PC killers are sweaty



  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    A lot of people is disabling cross play on console now since they realized the huge gap (hardware differences and optimizations obv, also gamepad vs mouse and keyboard).

  • Finnick519
    Finnick519 Member Posts: 6

    I was actually going against far more spirits on PC after crossplay was introduced because you console players are ######### shite and rely on ######### like that, I have since disabled it and I don't get many anymore, nor do I get completely clueless teammates.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    as if killers are not toxic. you immediately called him a baby survivor just for saying he's tired of playing against the same killers. that's literally also toxic.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Its hard to beleive your post when you say there are a bunch of sweaty nurses on PC. Nurses are very rare, and they rarely win. I have not played against a highly skilled nurse since the rework. I have only died to nurses post-rework by NOED. Nurse is not A-Tier. Nurse does not have the capability to be A-Tier. Nurse is nowhere near the strongest killer. People supposing this is a possibility need to stop. Her base power, dedicated servers, terrible add ons, map designs relegate her to the worst killer in the game. Statistically she performs the worse. Anecdotally she performs the worst. Nurse is hot garbage. Anyone that was God Tier with her before is smart enough not to play seriously with her anymore. There is no god-tier Nurse post nerf. There is no unicorn.

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    You people really haven't seen yourself. It's always killers crying for changes, 90% of it on this forum. Is it cuz killer is underpowered? Nope, stats clearly show that isn't the case. It's just survivors play chill cuz they tend to like going against friends etc whereas killers sweat this game hard and half the time it just isn't fun. There is barely any variety and that's a fact, you can't blame a survivor bringing at point up. I use to play killer and I can agree that killers like spirit are incredibly fun to play, but man she got too easy because she is so OP and other killers just aren't on her level. Huntress is fun to play and go against IMO but man, it's not even because spirit is good, she just isn't fun to play against and nor are so many killers. It's poor game design, not poor balance where survivors are OP...

  • Dotchy
    Dotchy Member Posts: 1

    What I don't get as a fairly new player ppl in general are toxic which brings a massive dull to what is a great game, but also as watching streamers on twitch the resolution seams to be brighter which I'm imagining is down to tweeking graphics cards which in turn gives a better advantage over console players as we can't make it brighter to keep an eye on the world around our generators, so never mind the faster reaction/accuracy time of keyboard and mouse this in turn seams more unbalanced than any survivor/killer perk in one?

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    The problem is PC nurses have an advantage because they can use mouse and keyboard and we can't so playing nurse, huntress, hillbilly is almost impossible

  • rabid_pygmy
    rabid_pygmy Member Posts: 61

    Huntress and Nurse are almost unplayable without a mouse. OTOH, Billy is the only killer I prefer with pad. I find his saw much easier to control with a joystick and can curve effortlessly. Today I faced 4 console players (green ranks), so I tried Billy with pad and no sound at all as a challenge. Still got a 4k :)

    I don't think the PC killers are intentionally playing sweaty, in fact, alot of them are trying meme builds or their non-mains in crossplay lobbies. The console survivors just aren't used to the pressure these killers can bring compared to the typical console killer.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    I've been playing clown this past two weeks more than I have Last Year

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Imagine thinking trying to win is a bad thing. Guess we should tell all those pro sports teams to stop "tryharding".

  • ClmA
    ClmA Member Posts: 2

    I'm a PC player and tbh the most common killer I face is probably Huntress. I hardly play against Nurses or Spirits, and, in fact, I play against Nurses so rarely I enjoy going against them because it's a nice change.

    But killers can't just be called sweaty when there are soooo many sweaty survivors out there too with their typical builds (I'm a survivor main who doesn't run DH, DS, Adrenaline or anything like that). Just depends on the console and the individual players I guess.

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    How is playing a killer you like sweaty?

