Nobody on console wants to play killer?

After dozens of games since crossplay is active, i have not faced a console killer yet. Nobody on PS4, Xbox or Switch wants to play killer somehow or am i just very unlucky?
Unlucky maybe. I played a lot of killer games.
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Killer on console is far more frustrating than killer on PC. There’s a reason survivor queues on console have always been absolutely awful.
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Actually I have only played on ps4 since crossplay is activated, only 1 of like 20 killer matches I did I got bullied, the rest, I destroyed em all, it was funny coming from salty pc players moonwalking to pallets but with 0 idea of looping
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You need a lot of patience and/or masochistic tendencies to be a console killer
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Frame rate is horrid. It why pc killers will see so many console survivors doing 360. Us console killers can’t visually track a survivor during a 360 due to the frames and console survivors abuse that.
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Then I am the only ps4 player who can?
If you missed a hit because the survivor is spinning, next time lunge while moving back and to a side instead of keeping straight.
And no, fps aren't any issue.
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There is a 9 page post about us folks who have frame issues on console. Thanks for your opinion, but many of us know differently
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I play PC, but I was under the impression this complaint was because limited killer FoV + locked turning speed from a console stick makes it much harder to actually hit anything.
I can say, from both sides, a 360 might get you dodge once in a while, but most of the time you're gonna get a hit, at least on PC.
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Lately that issue happens in PC too, first I thought it was because of streaming the game, but happened off stream too, but still playable in both platforms.
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Not the only one on PS4
I too use side step, step back and smack attack
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Ps4 pro?
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I can attest to this. Killer ranks and survivor ranks were never on par with one another on consoles. Even with cross-match live, last night on PS4 my party kept going up against killers that were easily 10 ranks lower than us (17 vs 5). Hell, before the MMR went live my rank 13 killer was facing all red rank survivors, so there was never any consistency. And it looks like it still isn't when it comes to consoles.
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Yes but DbD is not enhanced for ps4 pro since it was developed much a lot before the ps4 pro launch, performance is the same on both editions.
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I played killer a good portion of the evening last night. I think what you'll find is console just does not have as many killers as PC. I don't think it's new to crossplay. Killer on console is just frustrating because bhvr can not figure out how to make a game run correctly on console and it affects the killer much more than survivors.
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It is not the same. You don't need to "enhance" a game for it to run better on stronger hardware.
Ps4 pro has more raw compute power allowing higher framerate.
I have also played this on a release day xbox one and it is shockingly bad compared to the base ps4 as it is even weaker.
I can't imagine what it is like on the switch.
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Quite obviously as the others stated. Additionally, opting out of crossplay is AT THE MOMENT also no option because I don't think most of the people will turn it off immediately atleast so short after rank reset, which would lead to insane queue times again with the few other that did turn crossplay off.
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You are not unlucky. Not a lot of people on console want to play killer, and if they do, then they will opt-out of crossplay. 🤷
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This explains the groups of potato red rank console survivors I've been play against. They keep trying to 360 and loop like a drunken sloth. I kept thinking I was matched vs green ranks only to see red rank console survivors.
At least post game chat is quiet.
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i'm on ps4 i play killler a lot.
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You lose seconds doing this. And in this game, every second counts.
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It just happend, my frist game against a console killer (he was rank5). Maybe i was unlucky, but that person played honestly like a straight rank 20. Maybe crossplay for console killers is really that bad or maybe it was bad luck for me, but this looked really aweful.
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aside from the terrible framerate, the pc survivors has a perfect sense of not bumping into anything (especially going around the killer shack and loop) and able to fast vault 24/7 no matter the positioning, which discourage console killers of chasing anyone even as a spirit.
if you're at purple/red rank, you're going to see that like from every pc survivors.
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Got a Console-Legion yesterday, did not really notice he was playing on Console. This was one out of 10 games yesterday evening (I guess). But this is only my current observation, could be possible that this guy will be the exception.
(Of course he could have been a Windows Store-User, but this would be the first Windows Store Killer I ever got)
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I don't blame a single console player for not playing killer on cross-play. I don't blame any console player for opting out. There is only one upside to crossplay for us and that is playing with friends on other platforms.
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100% this.
Playing Killer on console is already a test in endurance, imagine playing against PC Survivors with a good(or, hell, decent even) frame rate.
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I am playing as both survivor and killer, more so killer because the matchmaking is really fast now.
How can you tell anyway?
