Is it too easy to play & rank up survivors?
Normally when I play a killer I’m usually stuck around Killer Rank 12 or 13 but I am consistently increasing in survivor rank just by helping others out and escaping. Isn’t there a blood point penalty for losing an ally during the match? (Heh, that’s another question though isn’t it?)
Best Answer
This is actually a point addressed with the recent matchmaking update (you can find it here:
Specifically this line:
Ranks are not a great way of figuring out how good a player is at the game, because it primarily focuses on "How often you play" and not on "How skilled you are when you play"
With the way the emblem system is set up, unless you're depipping more often than the average player, you're more likely to safety-pip or pip up. By sheer quantity, you'll either maintain your rank or slowly creep up just by playing a lot of games. Depipping typically only happens on bad games, which are fewer and far between even for average players.
If you even toe the line to pipping up more often, you'll rank up faster and more often. This can happen for any number of reasons, including having decent teammates as survivor that can pick up some slack and help you out when you're not playing the best (you can get emblem points for some things that other survivors do!). You don't get as much of that on killer, so it may seem difficult because there's less safety in worse games. There's also less chance to get matched against good killers simply by number, whereas against 4 survivors any of those have a chance to be a good player regardless of their "ranks".
It is easier to rank up as survivor. Sitting in gens, saving teammates and healing will get you a pip. Doesn't require skill to do that. You don't even have to be good at looping. You can just get carried.
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I think both roles are too easy to rank up.
I'm a survivor main and concentrated more on killer during the last month. In the past, I only made it to green ranks, because I didn't play killer a lot. It took me less than one month of playing killer (about 2 hours every other day) to get from rank 17 to rank 1. (side note: I play this game since 2016 and guess my general experience helped me to rank up this fast as killer, even though I don't have much experience as killer)
And to be fair, I clearly do not belong in red ranks at all. I really don't. But the thing is, there are also a lot of survivors in red ranks, that clearly don't belong there. That's the reason I either get games where the survivors completely destroy me or I completely destroy the team. It is so inconsistant.
I feel like in red ranks it is easier to pip as survivor, because as killer you need at least a 3k to pip (at least that's what I experienced) and as survivor you don't have to escape. However, I mainly play survivor, maybe that's the reason why I think it's a little easier.
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Well Ins0 I mean: You can rescue & heal other survivors, you can fix whole generators by yourself or get some altruism when someone helps you out; But then you’re one of the only ones that didn’t escape & still keep the points/pips needed to rank up once more.
I’m usually a killer main and I know for a fact that when the entity is displeased enough you drop ranks fast.
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it easy but can be hard.
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idk it might be easier to depip as a killer but it's also way easier to double pip. So it kinda evens out
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Weird, I actually have an easier time ranking up as killer than survivor. Granted I am not playing survive-with-friends, but still.
Doesn't mean killer is easier to play and win for me, just that its easier to rank up.
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Same for me.
I get more Double Pips as Killer and when I have a bad game, I most likely Blackpip. So depipping is quite rare for me as Killer. While as Survivor I rarely get a double Pip and if I die early, I depip.
While Killer is more difficult, I get more Pips/Game as Killer.
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So... in essence, if I'm more of the type to just do gens while most my team get hooked and unhooked. Heal themselves. All the while I done 3-4 gens myself. (It happens most often with this mm) that I wont pip up more than they would?? (Mind you I never minded the pip system, until this topic and your comment)
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If you do a bit of all things you pip really easily and consistently. It's not always that you can complete 3 or 4 gens but 1 and a half maybe can be way easier to achieve consistently. Loop the Killer for the whole match also is just as unlikely but just outlast him in a chase for a bit is manageable and enough, same for altruism rescuing/healing one or two is enough.
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Here are the 4 factors you have to consider to pip as survivor.
1. Work on around 250% gen progress (approx..don't quote me on that)
2. Unhook and heal survivors.
3. Loop killer longer and try not to get downed/escape chase.
4. Escaping.
Looping the killer is just 25% of what you need to do. You can comfortably get a single pip without getting into a chase once.
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But that's just it. Most times. I'm matched up with teammates that, like I said get downed, get hooked, rescue each other and I'm the one doing gens. And more often than not, the one who gets the GateS (both sides) open. Avoiding the killer altogether in general.
My inquiry is more of a "joke" because, since I dont pay attention to the pip system. I never realize if my game style is less of a pip than those others. My objective is to get out alive. But their getting downed caught and basically potato playing. They get more pip? 🤷♂️
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For me, both sides have always been easy to level up, but that is because the emblems are easy to get (at least to me). Heck, I feel like even when I have a bad game as killer or survivor I will still wind up with at least 1 pip.
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For me I don’t find it too easy at all. I play solo and sometimes it’s really hard for me to rank up. I find killer easier to rank up with.
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I've mained killer for a long time but recently a friend got me back into survivor. and from my experience ranks are utterly meaningless. I'm a very average killer happy around rank 9, yet i can get to red ranks with zero effort.
Same with surviror, i miss skillchecks now and then and i can't loop to save my life yet i constantly go up in ranks
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I got de-ranked back to rank 9 after the reset because i felt to rank 5 the day before. Let me tell you, solo q at green rank is super frustrating, people DC left and right or suicide, Killer tunnel straight from the first hook, i had to equip DS again even tho i hate it. Right now i find it hard to pip. In red ranks it's easier to pip because even tho the killers are better skillwise, it makes a huge difference if your teammates are competent, do gens and don't go down after 5 seconds.
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Ps4 console: survivors are super easier to pip killers have serious fps issues and can get 360d easily do to it. Plus youre more likely to play with a friend on ps4.
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I don’t get any pips on killer if I get a “brutal” score & I get one or nothing for “Ruthless” either. But if what you’re saying about pipping the killer being easy is true, wearing some headphones might help me find survivors easier. What kind of headphones plug into your PS4 remote and actually work though?