I'm not enjoying crossplay

Crossplay came out yesterday and I play on Xbox as a survivor main, though I can empathise a lot with killers and understand that killer is the harder and more stressful role to play.
Originally I turned off crossplay, but queue times were ridiculously long and I was playing with rank 15 teammates but I'm rank 1, so I decided to turn crossplay on, I didn't play much last night because every game I was just being tunelled to death. This morning I played again and kept going against killers who would slug, most games I just spent on the floor. There didn't seem to be any balance, the only game where I had some chance of escaping, the killer had an ebony mori. I can understand the slugging if it was for map pressure, but I was being slugged when we had 4 or 5 generators left.
I thought to play killer instead but I kept finding matches with the try-hard pc survivors. I know people will just say 'turn off crossplay', but that just means that queue times will take a really long time.
I don't know what queue times were like on all platforms before crossplay, but on Xbox in the morning survivor games would be quick and easy to find, killer games would take about 3-4 minutes to find. In the evening killer games would be quick to find and survivor games would take 4 minutes, so I'd just listen to a song or watch a bit of YouTube while waiting for a game.
So I feel like crossplay may be the end of my dbd experience because now I'm stuck between playing games where I'm on the floor or just tunelled, or wait nearly 10 minutes to play a game with people who seem to have no idea what they're doing.
Edit: I hadn't taken into account that the tunelling and slugging may be as a result of rank reset. When rank reset happens I do encounter the occasional tuneller, but now tunelling just seems normal for every game.
Edit 2: I played dbd again and disabled crossplay and queue times seem to be great for both killer and survivor, I assume that queue times were long last night because most people were trying crossplay or hadn't opted out yet
Best Part is that slugging doesn't even get you that many points as killer so if you 1 hook everyone you depip.
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Yes exactly! The game that made me stop playing this morning was with a Pyramid Head in Hawkins lab. He downed someone quite quickly so they dc'd, he then kept on slugging us 3 remaining survivors, so it took him a while to eventually slug all 3 of us and then when he did he just hooked us all when we were on our first hook.
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Well the playerbase on pc seems to have juggled both sides up so much that console player feel that every pc player is tryharding which at some point became the norm for both sides.
Killer on console are weakened by limitations in from of framerates and hardware limits (analog stick Turnspeed vs mouse being able to flick and instant 180 turns).
This lead to survivor adapting to a softer Playstile in comparison? You never have to try your hardest when the other side is limit in their capabilities?
I don't know I never played on console and nearly didn't play any survivor but apply by looking at the problem from the outside with logic I would come to this conclusion.
But there evidently is a gap between pc and console gameplay, which was always there and forever will be. Even the distance to the screen and sound differences will matter.
For example I played salt and sanctuary and darks souls on console (with my buddy) and on my PC and I felt there is an immense difference for me, because it is way easier for my to have a complete overview on the close of monitor and better sound with my headphones. I played everything with a controller on both platforms, which I prefer for platformers or 3rd person games (not shooters though).
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Isn't that kind of normal after rank reset? Or was that just Switch? Cause whenever I got rank reset, I'd always run into tunnelers, campers, survivors who always bring Syringes, DS, Adrenaline.
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With disabled crossplay, how can your queue times be too long as both survivor and killer? Are your ranks that different?
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i had ok matches so far as killer and survivor not that much harder.
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Yeah even the 360s or 180s are different, I tried to up my sensitivity on killer but that only made it harder to aim, so overall console is weaker for countering survivors and killers, since crossplay came out I don't think any killer has missed a swing on me unless I got a pallet stun on them
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Yeah I actually hadn't considered if it was possibly rank reset, so thanks for pointing that out. Before crossplay I didn't find rank reset too inconvenient, I'd encounter the occasional tuneller or camper but that was just normal, but now crossplay is out I seem to be tunelled in the majority of my games.
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I'm on ps4, I turned off crossplay last night after spending the day trying it out. I felt same way, that if I had to continue with crossplay I'd move on from dbd because it was not a fun experience. After turning off crossplay wait times were better than with it on, I think because by end of the day alot had felt same and turned crossplay off. I was getting matched with rainbow ranks when I had crossplay on. If I was hooked, if I didn't have another ps4 player in my lobby, I would be left there until struggle or would die in first hook. Felt like other platforms survivors play against eachother rather than work as a team.
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Well if you disable crossplay then you're only matched with other players who have opted out of crossplay, but crossplay was automatically enabled for every dbd player. So games were harder to play because I assume more people have opted for crossplay.
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I am trying to address exactly this point in a multitude of threads for a few hours now XD.
You either have got precision or turnspeed with an analog stick. Or you play a game for several hundred to thousand hours with high sensitivity to adapt you muscle memory to be able to be precise while being able to turn fast.
Only worsened by the inferior performance of this game on consoles.
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I get that it's been rough. I had my worst DBD day ever yesterday. That said, it's a change that just happened and I'm hoping for the best moving forward. I'm going to keep cross-play turned on and hopefully learn how to cope with slightly different metas and styles.
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I still thinkin there should be a option to turn on or off crossplay but only with pc, otherwise it would be dumb
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Yeah I agree, a mouse with insane sensitivity is much more different than an analog stick used on consoles
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Yes, someone also mentioned that it might be because of rank reset, I think dbd picked the worst time to add crossplay because I've gone from rank 5 to rank 6 now 😂
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Yes, I did turn off crossplay as soon as it came out so I imagine my queue times were bad because most people were trying crossplay out. I think I'll just have to pick queue times over crossplay because the games were unplayable on crossplay.
