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Brand New Part Nerfed/Adjusted??

Member Posts: 2,418

Possibly this was part of a patch.

Haven’t used a BNP in a while.

After bringing a brand new part into a match, I noticed the change, so I brought a few more into consecutive matches just to be sure it wasn’t a glitch.

The first time I accidentally missed the BNP skill check with Cheryl Mason, then she flinched like the gen exploded and the part was used up without prompting the second BNP skill check.

So I intentionally missed the skill checks on the other BNPs I brought in with various survivors to the same outcome.

The part used to just proceed to the second skill check if the survivor missed the first skill check, giving the additional opportunity for a progression bonus. Now, missing one wastes the part completely.

Is this a bug or some kind of additional feature the Devs patched in?

Also, how long has this been going on?

Thxx :)

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  • Member Posts: 136

    This seems to be in the game since one of the last few patches. I found out that if you fail the first skillchek and continue to hold M1 (or whatever is repairing for you) the second skillcheck will still be activated. Just don't let go of the gen.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    K, thx for the info.

    So I experimented further with missing the first skillcheck... I tried continually holding down the R2 on my PS4 controller even after the survivor stands up from crouching and flinches away from the gen, but it still makes the “part used up” sound notification and the BNP disappears. Maybs it’s functions on PC and not console?

    Suppose the point to all this is that I’m pretty good hitting great skillchecks, but do miss some on occasion.

    Jus that there are ppl who do have great difficulty with their SC and the BNP isn’t useful to them, especially now, since they won’t have a second opportunity to even hit one for a progression bonus should they miss their first attempt.

    Kinda unfair for some, but I guess that’s the way the Devs wanted it if they really did intentionally implement this in-game.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    2-3 years ago? You mean the original BNPs? Please tell me you don't think that nerf was a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 399

    I'll still get both skill checks even if I miss the first one, but I did notice the new animation for if you miss one! Got a good laugh out of me the first time, if I'm honest.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah, I guess it was kinda funny; certainly caught me off guard. Although, sometimes on console when in Freddy’s dreamworld or when killers use ruin the FPS can lag somewhat causing skillchecks to get a little choppy; this in turn messes with the SC timing a bit. Not sure if u play on console or PC... people were saying PC still provides opportunity for both skillchecks.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    The old BNP was 1-tap full gen repair. It was like 9999x stronger than mori and old com. toolbox could be used to do 3 gens 24s faster, lol. It was bs. :^)

    Its not true that new items are useless. The new bnp is a perfect boost for brown toolboxes and it will ezpz shave off 25% of any gen. The new com. toolbox will save 26s.

  • Member Posts: 399

    I play on PS4, so maybe it's just an occasional bug or something? I haven't had an issue with seeing both SC even if I miss the first one.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    they made it balanced because having an instant gen or a 20 second gen is not fair,

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    ”1-tap full gen repair”

    WoW! Whaat!!??

    Lolz at that craziness XD

    Quite GENerous of those devs ;)

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