea has Prestige 2 and a few cosmetics I don't want to lose.
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When DBD comes out on the Nintendo Switch I will quite literally buy a Switch just to play this game mobile but ONLY if we can use our accounts cross-platform. Not talking about cross-play, but simply having your data on one Dead by Daylight account that can be used across platforms.
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Hopefully this sort of thing will be possible in the future. I'd hate to start over on PC. :(
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At least you get ore frames and can aim as killer a bit better
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Can Devs please do this??
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And they still haven't done it, fat rip
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I wish they did. I bought the game on pc but only played twice because I have almost 1500 hrs on switch.
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I play on console too bad when I get my PC I'll have to start over :(
And I spent money on it
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I’m hoping this’ll be announced as part of the next update.
Also, this is quite a necro.
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I have spent a lot of money on dbd and would like for my stuff to be able to transfer from xbox to pc because i dont want to rebuy all the stuff i have and farm for blood points again
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It would be nice to see this happen with cross-play now. Since all of the accounts are in the cloud i'm pretty sure there would be a simple way to implement this into the game. Maybe like (pardon my example) Supercell, you could have all accounts use an ID system through their cloud that saves progress across devices.
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Since all of the accounts are in the cloud i'm pretty sure there would be a simple way to implement this into the game.
That's quite an assumption. Without seeing the back end there's no guarantee player data for each platform is even stored in the same table, database, or server ("the cloud" just means "someone else's server"). Just off the top of my head I can think of a few plausible implementations that would have varying levels of difficulty when attempting to combine accounts, particularly where paid DLC is concerned.
I do agree that it's a good idea, it just might not be as simple to implement as you're assuming.
Relevant XKCD:
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said cross Progress in the news in game so how it work who can do it.
nevermind that cross Progress and cross friends🤣