

What Killers Do We Want in DBD?

Member Posts: 497

If I were to make concepts for the following killers, based on personal preference, who would you choose and why (yes, please give your reason below).

It is to be noted I have made a concept for Pinhead already (however it is in a 1.0 phase)...

What Killers Do We Want in DBD? 80 votes

Sam (from Trick or Treat)
4 votes
Pennywise (Specify 1990 or 2017)
12 votes
Jack the Ripper
13 votes
Artie the Clown (from Terrifier)
3 votes
The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)
5 votes
Pinhead (from Hellraiser)
11 votes
Norman Bates (American Psycho)
1 vote
Other (specify)
31 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,262
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    I got my biggest wish with Silent Hill, but I'd love to see more from old 90's-00's horror games.

    Also Jason just because it feels like he's missing from the iconic horror roster.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Jason would be one of my go-tos, specifically on the basis of his iconic presence in the horror platform too. However, due to his heavily-strict licensing, it is near impossible to even beg for his arrival - especially considering Friday the 13th is still a playable game with a slightly similar outlook on a horror game.

    I got my real pick with Ghostie. Damn love Scream.

    Cheers for your opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,416
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    I think my name might give this one away, I’d love to see something SCP related.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    SCP's are definitely on a whole nother spectrum regarding horror, but an idea nonetheless.

  • Member Posts: 2,416
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    Yeah, they’d definitely be a oddball inclusion, I still love the uniqueness of the idea.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    And so many to choose from... going from my heart, 049... I love 15th/16th/17th century physicians and how they dressed (and besides, the whole idea is just so defined...)

  • Member Posts: 2,416
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    That would be sick, I’ve always been a sucker for the plague doctor aesthetic. Though my number one will always be 106, he scared me the most growing up.

  • Member Posts: 45
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    I want an I Know What You Did Last Summer chapter with the fisherman as the killer. I know people might think it's lame but it could be cool and I'm sure they could come up with some sort of ability for him. And I'd want Helen to be the survivor <3

  • Member Posts: 732
    Pennywise (Specify 1990 or 2017)

    Among these I'd rather we got Pennywise. I'm a Springtrap in DBD supporter though, that is the killer I want the most. I'd also like Tyrant from Resident Evil, or an Outlast, The Evil Within or Until Dawn DLC.

    To be honest I got everything I could possible ever dream of with Pyramid Head. I'd love it if we got the ones I mentioned above but with the Silent Hill DLC I'm already satisfied.

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    Pinhead (from Hellraiser)

    Out of the ones listed, Pinhead.

    But, and I don't care how unoriginal it is, my main choice is Jason.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
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    A xenomorph is something I'd love to see added, along with Ripley as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 345
    Jack the Ripper

    Jack the Ripper.

    Mainly because some late 19th century English cosmetics could be really cool.

  • Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2020
    Pennywise (Specify 1990 or 2017)

    The Pennywise from 2017 would be cool, along with 2 survivors, 1 Male with legendary skins for the other boys, and Beverly as the second survivor.

    Also, am I the only one who wants Sidney Prescott added as a survivor for the Scream DLC?

  • Member Posts: 8,330
    Sam (from Trick or Treat)

    I'd love Sam from Trick R Treat. 😍

  • Member Posts: 195
    edited August 2020
    Other (specify)

    Cropsy from "The Burning"

    Oh btw, Norman Bates is the killer in "Psycho", Patrick Bateman is the main character from "American Psycho".

  • Member Posts: 286
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    Xeno and Ripley

  • Member Posts: 1,811
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    Jason. I´m aware of the issues, but he´s the last true icon that is missing. The Band needs to get back together!

  • Member Posts: 1,088
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    Matt Cordell from Maniac Cop

    honestly, also other options that you pointed like my bloody valentine, terrifier, pinhead and jack the ripper

  • Member Posts: 3,426
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    Candyman is by far my favourite horror that is yet to become a killer in dbd.

  • Member Posts: 442
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    My dbd life will be complete once Jason is added.

  • Member Posts: 3,666
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    The only 2 killers I would get extremely hyped for are Jacket from Hotline Miami and the Wendigo from Until Dawn

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Didn't Hide or Die have a license with the Fisherman? Or was it unlicensed... argh... I'm unknowing haha. But I like it.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Nah. You're not. Avid Scream fan here... Sidney is all I've wanted since Ghostie's release... a shame his release was a 1-character DLC

  • Member Posts: 822
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    Purple Guy

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Oh my. How could I be so blind? I typed this one up while I was quite tired. That's my bad. Please, forgive my stupidity. I should have seen my mistake beforehand.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Name: The Man Behind the Slaughter; William Afton.

