(i'm PC) As a console player, do you think people will turn off cross-play?

This question is for console players, however feel free to chime in even if you're a PC player.
Recently i've played killer almost 10x as much as i usually do since the cue times are AMAZING now, only waiting roughly 1 min before i get a game.
However as amazing as the cue times are, i'm a bit worried it won't last. The console players i've versed are just.... horrible. I mean, a rank 9 console survivor is the equivalent of a rank 20 PC survivor you'd usually see, and i'm worried that many console players will turn off cross-platform to avoid getting these good killers.
What do you guys think/ feel will happen in future?
Console Survivors will for sure disable crossplay simply because beating console Killers is so much easier.
Just think about it, you have 4 players pools of different strength:
PC Survivors -> normal players
Console Survivors -> normal players
PC Killers -> tryhards
Console Killers -> potatoes
Now you let the Console Survivors decide if they want to face "tryhards & potatoes" or only the "potatoes".
What do you think will happen?
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So all console killers are potatoes?
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No, I say the overall skill tier of console Killers is "potato" compared to the PC Killers.
That doesn't mean all console Killers are potatoes but surely most of them perform much worse with a controller compared to mouse & keyboard. Got that now?
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When you say "most of them" do you mean like, 51% or 90% like, what do you mean most?
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It's hard to say whether or not console players will disable cross play because if they disable it won't their queue times be longer? Having said that, I imagine they'll be willing to wait that amount of time if it means not versing PC killers who clearly have an advantage. There's also the fact that survivor queues across all platforms are much longer than usual because well, there will always be an influx in survivors especially since you can now play with friends regardless of platform. Cross play has been an enjoyable experience for me, but I think they should focus on optimizing consoles in order to place everyone in the same playing field. Although, I'm not sure if optimization can achieve that; I believe PC players will always be at an advantage. Which is weird, because a lot of us believe DBD is a competitive game but for the casual player I imagine they don't care who they verse or what platform they play on.
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It all depends on queue times. I don't think they'll turn it off at least at least not the survivors. Queue times for survivors on console was on average around 10 minutes in Europe. Now it's only about 30 seconds.
I think most console players will keep it on purely for the queue times especially if the queue times will get worse for the console only players because they won't be matched with other console players that allow crossplay.
Eventually you'll have to check crossplay or quit.
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As a PC player, my concern is what kind of players will I have to deal with if I opt out. I don't really want to play against console players who might be at a disadvantage because of control differences, but I don't know if I want to be playing exclusively against PC players who also chose to opt out of cross play.
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For me there are a few things that will determine it. The biggest one is the "weird" lag spikes. I only had one and my buddy had a couple as well and if these things end up becoming commonplace then I may switch off crossplay since that appears to fix it. Otherwise, I've been enjoying it a lot as a 2-man survivor group. It's been such a long time since me and my buddy haven't had to carry a game that it's actually super refreshing to know most of our games will have at least semi-decent people. We've also escaped a lot more then we normally do so I'm super happy with the system so far.
We went against a rather good spirit on the lab and I pretty much prepared myself for defeat but we all got out because the other 2 survivors were decent and everyone was on gens. It's fantastic to not see potatoes everywhere.
I haven't played any killer matches yet but the same applies with the "weird" lag. I don't care all that much if I get destroyed by people as I've already had that happen enough where it doesn't bother me but if I'm doing a specific challenge or trophy then I may turn off crossplay just to have an easier time with it.
Other then that I plan to leave it on. It's still really early with crossplay though so my opinion could very well have a drastic change.
Edit: As a note, I'm not trying to say me or my friend are "good" survivors but just that it's nice not to have as many high rank survivors that act like rank 20's.
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Console killers are potatoes because the hardware they play on forces them to be. You would be a potato if your turn speed was slower than a survivor can 360 and your framerate was shifting between 5 to 20 fps.
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I play on console and pc and my turn speed on ps4 is much faster than that.
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if you max it out yeah but you lose some control by doing that.
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People should accept there is NEVER going to be a solution that will please everyone.
We have Crossplay and it works, so for that, I am happy. I have managed to have some games with friends on different platforms and some varied games with better queue times. There are some negatives, but for me the positives outweighs this
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its not maxed out. it's at 80. and ive played with that for a while with success.
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Isn't the entire point of cross-play to make ques better and for us to all play this game and have fun? I thought DbD wasn't a competitive game and as such why are people super worried about which platform has advantages over others. I should remind everyone that this is in fact rank reset and every match is a cluster fck during reset, give in a few days and let ranks level out. Now I will say the FPS issue for console does need to be addressed, performance should never be a factor as an advantage or disadvantage.
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Well if you want to know me and the 9 other people i regular have already opted out of crossplay pc just has too big of a gap we did about 10 games and all of us died each game in under 3 mins so shorter wait times not worth so many uneven matches maybe they will in the future give us the option to just opt out of pc games til then we will keep our long wait times
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I'll only turn it off for killer if I constantly get pc survivors who can just run me around all game. For survivor, ill only turn it off if I just get the same killers constantly but honestly it's been a good so far minus the 1 lag switcher I went against.
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Folks who want more of a challenge will probably leave it on. People looking for a more chill experience will probably switch it off, depending on their platform.
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My nephew has turned off cross play because of hard killers on pc he Said. He said they are able to be more precise than console player's