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An idea re: Hatches and Keys

I don't know if anyone's thought of this yet, but I think it's a good balance. We all see the threads saying hatch should not exist, keys should not be found in chests, or it should allow just one survivor to escape via hatch per key.

Consider this: The key still unlocks it for everyone to use, but escaping is a two-step process. First, the unlocking itself is a process. Even if it's only 3 to 5 seconds. And all that does is *unlock* the hatch. It doesn't open it.

The second step is to actually open it. I think this is super easy, too. I'm thinking they don't even need to make a new animation for it, too! It'll be a relatively quick action. 1 second or so, but the survivor opens the hatch and then gets out. They can recycle the animation for opening chests.

Here's the crucial part, the hatch closes after the player escapes, but it does not lock. So another player can open it and get out. So, it doesn't necessarily destroy the mechanic, just slows it down tremendously for multiple survivors to escape at a time.

The killers' counters to this is two-fold: they can re-lock the hatch, thus triggering the EGC; and they can grab/interrupt survivors who are in the animation of unlocking or opening the hatch.

What do you guys think?


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,593

    This still allows for three remaining survivors to totally abandon the last gen and search for the hatch. That's the most annoying thing regarding keys, it gives survivor an easy way out when they got outplayed or played themselves out. They should face the consequences then, not have an easy escape route. As long as multi man escapes are possible (outside of powered gates), a proposed chage is not good enough, imo.

  • eurotophobia
    eurotophobia Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2020

    But they can't file out without the killer being able to stop them. Honestly, I don't believe that survivors are getting out played when the hatch spawns. Unless it's a situation of 4 or 5 generators still left to be done, and there's one survivor left. All other conditions still has to be earned. 4 generators need to be done before the hatch spawns for 3 survivors. They earned that hatch. (I know some people will say they just genrushed, that takes no effort. Be that as it may, they still needed to meet that initial condition before it spawns)

    And with the hatch closing after each survivor, it means a downed survivor can't escape through an open hatch, too. If a killer allows a train of survivors to escape via the hatch after the process itself is slowed down in a similar manner as I proposed, he kinda clowned himself on that. I'm no red rank, but I am a higher rank on killer than I am on survivor and I see no issue with people getting out by hatch. Just different priorities, I guess.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    This isnt a horrible idea. I still think that after how BNP and Syringes were gutted that Moris should be fixed first...

    Personally, I find playing killer far too easy these days. Loops and pallets arent what they used to be. Theres no mindgames anymore. I dont think I'm a good killer but still get on average 3k per game and give the last person hatch/gate if I deem them worthy. I wouldnt mind a bit more skill being required for both roles tbh...

  • eurotophobia
    eurotophobia Member Posts: 7

    Also, to illustrate my point about how for me, and maybe for others also, it isn't always about killing all or--in this case--even ANY survivors. I just saw this in OhTofu's upload. He tried to make a stealth build for Demo and it failed spectacularly. So I took this screenshot. Put into perspective, he still got brutal killer and scored high despite ALL survivors escaping. I don't see how anyone could see that as a loss.