    Nah haha, I actually think "The Constructor" would suit William haha

  • Member Posts: 687
    Other (specify)

    Jason is always the killer that has to be in the game.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Yeah... and no. I just want Sidney as a survivor and Harry Warden as a killer, and I'm satisfied. Oh, and like a few people have brought up on this poll... an Xeno would also click with me, or Predator...

  • Member Posts: 25
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    Jason for sure I mean Myers, Freddy, and Leatherface are in the game these four would be fun to have in the game and plus all four are iconic killers

  • Member Posts: 1
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    I would love to see either the Slasher Necromorph from Dead Space, along with Isaac Clarke as a tie-in survivor, or a Dark One from the Metro games, with Artyom as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 166
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    A vampire, a werewolf and a shape shifter. A killer who could shape shift into a survivor would be neat!!!

  • Member Posts: 16
    Pinhead (from Hellraiser)

    Pinhead for me. I grew up with the Hellraiser films, loved them and the mystery to them, and to me Pinhead was such an interesting antagonist. He's not an evil man, he's very much neutral (at least in the first few films lol) and I think that could be played on with perks or addons.

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    Yes indeed...

  • Member Posts: 497
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)


  • Member Posts: 15
    Other (specify)

    Nemesis from ResEvil w/ Jill Valentine

    The Terminator w/ Sarah Connor

  • Member Posts: 60
    Jack the Ripper

    Candyman, Slender-man, Jack the Ripper.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Here is a real oddball one that I think would fit DbD well, Hostel. They could use the "Viking Torturer/Hostel Torturer" as the killer and maybe base the map off the second half of the movie.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited August 2020
    Pennywise (Specify 1990 or 2017)

    Out of the list provided without selecting "Other", Pennywise (2017).

    Close second would be Pinhead.

  • Member Posts: 3
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    Shaggy, and in mori we will have Scooby making jokes, with the survivors dying of laugh. Passive = If survivors tbag, they die. (Jk)

  • Member Posts: 621
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    my top three

    1. Jason Voorhees. pretty self explanatory, he's a part of the holy trinity of slashers (Jason, Myers, Freddy) and the only really big one not in game as far as I know. he's also my favorite horror movie villain ever
    2. Springtrap. I know he's been brought up a million times recently, but FNaF is my favorite horror game (both standalone and franchise) and dude is cool as all hell. stan the child murderer william afton .
    3. SCP or slenderman. we have a tie! on one hand, I love SCP sooo much, and has a ton of creative possibilities. If I had to choose one of the popular ones, I'd go with 049 or 106. on the other hand, slenderman is a huge part of horror, and is what made creepypastas and scary online stories popular. one could also choose other creepypastas like Jeff, but they didn't have the impact slenderman did on the genre.


  • Member Posts: 9
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    It would be a far stretch but honestly I would love a Gremlin killer. The first film was darker than the sequel and the devs could have a field day with the gimmick of "gremlins ruin technology" for their power or perks. As for cosmetics you could pull a lot from the two movies, A Stripe skin, Mohawk, Classic green/brown,Sequel Green/Brown, Vegetable one, And Daffy, George, and Lenny. As for a map they could use Clamp Towers or Kingston Falls. I know they have little to no chance but eh I'd love it

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Out of the options I like pinhead...

    But also....

    Zydrate comes in a little glass vial

    A Repo! The Genetic Opera release would be awesome. Repo-man is the killer, grave robber and shilo for survivors.

    Repo-man's power is called Legal Assassin.

    Shilo would have some kind of sympathy perk that is particularly disarming of repo-mans power.

    I'll think up the rest and put it in a post

  • Member Posts: 250
    Sam (from Trick or Treat)

    SCP's deserve their own bloody multiplayer horror game,

  • Member Posts: 2,416
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    They do. Its called SCP SL. Its free on steam if you wanna check it out. Its way different from DBD though, so I still think it warrants an inclusion.

  • Member Posts: 3
    The Miner (Harry Warden; My Bloody Valentine)

    I really want to see Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine 1981 movie. He's also get merchandise being released by NECA and a terror toony figure. So why not support him? It would be nice for him to get a spotlight.

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