I got reported for stream sniping when I actually didn't

pls read the whole thread before judging
I was doing a daily quest as a hag, when I found a twitch streamer called X. I went to his stream before the match started, said hello, and then when the match started I paused his stream. The match kept going, until when I hooked a bill, a dwight played super aggressively and I slugged him. They already finished 2 gens, they were all around the hook baiting me, and I stayed there of course. I tunneled bill after many rushes and hits near the hook, and then after the second hook killed him. Then I played the fun way, going around the map and trying to mori someone using devour hope. They were not full squad, so they left the others die on the hook, but at the end luckily going around the map I found meg and 4k. End game chat they gaslighted me, the streamer said to me first "camping noob mess" then i said "well gg guys, are you swf?" , and he replied " ######### off camping mess and no just me and one another" . Then I said "? guys you were all around the hook, why should have i left?" and he replied very aggressive " ######### off no excuses no we weren't ". Then I replied " are you joking? you didn't push the gens. were all around the hook. why should have I left?". Then I want to his stream again and said: "I am the killer. guys camping is part of the game." Then before I could even say something he said "oh he's the killer, you're a stream sniper" And then I said " no I didn't watch the stream. ". Then of course he timed me out from the chat, and then reported me for stream sniping. Where is this community going? all these streamers and survivor mains not seeing what the other side must do in order to win, I WOULD HAVE NEVER EXPECTED THIS FROM A STREAMER, REALLY, I SWEAR. I have no words after this. Really, I'm confused and frustrated. And i can't even say who the streamer is ( not a big streamer, just a really small one) because I would be banned. What can I do to counter this stuff? After all this ######### i received the DEVS ARE FAR SUPERIOR THAN THESE PEOPLE, SERIOUSLY. Maybe they aren't able to balance a game properly, but the McLean live streams for example are the most clean livestreams I have ever seen, seriously. I'm shocked, I swear, I am seriously shocked
Stream sniping is not bannable. If they want to stream and advertise, you can watch it. I prefer not too, as it is distracting, but some do.
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Stream sniping is their risk they assume. If you want to broadcast your gameplay, it’s fair game for whoever chooses to sift through streams, to find the lobby they’re in, etc
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Stream sniping is literally stated as not reportable in the report form.
If people choose to put TTV in their name, they don't get to complain when people stream snipe them. That attitude is why they only have 2 people watching them. Don't advertise and then get mad when people show up.
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You harvested some serious salt man. I don´t get it either. When they are obviously around for the unhook they basically force the Killer to stay there, yet some people don´t understand this.
Must have been a special snowflake, thought u were talking about Tru3talent before you established it was a smaller streamer^^
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I know, but harrassing and stalcking a person through multiple games is, so you never know BHVR bans me blindly just because he's a streamer
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There are no bans for stream sniping. And there is a bunch of salty streamers out there, dont even mind them. But next time be a bit smarter and dont go to the stream to say stuff like that, just move on.
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Exactly, all around the hooked bill. Meg, gold feng min ( the streamer) and dwight.
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I agree with the others . Ignore him.
If he advertises - he assumes the risk. Full stop.
To me it's like if I unhook a person during EGC and the killer is near and I get hooked instead - I assumed the risk. I have no business being irritated at the killer. My choice.
Steamers choice.
Choices have consequences and that streamers should learn to accept them. (Even though you didn't do anything wrong. My point is that even if you did. Too bad for them.)
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which part of "stream sniping is not bannable" wasn't clear the first time/