  • jimmy5200
    jimmy5200 Member Posts: 85

    Welcome to pc. I tend to play a little bit of every killer. Yea some more than others but I myself like variety and know it’s fun to go against something different for once aswell

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Welcome to PC

    the truth is that it is fun to show new ones that he is a killer to his maximum potential 👌

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    just opt out of crossplay lol

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    I play sweaty bubba on switch, square up bro 😤

  • nixtunes
    nixtunes Member Posts: 56

    Hover over the option in your settings. You can't be matched with those on the same platform that are still opted in. If it was as you said, where you can match with any on your platform, I wouldn't be so salty about this change. But this outright feels like the devs forcing a very controversial update on all players.

    It's gotta be said, I have a strong distaste for the direction the game is taking. Buffs for Franklin's that nobody asked for, legendary skins nobody asked for, and now this. Are the devs reading some secret forum the rest of can't read?

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    They screwed up including pc on cross-play. Anybody with a little common sense knows that pc has an advantage with frame rates, and such. Console players will be up against pc players that have put thousands of dollars into their systems to modify them into bad ass gaming systems and will easily destroy console players. I did a few cross-play matches last night to test the waters, and turned cross-play off. If it were platform's only, I'd probably keep it on, but pc. Nah.... On a side note, there should be a symbol showing what systems your teammates are on, and what the killer is on.

  • Tournie
    Tournie Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2020

    You can quite literally turn off cross-play. It's not hard. Just go in your settings.

    To answer your question though, from a PC user? It's always been like this. Numerous killers all have skill-sets, but some are more reliable than others. With survivors running the same perks over and over- You should use the killer that's most effective against those builds. So yeah. We're not sweating. We're just trying to avoid the t-bag at the exit-gate. At least you're not getting face-camped by Bubba. Could be worse.

  • t0eb43ns
    t0eb43ns Member Posts: 6

    So here's the thing......yes. Pc killers can be very sweaty. But why do you think that is? Oh right....because pc survivors can also be very sweaty. What happens is - pc survivors will absolutely destroy someone who is playing, for example - Pig or Wraith...and will trash talk them in end game chat and make them feel bad. Because of that, it causes the person playing killer to switch to a stronger killer that has a better chance at winning against a good team. It all comes full circle, my friend. There's a reason for everything. Get ######### on by a toxic team? Welp, time to bust out Spirit with an Ebony Mori. Unfortunately though, a lot of the time killers will take out their frustration on innocent solo queue teams that just want to play the game normally. And in turn - makes those survivors become sweaty. It's a pretty toxic cycle. But in my opinion, if you just go into the game (whatever side you play) with the mindset of "I don't give a f***" - you will have a more enjoyable time playing. I stopped caring about sweaty players a long time ago and my DBD experience has improved. You can't change the way people play. Some games are fun, some aren't. But at the end of the day, it IS just a game. And you shouldn't ever expect strangers in an online game to play the way you want them to. That's just the way it is. But good luck in future games, and good luck against the sweat lords. My advice - try not to take it too seriously and have a laugh at the ppl that do😂❤

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Ehhh, steams alright, I guess.

    (I hope this is a lfd reference)

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    crossplay hasn't been play for me as killer or survivor pretty fun.

  • Spork
    Spork Member Posts: 122

    I think it's a difference in platform. Console players or people on controller have very different movements from what I've seen. A mouse is a huge and accurate advantage over it. It doesn't make killers sweaty, it's just better accuracy.

  • TecmagDiams
    TecmagDiams Member Posts: 15

    "PC Killers are so sweaty"

    Dude my first 3 matches against console survivors had 3-4 brand new parts each... Tell me again who's sweaty.

  • divineavenger
    divineavenger Member Posts: 4

    Firs of all , you can argue and be polite at the sam time, there is no need to call other people ideas BS or calling them idiot

    I must say this cross play is awesome. Waiting time is shortened. People of other platforms play a little bit different than super sweaty pc survivors who forced you to chase like a 3 min in the shack! less superloop, less constant chasing killer with flashlight to trolling you(thank god for flash nerf or bug or anything), and the worst of allllll is Gene rushing

    There is nothing worse than gene rushing.Specially when you accidentally choose a red rank 5k playtime to chase at the first of the trial and by the first hit, there are 3 genes have been repaired.With cross playing, at least I saw less gene rush and less swf. Maybe it's just a math, just because there is a bigger comunity now, so there is a lesser chance of going against super toxic teams.