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I tested that yesterday. Killer que was about 15 seconds witg crossplay on, and about a minute with it off. Survivor was a little longer with if off than on. Maybe 30 seconds to a minute at most. So it seems lots of people did turn it off.
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Unlucky. I am on PS4 and played a bunch of killer games last night.
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Platform, region, time of day? Those are all information that nearly everyone forgets to mention in this forum Everytime the queue time discussion comes up. But they matter, sorry if I sound aggressive but I had this so often until now and even made an ignored thread about this.
At this point I wish there were some requirements like in other game forums to indicate all platforms and which region someone is playing from.
Edit: For example I play on pc in eu and before the crossplay I had 5 minutes queues in the afternoon but after 10 pm it became less than 30 seconds, killer only.
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So THATS why crossplay improved que times so much!
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Also better matchmaking and shorter queue times.
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PS4. Midwestern U.S. Around 3 P.M.
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Thank you. There seems to be quite the difference between there and middle europe (Germany).
Edit: I hate autocorrect for making "their" out of "there"
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This has always been the case, hence why we were PLEADING for crossplay because Survivor queue times were over the roof long. Longest I’ve waited in a lobby was 30-40 mins for a game before I finally said screw it and got off.
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I'm a main killer on ps4 due to the horrible queue times for survivors (rank 1/3)
With cross playing enabled the queue times increased drastically (3/4 minutes). I opt out and got lobbies immediately.... So no cross play for me on killer, maybe try it as a survivors.
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Let me tell you what it's like on Switch...
Absolutely horrid.
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Taken a brake because of the frame rate issues but if I get drunk enough at the weekend to play a few games I hope to catch you in the fog.
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Oof have you not been having issues with the frame rates or just got lucky on the maps? Last time I played I got the game twice lerys and it wasn't a good time lol just frame rate wise
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Sorry but frame rates are horrible on console if that helps
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I did play Lery's actually. I did a scratched mirror Mikey game. Didn't have any frame issues. Must have got lucky.
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Poor game performance is a pretty big contributor. This is primarily the huge dips in framerate that the console versions are used to, but can also include periodic problems that crash out the game (I think this was a major issue on PS4 a couple months ago?)
And we get these problems in addition to all of the irritations that PC already has. The audio/visual/action bugs, survivors that only run loadouts crammed with second-chance perks, and the players that choose to be very unpleasant people in game and in chat.
Sometimes the console versions do run pretty well; I know I wasn't having any major issues (Xbox) prior to the update that brought the Hillbilly rework. But the drastic drop in performance that immediately followed that update has made it far less enjoyable to play killer again, both due to the difficulty in trying to track survivors and the headaches brought on by the hiccuping frame rate.
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Just play on a console as a killer and find out for yourself the differences. One of your buds must have a PS or Xbox or whatever. Try it. Please.
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Console 100% has frame issues. If somebody says otherwise, they either don’t play on console, or don’t know what frame drops are/look like.
Xbox One S is horrendous graphic and frame wise.
Switch has god awful graphics and does not feel smooth. Hitting 30 FPS would be divine intervention
PS4 runs a little smoother, better graphics, frame dips are common place.
Can I get a show of hands how many people have been struggling on hook, and then instadied once noed or similar game change procs??
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Usually you want to walk into their spin, causing them to slow, and hit without lunging...
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Bloodlust, Exposed, Sloppy, Exhaustion, Myers tiering up, rat farting two towns over, all cause lag spikes, and absolutely can kill you on a hook. Pretty much any status effect triggering. Indoor maps make it even worse.
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I player 6 killer games (ps4 here) last night. One tie, one game where i got rekt, and 4 where I won.
So business as usual basically.
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Main reason is that things that are out of our control screws killer gameplay like framerate, maps and other things...
Second reason are toxic people.. I don't mind them but most people gets annoyed and stop playing as killer
Third reason.. Console is more of a party gaming sistem so many preffer to play with friends and that means playing survivor.
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The frame rate on Switch is so bad that even I -- someone who is frame rate blind -- notices it. I can handle killer on PS4, but not on Switch. Wish I could transfer all my perks and BP to PS4. That'd make life so much better. Sony are bastards.
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I typed that with my first experience with cross-play in mind and the queue time for survivor was very long. I played again today and the queue time is good now.
I didn't really pay attention to rank, but the survivors haven't been the best tbh. Killers have been good tho.
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I may disable cross play as killer. Dunno. The frame rate is so bad now, worse than ever. A 360 by a survivor will often make them vanish between frames. So considering how insane 360s are on mouse sensitivity I'm not looking forward to it.