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The tunnel is not a pretext,
what I understand from your text is that you are in a rank that does not correspond to you, I am a main killer of pc and I believe that a red rank of console is equivalent to purple/green rank of pc.
In PC the tunnel is a strategy, if a killer wants to win he has to have 1 death with 3 gens remaining (so yes, someone has to eat the tunnel).
PC killers do not go in wheelchairs.
Welcome to crossplay 🙃
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I watched a high rank PS4 killer streamer who opted out of crossplay. He still got instant lobbies.
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It would be perhaps an idea if - with regards to the opt in/out crossplay - there was an option to select which platforms people want to cross-play with.
From a console point of view, they can face other consoles on a similar level, and then if they want to challenge themselves further they can opt in for the more nimble PC controllers.
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Yes. But the OP is on Xbox.
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So? In their reply to me, the OP wasn't referring exclusively to Xbox but making a general statement, instead of replying to my point that rank could play a role in this case.
If the OP told us they were a lower ranked killer, we'd already have our explanation.
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Yeah but it slows the game to a crawl and gives you control over the match. If youve got 3 slugs you can start hooking people and downing the ones that get up or unhooked.
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I was wrecking people in crossplay last night. They couldnt have all been switch/ps4 players. Im not impressed by crossplayers and not seeing any difference from normal xbox players. I really think the pc crowd is up their own ass on skill levels. Huntress and nurse aside of course for obvious reasons
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My point is Xbox and PS4 are different beasts. My understanding has always been Xbox has the smallest player base. So it stands to reason crossplay would effect them more than PS4.
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its on by default for the majority of players so most dont even turn it off resulting in a very small pool of those who have it off.
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Xbox does indeed have the smallest dbd player base, and by far the weakest platform performance as well, even the Xbox 1. I wonder if there is a connection there...
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I am rank 1 both sides and game got boring since cross play came out. Alot hackers and desvantages against pc players...
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A smaller playerbase can explain one role having long queue times. If both roles have long queue times at the same time, the problem lies somewhere else. That's my point. A big difference between surv and killer rank would be a logic explanation.
OP mentioned they are a rank 1 surv but never told us the killer rank. If they were also a rank 1 killer, the situation would not make sense, with or without crossplay.
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My lobby times were better AFTER I opted out of cross play. I gave it a dozen matches. I wasn't overall impressed with how teammates played and hits seemed even worse as did the fps performance. I have no incentive to play cross play. I know many voiced their concerns about cross play after the survey and it seems as usual many of us were ignored.
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I opted out of crossplay and just played a couple of both killer and survivor matches and I see what you mean about queue times being better, even for both roles, so maybe queue times were bad last night because most people were trying out crossplay
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que time as a rank 4 survivor without cross play is 3-4 mins. After lunch i will give cross play a try again to be fair but if que times and performance (lag and fps) are an issue that will be the end of cross play for me.
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I had a really bad first impression as Killer last night. Both games had Survivors that knew about console limitations and tried to abuse them. Pretty sure the second game also had an SWF sweat squad. Going to play with it off for a few days before trying it again. Hopefully I just picked a bad time to try out crossplay.
I played without crossplay for a couple games last night and the queue times were slightly longer than when it was on, although I kept seeing the same group 2 or 3 times.
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So turn it off.
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People build up PC players as having some gross advantage with “insane 360s, mouse sensitivity” etc etc. The biggest difference is frame rate stability. On my PC, I have a consistent 60 FPS and have dropped frames once for 1 second in the past 3 months or so. On PS4 Pro, frame drops occur every game (one game I had 30...Not a joke).
when I play survivor on PC, I usually switch out between kb/m and controller. Tbh, it feels like my PS4 controller performs better on PC, not sure if anyone else has seen that (maybe it’s just having better frames so it feels more natural). It’s easier to look over your shoulder on controller, it’s easier to hug walls/loops on kb/m.
I like playing on my TV, and PS4 is definitely less toxic than PC, so I choose my PS4. Personally I’m not huge fan of PC and playing with streamers (a lot of the 10-100 viewer streamers have an ego problem and narcissism runs scary high, not all of them).
long story short...there’s not a huge difference between kb/m and controller on dbd. It’s easier to play vs Huntress and Deathslinger on kb/m but that’s about it
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Just got another speedhacker survivor 👍 thanks cross play...
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You clearly didn't read what I said. Read my post before commenting
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Give console the ability to turn off PC crossplay only. NOW
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I haven't been having the greatest time either with crossplay.
Solo queue that is.
At least my friends that I haven't really seen this year are playing the game again so I can at least have fun with them.
Edit: grammer
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Same I play on ps4 and me getting tunneld was often like 1 out of 100 matches now with crossplay on every killer tunnels me (xbox/pc player) even though Im not using perks like DS or object
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Sad seeing console players too afraid to improve their gameplay and only want to bully baby killers for easy escapes. Not surprising though.
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What are you even talking about? Because it doesn't seem to relate to anything discussed in this thread
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'too afraid to improve their gameplay' my post is about how my gameplay hasn't improved. My games are more balanced when I play with people on the same platform as me.