PC killers are sweaty

to all you PC players, doesn’t it get boring going against Nurses, Spirits, and huntresses constantly? Ever since cross-play that’s all I’ve been going against. Oh and yeah they’re sweaty... like coming out of a steam room sweaty.
Welcome to PC survivor's world. Yes it gets boring, there's really no flavor when it comes to killer variety. I play both roles pretty equally and I main Demo/PH because from my survivor experience they're both fun to go against. 😃
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Love the baby survivors that think a Killer trying to win = sweaty tryhard.
If you want easy games go play KYF against your buddies.
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Honestly I respect you for that. For not just playing the same 3 sweaty killers all the time lol.
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Its just how things are in the meta on PC. No doubt you people on console got your own set of "we only play against these 5 killers all the time".
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Yes call me a baby with 3K hours on the game that has not played against these killers for over a year.
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I’m a rank 1 PS4 survivor & have fun with difficult, close matches. But bruh after crossplay I’ve been getting absolutely wrecked by nurses LOL.
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Blame the survivors, my dude/ette. They're no better.
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...you're literally called baby boy so yes, I call you baby.
You can blame it on these things:
- the Devs for creating so many unviable Killers for high skill matches
- the Survivors for constantly asking for unjustified Killer nerfs
- the toxic Survivors for trolling every low tier Killer they come across
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As a killer main on pc all I get are survivors running unbreakable DS every game, trust me it gets boring real damn quick.
I just wish I could punish poor play properly, I get punished so hard when I ######### up but I gotta play against at least 1 DS UB every game.
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No. Console has a variety of killers that are played. I rarely come across multiple matches with the same killer.
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I agree.
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^this. I´d also love to see a larger variety of Killers that can hold their ground on high level play. I´m pretty much always rank 1 with Myers, Trapper, Clown, Ghostface and Oni but I do feel in the minority here,
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I'm a PC killer main and it's funny because for me, usually "god tier" killer are boring to me. Nurse, hillbilly and that stuff.
But I've been trying cross play and I can easily beat 4 console survivors with almost every killer in the game.
This is not something about killers being sweaty, is about the differences between console and PC. You just can't compare both platforms unless you are like a really god survivor on console. PC will always have advantages.
Also, I don't need to have mercy for console players because they have the option of "turning off cross play". If they left that on, then that's not my problem.
Since I guess you are a survivor console player, I will explain to you how it is the average killer main on PC.
We usually don't play to get a 4k, but to get a merciless/ruthless killer, peak performance. This means, that we will usually have no mercy in any situation just to get our best scoring possible.
We always play using our brain, map control, map pressure, and logic everytime. This means, we won't take into account survivor's feelings.
But of course, at the end of the game, I will say gg to those who played fair and showed skill.
And we will show no respect to those who acted cocky or showing no respect towards us.
As simple as this.
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It’s a gamertag chill dude, and also:
•the devs create good killers but since Killers can’t get their precious 4K with them all the time they play spirit , nurse, and huntress
•Hmm when’s the last time these forums were filled with requests for a killer nerf? I haven’t seen any in a hot minute
•only time survivors troll the killer and be toxic is if the killer is toxic first like shaking their head no like if they’re good for no reason.
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When I have a bunch of survivors tripping over each other and sprint bursting into walls, believe me I'm not sweating.
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There is a reason for that. Pc survivors are sweaty as well. In my region, I used to go against swf over and over again before mmr and cross play. The only way to enjoy the game was to learn nurse, so i did. And i'm a pretty ######### good nurse, but I was kind force to do it due to the toxic environment pc survivors can provide.
Now im chillin a bit, even using the weakest killers. Console player tend to be more chill and less toxic, so I answer in the same manner. I think bhvr did something great
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I would love to be able to play low tier Killers in high rank but the problem is, the outcome of the matches mostly relies on the (in)competence of the Survivors rather than your own playstyle & skill. And that makes it really frustrating sometimes, to the point where I just completly avoid playing certain Killers.
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I mean its inevitable when every match pass purple are all DH, DS, BT, UB and whatever hellscape combo that four survivors are able to stack on top of each other.
But it varies from region to region, in SEA survivors are super sweaty and almost always swf so the killers have to adapt to that. But when I played in EU and NA it was a bit more casual and there was more variety on both sides.
HOWEVER... The main reason pc has a lot more nurses and billy's are simply due to ease of control and far better optimization. not using wifi internet probably helps too kek. these makes more killers viable to play, you can curve and move better. Its like that in any other game. In shooters for example movement will always be more fully utilized on pc metas when movement is beneficial, and you'll see far more campers or people who don't move as much on consoles because movign around is not only not as good, they also are punished by games that give very generous autoaim.
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Well I partially agree. This statement holds true when versing teams like the Legacy Team and the likes but in the vast majority of matches I believe you can do fine with any killer if you´re skilled at them. I know, doesn´t help when you´re gettin rekt by a hardcore squad. I still enjoy those matches because it´s extremely rare to get totally crapped on.
Sometimes it´s about maximising chances though, but that´s just part of the game.
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Mmmmm I loooooooove steam. <3
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Apologies, I don't have a Steve screenshot for you yet so this David one will have to suffice XD
I can guarantee you that if you are killed by a Nurse:
- Know that it was extremely difficult for her to do so with far more effort and focus than is required by almost certainly all other killers.
- Know that it took many hundreds if not thousands of hours to get to the much higher skill ceiling than again almost certainly all other killers which is a mandatory requirement and right of passage for Nurses to even begin to remotely grasp the many and varied nuanced tricks and traps that underpin the class.
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Poor David ):
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Oh? :0
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The content of your post is either irrelevant of total bullshit.