    And I'm survivor too. It has been way more harder to play with other platforms' survs, Yesterday I got 4 depip in a row. It was nightmare.interstingly one of the killer was the nightmare. But at the same day, 4 clean victory as a killer in a row too.

  • divineavenger
    divineavenger Member Posts: 4

    It is the natural selection. pc survivors and pc killers adapt to each other sweats and toxic forms of playing, so there is a new environment for console player. I get it

    But variety is a bless. May be you can opted out in this game , but you know what! life gives you no choice

    Sometimes you have to do it ,and it gets you stronger

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    just as an FYI, if you're on console and see the globe icon.. pretty sure that could mean the other person is on another console too so not necessarily PC

    pretty sure

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    Do you cry and whine and DC every time a new killer comes out or do you learn how to play against them and make adjustments to your playstyle?

    Because this is no different.

    You have not had to go against these mechanically demanding killers at their full potential, while PC players have been dealing with them for YEARS. We know what to do, and you can learn too. It's time to #########-ing learn my friend— not puss the ######### out with your tail between your legs.

  • DrunkenXSMonkey8456
    DrunkenXSMonkey8456 Member Posts: 53

    This is why I completely stopped playing quite some time ago. Because this game is so toxic the fun element is just gone, I love this game. But I just can't bring myself to play it in this state. I'll just wait and by my time.

  • matther
    matther Member Posts: 3

    Uhh then you havent played enough games yet then. Nurse and spirit are strong killers don't get me wrong, but red ranks are absolutely not filled to the brim with tryhard sweats every game like so many people like to claim. Especially with nurse and spirit. Spirit i see every once in a while but nurse is almost never. As a matter of fact, usually the first words out of my mouth when a nurse is in the game is something like "holy crap its a nurse #########" cause you almost never see them. I do share distaste over playing against huntress but shes just a popular killer not a "youre the only killer i ever see" kind of killer. Idk just play more games and you'll see. Plus honestly i wouldn't even worry what killer it is if its PC vs Console. Playing console in itself is a disadvantage. Not meaning that as an insult its just plain fact that PCs can be, and usually are, a lot faster than consoles.. Like alot faster. Besides, chances are much more likely (one could say 4x the chance) that the killer is going to have to play against a sweat build than a survivor does.

  • Lilitu
    Lilitu Member Posts: 1

    Is it not an option? On Xbox you can turn it off. I understand being frustrated over the same killers, I went against Billy like 5 times in a row, and yeah I got destroyed... but I just took a break. All you are doing is judging on what people like to play, and hey man.... after spending my own money, I will play whoever I want. Yes it can be boring but you will get better playing against them so use it. Soon you'll be ######### them over hard. And one thing I hate about this is the whole sweat thing.... like what y'all want no challenge? I hate it when I am with people who just mess around... and think, maybe the person got no kills last game and wanted to do good. It's kinda weird how you seem to think that they are just like that... like bruh they probably got destroyed hard game before (and no it isn't your fault but still I get how they'd be angry) .... I mean I watch my bf play killer and I only see him sweat when he's got no kills last 2 games... but nobody is the same... just keep in mind there are new players too that may just want to get better with a killer... just like me with Claudette, I main her which I'm sure many killers don't enjoy as I run some good perks but I still am learning and right now i am good with Claudette. Just take a deep breath and play minecraft if you get bored lol stay safe everyone 👌

  • Crap_Martini
    Crap_Martini Member Posts: 50

    The sentiment "only the killers/survivors troll" is disingenuous.

    You troll because you troll. Simple.

    Everyone of these comments is ridiculous.

