Option To Have Crossplay for Just Consoles
That it is a dev issue is very true. Still, console suffers more from this than pc.
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Lmao what dude?, everyone is asking for this because console FPS is really bad, it would be hard to play vs someone with 60 FPS who could react faster to things.
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you still can get more benefits. you can adjust graphics to see better. no, pc players can play on their own.
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Thank you for your service I guess?
We're also a large part of the community even if we're largely ignored - and I would much rather have console optimised rather than console only crossplay but that's probably not going to happen anytime in the near future - your queue times aren't the only or most important thing here.
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I haven't had any issues. I just thought PC survivors would actually be good. Not trying to start a war, just saying.
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I was only asking how it's going, nowhere did I state in my post it's unfair to cross play with PC players.
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Both things can be important, not a single point in my reply do I say we're more important, but this is literally a "exclude PC from crossplay because it MIGHT affect us". Without giving it a try nobody will know, it's ridiculous.
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Then you can have your game to yourselves. Why would ANY console player WANT to play at a disadvantage? It took me seconds to find the type of post I was expecting,. PC players who would ultimately be salty if this got changed to the way it SHOULD work because any and all PC players know they just got a MASSIVE buff across all areas and faster lobby times.
Where are the PC players who KNOW this is BS?
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Double FPS lol
DBD on Console runs at 25 FPS.
I run at 120 on PC, that's almost 10 times the FPS.
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Xbox player, about 1200hrs, both sides but lots of survivin. I do not believe the narrative about rampant hackers and such, nor do I have any huge hang-ups about a mouse or not. My huge issue with Crossplay is the terrible optimization and frames console gets. The last two patches have made it far far worse, so much so that my Piggy is in semi-retirement.
Whenever any status effect triggers frames drop to below 10fps, even Myers tiering up. Swing when you pop bloodlust, you weapon and/or your face hits a wall. Fast vault with Lithe and your down and magically transported to the killers side. Exposed pops and you run into a tree. Hit with Sloppy and you momentarily freeze in your tracks. You say PCers can struggle with 60frames, while consolers deal with 30 or less all the entity-lovin time.
That's the real issue. Until something like a real optimization happens i want no part of full crossplay, and these threads will only grow.
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Because it isn't BS, it's baby players assuming something will be bad without even trying it.
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RIght the 10x framre rate the above poster just mentioned TOTALLY isn't an advantage. The sound difference, the stretch cheat options available. Totally aren't advantages you can INSTANTLY consider as.
Also, its pretty clear anyone who does a task with their entire hand is going to be better at it then a person using their thumb.
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We definetly (console players) need an option to turn off crossplay with pc
It would make so much sense and nobody is hurt if you want it off or on, or change it to on or off sometimes!
its dumb turn it off and play only with your platform
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There are too many players on Pc that are with low fps too, it's not only in consoles (i play on ps4 and Pc, and i had low fps in the two)
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whats the point for saying that? its irrelevant
now dbd has gone too far and there is not a really thing holding back to pc
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Good point. I'll give it a try in any case
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That's my exact thinking, really right now I wouldn't mind queuing with PC as a survivor on Xbox but bad FPS messes me up more than I would like. At least with console only matchmaking the FPS would be the same for everybody.
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Better controls is purely subjective; and the FPS different doesn't make that much of a difference, especially because you're using a controller. I've got about 1500 hours on PS4, and over 3500 on PC.
Stretched res will be patched relatively soon I assume; and as for spatial sound, console have that same type of technology in them. Not sure what you're on about. KB and Mouse is only an advantage when playing killer. Not survivor. There's nothing you can't do with a controller when playing survivor that you can on a keyboard and mouse. Since you're not facing other killers when playing killer, that's a non issue. The only thing console survivors will need to get used to is that good Nurses, good Huntresses and good Deathslingers exist.
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This right here!
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The cross play system is literal garbage. There is no visible control over ranks or levels. Since rank reset I’m rank 8, I get rank 20s that are lvl 10-30. The killer is always red rank with p 3 skins and always pc players. This is getting ridiculous
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10 times? You might need to go back to first grade, bud. That's less than five times, so you're really exaggerating. It's still a big performance increase, of course, but people should be demanding that be fixed, not a matchmaking bandaid. Bad FPS will follow you into every single match forever, matching against PC players will likely rarely result in you noticing any sort of difference at all.
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Well, given that the FPS also drops in game to let's say 15 or even 13 it can still be 10 times.