- I never said there are no "good" Killers, I said there are only a few Killers that are viable in HIGH SKILL so naturally you'll see those more often.
- Here an example: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/176646/huntress-next#latest
- flat out lie of yours and I can tell that from first hand experience as a Survivor main that has trolled countless of low tier Killers for no reason other than looking good for my "friends"
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Dont tunnel wont get ds just a suggestion
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Well if you’re trolling low tier killers idk what else to tell you other than that’s pathetic.
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So basically we just dont play cross cause pc wont take into account that they are playing nonpc players and they want to have the advantages that comes while consoles which have an option to not play with pc only they can still enjoy crossplay
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One of the issues is that PC players CAN'T tell who is cross platform(Playstation/Xbox) or cross service(Other PC market places that have DbD most noticeably the microsoft/windows store) sense both share the same icon.
So PC players are used to those icons meaning other PC players.
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If you used perks, ran away from the killer, dropped pallets, rescued teammates, healed or otherwise tried to achieve the game's objective to escape then you're just as sweaty.
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You truly believed Survivors only played toxic when the Killer played toxic? You're either very naive or very stupid. In 4 years of Dead By Daylight I have not seen a single person claiming such a bullshit.
Check out OchiDo so you get an idea of toxic Survivors before you talk such nonsense again.
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op, yer just mad~
yer just mad cause you came in the room and seen me anti 360ing your jukes with my MOOUUUUUSE~
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I think there's also a phenomenon in play that a lot of killer players were playing mechanically challenging killers for the explicit purpose of showing console players what those killers are capable of with a mouse. I personally mainly played Nurse and Huntress today for that very reason, because it's a bit of an honor to be a console survivor's first experience with a mouse Nurse/Huntress. It'll probably be like this for 3 days to a week before it calms down. There'll probably be more killer variety once the novelty of playing mechanical killers vs console survivors wears off.
Then again, I'm in the NA region, and I've heard that we're more laid back over here than the European and Pacific servers. I don't know what degree of an effect that might have on our view of crossplay.
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IDK, I can only describe the plays console purple/red players have been making as "crack headed".
They have the typical perks, but the thought processes are not there. They leave loops incredibly early if not immediately after throwing the pallet (even if it's a super safe loop), they don't look behind themselves, they don't wait in a safe position if they lost vision of the killer, or any of the basic thing you do as a survivor. I've had a few games where survivors would blatantly run in front of me for a hook save while carrying a survivor like I didn't know dropping them was an option. You can meme or play aggressively but you can't get mad at the killer when you die over it.
I have no doubt that it's a very different experience, but these are all just flat out bad plays. There isn't any sweating necessary when they hand themselves over to you.
PC DBD can be hell if you let it. At some point everyone learns, killers and survivors, that if you don't play for your own fun, no one is.
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There's a reason a lot of folks that play Survivor try to stay around purple ranks, even if it means purposely de-piping. Red Ranks people are too try hard a lot of the time & going against top tier killers with red add-ons & what not is not super thrilling/fun/exciting/enjoyable.
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PC players are sweaty...... Have they not heard of antiperspirant ;-)
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ugh Periodt.
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Either way doesn't matter all console players i play with have turned off crossplay it was nice for a few game shorter wait time but thats where it stopped. The games lasted about 3 mins before we were either slugged or all on hook. At least our 10-15min wait lead us to games where were we have a fighting chance.
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Where does this myth come from? I rarely see spirit / nurse in red ranks, at least not more than much of the other killers. The most i see is pyramid head and deathslinger, the least demogorgon.
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I was so hoping you would get that my dude. It's a L4D reference. I'm sure you can figure out from where if you ever played it :)
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the fact that you blame everything on survivors as if this forum isn't filled with a bunch of whiny baby killer mains is astonishing actually
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"Videogame gang"?
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I wouldn't mind if console players had an option to opt out of cross play specifically with PC players.
They are like 2 different universes.
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Love the baby killers that think survivors genrushing = sweaty try hard
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You literally quoted me in a post where I didn't blame everything on Survivors but the Developers aswell?
The forum is filled with people that lack reading comprehension, mostly baby survivors - it's asonishing actually.
This is also true.
Love the baby Killers that complain about looping and gen rushing.
Love the baby Survivors that comlpain about camping and tunneling.
Problem is that all the baby Survivors complain about camping & tunneling while they loop and gen rush. Which I'm totally fine as long as they shut the ######### up. Damn hypocrites.
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It goes both ways unfortunately. Yeah some killers play super try hard mode with strong addons and perks sometimes. Equally survivors will do this as well also with strong perks. When I play killer I do try to play as fair and fun as possible, though not all matches am I able to do so and I have to try harder some games. As survivor if I notice the killer is having a hard time I will usually let them hook me or sacrifice me depending (I'm not sure if they appreciate it though but I want them to get some points too).
I go against a variety of killers but there are definitely some I don't play against very often just because they are weak
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Ps4 rank 1 surv, my opinnion? Pc killers are campers... End.
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ikr it always makes me laugh when noobs use buzz words like "try hard" or "sweaty" like it actually means anything, i guess these guys expect the killer to let them go or something, how dare you play the game to win, 'if i dont escape then your just a sweaty try hard and my death is clearly your fault'
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I mean you're called "Babyyy_Boyy", so it's technically right?
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Yes, which is typically why PC players are the most vocal when it comes to nerfing the top 3 killers. Because there isn't much but that at rank 1 on PC sadly lol
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I mean i tried to play Trapper (didn't play him since his reset trap change) and it was just stressfull. I couldn't do anything, even with Corrupt i got 3 gens pop in less than 5 minutes and all games ended with only 1 killed.