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Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Can you lag with good ping?

is it possible to be lagging with 30~ ping, in custom games and every single match I play?

this started happening a week ago, 150~ hours in the game total.


  • KillScreen
    KillScreen Member Posts: 166

    Of course. Because of multiple reasons. ppl uploading or downloading at full speed. A device on the edge of the wireless signal trying to watch netflix for example. Being on wireless on the same channel as 10 other neighbors around you. You didn't reset your router in the past year. You have package loss on your connection...

    Ton's of things can influence your ping.

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    right I get that but, its happening everyday, like I said, it started happening a week ago. family has been using netflix way before then + I have cable internet. and besides, I doubt my family is downloading stuff everyday, all day, for the past week. AND my ping is fine, its good, yet im still lagging in only dead by daylight

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723

    Ping is an indicator of the amount of time it takes in miliseconds for your connection to get to the server (and maybe come back, I'm not sure if DBD measures latency round-trip or one-way).

    It is possible that the people you are matched with have a bad connection, their bad connection could be leading you to believe you have a problem although if it's happening consistently that's unlikely.

    It's also possible you're experiencing packet loss, where information is being sent to the server and getting their in a timely manner, but information is being lost along the way, causing lag.

    I may be able to tell you more if you describe what you mean by lag (as in specific symptoms such as weird hits or rubberbanding).

    You said your family is using Netflix a lot more lately, video streaming is very network intensive so that could be the cause depending on your download speed or any hardware limitations caused by your router.

    Are you using an ethernet cable or wifi?

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    hey, thank you for your reply, so, my family hasnt been using netflix more btw, I meant that they have been using it for a long time, so it shouldnt be an issue. I use ethernet cable, and I can send you a twitch clip someone made of my stream that perfectly shows the subtle teleporting in game:

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723

    Seems like a problem caused by either high ping or packet loss

    It is possible that in the lobby your ping is fine but it's going up in the match, if you pause the game while mid match you'll be able to see your ping next to your name, see if it's still low even when you're lagging.

    If you haven't tried unplugging your router for 30 seconds and plugging it back in try that.

    There's always the possibility there is an issue on your ISPs end.

    Does the issue happen even when you're not streaming?

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I always experience custom match lag. 2 plays, both in same household. Big city internet, usually ISP ping is under 30ms and +15MBPS down. Occasionally my speeds will be slower than that but not very often as I pay for 200 MBPS down. I live about 250 miles from the server.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    sure you can lag with a good ping. Ping is an indicator to how fast the signals can be transmitted between 2 clients, but if the speed is slower to actually transmit the amount of data, then you'd lag.

    Dunno about other routers, but mine shows how much of data is used at the moment. If you dont have a 2nd monitor to check while playing, you can use your phone or tablet. Cable internet can be anything up from 10mbit/s to like 500mbit/s downspeed, so if some1 is watching netflix and your connection is too slow (25mbit/s or slower), you would lag.

    So it depends on what kind of contract you have (in regards of downspeed, I doubt that some1 is uploading all the time) and the quality of the streamed media. SD is about 3mb/s, HD >5mb/s and 4k is


    I was a bit slow writing this post ^^

    Does this occur if you're not streaming? Looks like your upspeed is at the limit, bc you're regulary skipping frames while streaming.

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    hey yea, this problem does occur when im not streaming. also regarding the ingame ping, my ping is always 30/40~ even in-game. also im not skipping frames on the stream, its the character teleporting to places, which is the issue here, my internet has no issues running my stream.

    also an important notice, this ONLY happens on DBD, I can watch streams perfeclty fine on 1080p, I can play any game such as R6S, Pavlov VR, etc perfectly fine on mulitplayer

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    yea so, my ingame ping is good too, again 30/40~ ping, I have ethernet cable so id doubt resetting my router will do anything + this lag only occurs in DBD, not in any other game.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited August 2020

    I mean the Dbd server infrastructure isn't the best to begin with. I generally connect to the server with anything from 30ms to 90ms, so a 60ms difference. In other games the difference between my maximum and minimum rarely exceeds 20ms on servers in my region.

    It is also very well possible that Dbd simply doesn't show the correct ping. I know of some older games that have a vastly inaccurate network indicator.

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    here's my internet speed for the curious

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2020

    That speed is mbits not bytes so the lag is probably being caused by streaming. 20 mbps up is a little low for streaming, it's handling it but just barely.

  • Jofitaro
    Jofitaro Member Posts: 8

    as mentioned before though, the lag also happens off stream, its been happening for a week, and i've only streamed once.