    Toxic players (survivor or killer) are toxic players.

    I played enough and watched enough streamers play to see it on both sides consistently and 90% of the time it's because of perceived trolling or an excuse to troll.

    It appears this community has never heard the phrase two wrongs don't make a right.

    I await the trolling replies.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Blame the meta. Sweaty tactics and high tier killers are needed for consistent results. I personally don't play many of them since I enjoy other killers, but there is a reason it happens. Slugging, proxy camping, mind games, etc. are all strats that are needed to keep up with survivors. If you just hook people one by one that's not enough to stop the team from doing gens, which is the killers priority. Pair that with meta survivor perks like Sprint Burst, Decisive and basically all the other ones made to waste the killers time and deny them advantages, there really is no other option unless you want to lose just to be nice. Normally that isn't too well received anyways since you get a "######### you lmao" at the end of every match.

  • K1k0TV
    K1k0TV Member Posts: 4

    Ikr? I'm a main survivor who used to depend on ds, exhaustion perks and unbreakable on the ps4. Makes almost 1 year that I changed back to the pc. And whenever I play killer, I get those 4man swf with those builds. I'm just glad I got used to not use those 2nd chance perks anymore. I feel like it makes a game more interesting because now I depend more on the vaults. Maybe you would go play against me someday

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Nothing wrong with trying to win mate.

  • K1k0TV
    K1k0TV Member Posts: 4

    I don't really care about going against a huntress. I went against 3 huntress in a row and 2 of them had iri head. Spirits I'm trying to find more ways to counter, but it's impossible when you have 1 or 2 dcs. There are killers that I dislike but whatever, I just play the game normally and it doesn't matter which killer I'm facing, even if it's a stridor spirit. But on consoles most of the things changes

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    We play the game to the fullest and its the right wae to do it.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    Every single pc killer I've gone against I've survived. They aren't sweaty tryhards they are just playing the game as it is meant to be played on their system. I've had one pc player escape my trials and they sent me a "gg. Finally a good console killer." If you can't adjust and adapt to the new players then I feel like the problem starts and ends at YOU not them.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    I don't understand how people can be so entitled. smh

  • Mobile might not be as bad as pc but man there is this epidemic where every second game is either ebony or more or some overpowered add-on combo.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Unfortunately my dude you are posting in a killer main sided forum if you couldn’t tell with most of the responses. My only advice is you will just get use to it after a while. I play red ranks and surprisingly I don’t see many nurses, I guess I’m lucky. I see a good variety of killers but most would have to be Deathslinger, PH, Huntress, Legion and Oni. If you are playing solo you’re probably gonna lose a good 80% of the time unless magically you end up with a good team. If you want fun to be more of a factor play with some friends. Plus if they are decent at the game you can actually get that 80% down to 60 or even 50%. As for sweaty ass killers well that’s just red ranks for ya.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Truth is game was rigged from the start, as soon as ps4, xbox, switch joined pc the meh killers would be top tier due to people actually being competent with them, also on pc everyone hates spirit, but nurse is fun to go against and huntress is fun unless they use iri head

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Same guy who slugged my whole team to death because one was "cocky." You can not complain.

  • Hahahhahah855
    Hahahhahah855 Member Posts: 7

    So you play consoles?

    Doesnt kean you are any different, idiot. On, both ps4 and xbox, dead by daylight they actually tunnel, face camp, normal camp, etc.

    So how are console players better when they are even more sweaty performing those actions?

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2020

    Funny how bad survivors think the Spirit's, Huntress', and Nurse's they play against are godlike, when the reality is they're just used to bullying ezmode console killers, none of those killers being the ones they ever really face lole

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    Wow, that's crazy. Must be your luck man. I have yet to get a campy PC Killer or any campy Cross Play Killer. Hope your luck gets better. I've actually been fortunate enough to have good matches with respectable Killers. I get what people are saying though. I've watched a lot of people who can't do much anymore because bad matches.