Is there a reason console players treat the Killer carrying a survivor like the Pied Piper?

I don't mean staying hidden nearby, ready for a quick rescue. I mean I'll hear their footsteps 2 feet behind me, and can usually just turn around and get a free hit, sometimes multiple if they don't actually back off.
Even more confusing, it's usually at least two people. I've never seen this behavior in the game before, and see it all the time now that we have crossplay. I assume this is some kind of tactic that works a lot better when the Killer can't turn around quickly?
I'm not exactly complaining, it's making matches a LOT easier, but I'm just trying to understand the intent.
And no, this hasn't resulted in me ever dropping a survivor because, even more bizarrely, they do it even if the hook is like 10 yards away.
They're just not used to the killer being able to do anything with the horrible framerate they have on console. That's all.
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I bet most console killer player with tv speaker so they are not used to headset killers that can hear everything
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I wonder if this is a Xbox or Switch Tactic. I've never seen this unless the person has breakout or plans to bodyblock the hook to let you wiggle out.
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I play on PC, and every console platform. Happens on all platforms. There’s a tome challenge: safe rescue or take protection hits 15 (16?) times. Some people throw the game just to get stacks. Welcome to tome life, nothing new since they released them tbh
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They're probably used to the Killer having to struggle because of the low frame rate. However there is a challenge that involves getting 15 safe unhooks or protection hits, so they could be trying to do that. Some players will throw games to complete challenges.
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It’s probably easier to make killers on console whiff since it’s harder to track survivors that are near you.
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We're altruistic lol
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As a PS4 player I only go for saves if I'm in the general area, and even then I only hit pallet saves without an issue. Flashlight saves are a 50/50.
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Killers cant twist very fast on console. So survivors run up behind, wait for the hook and for the killer to turn around. At which point they can usually grab the hooked person and start running before the killer is able to realign back in the right direction.
Best way to fight it on console is to use mad grit and iron grasp and just hold onto first victim while stabbing at the ones trying to follow.
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But wouldn't they go in FRONT of me, to both body block and ensure the hit? Why follow BEHIND me if you want protection hits?
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I play ps4 50/50 rank 1 it's not very common. I honestly thing it's that rift challenge to get 15 safe unhooks or protection hits. Seems like they are trying that , because I did have one game yesterday where that happened to me when playing Clown.
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Also I've notice the 360 they tried to do. To do it way more often than PC player that's for sure.
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That's a lame stereotype. All red rank console killers I've ever known (including myself) play with headsets (that's how I heard the breathing of Claudette in the video below). Whatever the thread creator described has nothing to do with console gamers.
Probably another unhook challenge.
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Nah. Most of us have nice headsets that give surround sound.
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There's a lot of spirits on console - would you play spirit without headphones?
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cuz breakout + mettle of man is op and console players can see that.
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Console player here, its not frame rate that causes the confidence it's headset. Not many console players know they can/know how to focus sound into a headset. Even fewer do in DbD. I do, and feel like Demi is chasing me as a Killer because of how loud they stomp.
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Duh..hes taking that Jane booty away!
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Usually with the unhook challenge, people will body block or do unsafe unhooks, not trail behind me like lost puppies.
Also I'm not red rank.