I turned cross play off..

and my survivor q time shot up and the game started to place me on servers located somewhere on the moon.
Why am i punished for not playing with rainbow ranks that sit on the couch and use tv speakers that can't tell what direction is what?
When you opt-out, you will only be able to play against people from your own platform. The matchmaking time will be longer since there is less players to match with.
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So you mean how it literally was for 4 years until yesterday when you enabled cross play? There are 50k people on steam most of the time, but queue times for Killers are like 10 minutes long. Something tells me this is an issue with your algorithm, not the fact that there are not enough players.
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Care to explain the server placement on the other side of the world?
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I think the problem (and reason they implemented cross play) is that console had 1 killer for every 200 survivors, so now it is dumping these survivors in pc killers games (who wouldn't turn cross play off for obvious reasons) causing anyone who turns it off to only get shoved in the rare game that doesn't contain console survivors.
So they have just essentially ruined the game for solo pc survivors to fix a problem they made on console.
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Also have to take into account that most people are probably keeping crossplay on. The game is able to throw these players into matches no problem, while it has to take time to find survivors on the same system as you that also do not want crossplay on or that are available to be in a match with you. You are basically limiting the hell out of your own playerbase by disabling crossplay. So I mean to be honest, unless you reenable cross play, you are doing this to yourself because you don't want to pair with console players (who do in fact most wear headphones in my experience, so they understand direction).
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I guess i just need to treat them as a point pinata with zero expectation to escape.
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If you opt out you will go against players who've opted out and on the same platform. Not a lot of people have opted out yet
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When I suck at something, I blame my teammates too.
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I don't think they're a Dev or work for Bhvr probably just mod the forums same as the mods on discord.
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I think the concern is that previously, the wait times were much less. With other people being matched to other platforms, it seems like it takes a lot longer to be matched up.
PS4 solo queue usually takes 1-2 minutes. Yesterday, the average was 5-10 minutes.
PS4 group queue can take longer, 2-5 minutes. Yesterday, we waited 25 and gave up. This morning, a group of 2 is still waiting after 30 minutes.
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lol most do.
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Isn't that how you should treat random teammates regardless of platform?
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Red rank solo players still have a chance to escape.
If the killer isn't chasing you, do gens and you win.
The killer doesn't have enough time to get 12 hooks if you know how to waste it.
The only downfall decent solo players face is what to do when someone gets hooked, as multiple survs have a tendancy to leave the generators for a save (unlike swf who keep two glued to gens) generating that "pressure" survivor mains keep talking about.
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lol, nice explaination, bye
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✋ cya.
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Well as I posted in another thread, most of these statements hold not much information without platform, region and daytime.
For your example it may be the case that the crossplay addition only inflated the player base on survivor side while most console killer either opt out or play survivor themselves.
By now I read nearly every possible combination of shorter or longer queue times from every platform but you can't get any coherence without the aforementioned info given.
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When i opt in on pc my q time is quick as survivor. But if i opt out, it is horrendously slow on pc because killers have no reason to opt out.
I am basically forced to play with console potatoes urban evading around the map.
I just hope rank sorts them out fast, or they learn quickly.
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Edit: from reading in the forum I thought survivor queue on pc was always shorter then killer, since pc may have the highest killer/survivor ratio, but it varied depending on daytime, killer queue being several minutes in the afternoon but nearly instant after 10 pm (my experience on pc in eu).
That's maybe the overall problem with crossplay. It breaks all different platform player based into two groups varying on each platform.
Pc may see a temporary increase in survivor (until the console player are sick of pc killers being more potent than console ones because of better frame rate and mouse controls).
Consoles will see a sort of increase in killer numbers.
Sort of because the number platform killer native killer (which was never big to begin with) will dwindle drastically since they will either opt out or play survivor themselves in crossplay since they don't want to play against survivor with even a bigger gap (higher frame rate) than they have on their respective console already (360 already being more effective on console).
Crossplay will maybe overall shorten queue times for killers on pc and survivor on console.
But I have no idea how the part of the player base that will opt out ( minority on pc and maybe majority on console?) Will handle crossplay in the long run.
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Now duplicate this meme by 4 since it is a 4v1, not a 1v1 game.
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Sorry for not mentioning my region, though I did say the platform and time of day. I'm in US Central Timezone.
It is interesting that it's been wildly different for everyone. I'm hopefully I just have had an unlucky night, but this morning's game never happened because I had to head to work. That said, morning have always been a little slow on PS4.
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Thanks but my remark to the given information was more a cry of desperation for overall more clarity in the forum. I even made a thread about it but it never got rolling.
The problems of the game right now just make this discrepancies more evident and aggravating.
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Console players are too used to the handicaped killer they played against on console.
Last game i played they did 0 gen. Died in 10 second, unhook in front of killer then both die. That's red rank
I did 2 gen. Runned the killer for quite a while which allowed my team to recover a bit that is until the pc killer realise im not the weak link and stop chasing me and obliterate the console survivor. Game end with me going out via the door alone.
I really hope those player will get better because i will not continue to play if it stay like this.
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So a sample size of 1 then?
I think people will soon come to realise that the gulf in abilities across the platform is a lot smaller than they think.
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When it's against console killer they can be useful otherwise they get stomped i've played at least 10 games since the crossplay change.