Indoor maps, FPS has the potential to drop to 10-15. On PC, I'm a firm 120, but indoor maps drops it to 60-90 FPS.
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At the lowest setting and low resolution maybe but DbD has optimization problem everywhere including PC. But let's all agree that you guys (consoles) have it worst.
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I'm surprised there is currently no way for console players to only pair up with other console players. It's either all or nothing, which doesn't really seem fair to them.
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I'd rather them finally address optimization issues for consoles but if they can't they probably should just let console players play with each other as an option instead of play with everyone or don't.
The console fps and memory leaks are embarrassing, this game has been on console this long and they haven't kept them at a stable framerate since console release smh.
Console players have constantly been asking about the performance issues for years now.
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Being a player on both console and PC I can tell you there's no real difference to me , more skilled nurses when you do play against them or accurate huntresses but that's about the extent of the difference and it's totally possible for someone on console to be on the same level
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Feels like a lot of you feel the same 😊
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Make option not play with pc. At least you make stable 60 fps on console.Its stupid and unfair play against pc.I want play with another consoles but not against keyboard and mouse with better frame rate 🤔
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Then go play something else.
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Yup pc does have a clear advantage over console players and not to mention seems like they all just try to kobe and if they fail they let go.
This is third match in a row.
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As I console player I don't see myself at a disadvantage by using controller (killer or survivor.) I think cross play is great for this game. I'm also happy that there is more attention towards fixing console's poor optimisation. 😀
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Doesn't hurt anyone to have individual choice. If console wants to play with PC, go ahead. If they don't want to, having the option to not hurts NO ONE.
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Umm, what is your point?. We all understand not everyone uses M&K and not everyone is a god on PC but we just want the option collectively as a community, at the start a lot of people may turn off PC crossplay but I have no doubt people will re-enable it if the console experience improves.
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Not necessarily. It's not the devs fault that the fps is higher on PC then Console
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Damn you told him.
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I played Xbox and while the lower FPS does not make the game as smooth as it is on PC, i have not had the feeling it would totally hinder my gameplay.
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I'm really happy to see so many console players stand up for us. I thought only a small amount of people would say something. Honestly, we've been sh*t on a lot, so this is good! Don't stop!
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Join the 60 FPS revolution!
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just turn off crossplay now stop complaining
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You know you can, like turn off cross play right?
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I play on PS4 and PC. From my experience, yeah console players should definitely get the option to play with console only. All the PC players getting butthurt over this tells me they just want some ez games. And IF you, as a PC player, have friends on console you can still play with them.
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I played a dozen games of cross play. I found wait times longer and teammates garbage. I will stick with my console plebs on this one and opt out. I'd play crossplay with Xbox and possibly switch only but if that isn't an option i will stick with PS4 people.
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I doubt they'll ever implement an option where you can only queue with pc players. If anything they want ALL platforms to play with each other. I understand that PC players have advantage but it's kinda weird to just straight up remove PC players from cross play, don't you think? Anyways, as the mod stated, which I DON'T recommend.... you can simply opt out till they make it an option. Maybe with the reintroduction of MMR perhaps the console vs pc games won't mean much. Happy surviving/killing!
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If they want all platforms to play with each other they should even the playing field, don't you think? Improving the awful framerates for starters.
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Are you attacking me or the developers? Like I said, I doubt they'll remove pc players from playing with console players. I apologize for your frustration.
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I think you are getting this wrong.
- Nobody wants pc players "removed" from crossplay. Console players want the OPTION to just play with console. That doesn't mean any console player won't be able to play with pc anymore and vice versa.
- I'm not attacking you, no. The devs should very well know that optimization on console is just really bad. And even considering to let platforms like Switch go against PC is outrageous. PS4 and Xbox already are at a disadvantage, but Switch? You gotta be kidding me.
I'm not frustrated. I play on PS4 and PC. And I know just how different the experience is. I'm just stating facts. And I'm certainly not alone with that opinion.
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I turned off cross play on ps4 after spending the day trying out crossplay. Wait times aren't as long as they were with it on and my teammates actual work together.
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Pretty much my same experience.
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Everyone knows the options but it's All or Nothing. The point of OP is to limit cross-play to just other consoles. On the flip side, why do PC players want to play against console player so badly? I mainly play on PS4 but I also play on PC, and I can tell you it's night and day. So the concerns are not unfounded that there is an advantage, just in the gameplay experience itself. I have almost virtually no issues on PC whereas tons of problems on PS4.
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Nah, really!? I don't think anyone here knew that... Thank you for telling us!