My thoughts on the teaser

Personally I'm of the opinion it's the Alchemist that changes into a canine like mutant.
Volfa has got on the hype train.
I assume it's similar to plague, fairly basic M1 killer most of the time but once he unboxes his fursuit sh*t gets real
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My thought is that i feel teased.
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Breaking glass, maybe more likely jekyl and hyde kind of scenario.
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That's my thought, too.
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Honestly jekyll/hyde, Wolfman, alchemist, or whatever I'm still excited to see what comes of it
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me too, I'm more excited about this than the SH dlc.
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I'm just hoping no major bugs pop up when they're implemented lol
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Could be ..........s-s-springtr-rap? Please don't hurt me.
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I thought nea got into the whisky.
but I am excited to see what’s coming. Doesn’t it seem a little too obvious though?
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I feel so teased!
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Don't worry I got you.
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I am hoping to DEATH that it's Dr. Jekyl and Mister Hyde. I love his story so much and I'd absolutely love to see that mad man make it into the game. Like some guy running around looking like a survivor with no terror radius and is in 3rd person like other survivors. But on activation he injects himself with the serum and turns into the monster to chase down survivors.
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Not gonna lie I'm hoping it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... I'm gonna be so excited to try him? Them? out.
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I don't think its that mr hyde, because that thing in the teaser has a lot of fur, it's kinda big, and mr hyde from what i just read was small and hairy but not that hairy, so i don't think that's him (i might be wrong tho because i never knew something like that existed), i also don't think it's an werewolf because he needs full moon to change and from what i see there isn't that much moonlight there, my biggest bet is on an alchemist that can change into an monster with a potion, especially with the sound of breaking glass, but idk what monster would he change to. I also think that before the glass sound there is like an knife slicing something so idk what that means. So yeah, i don't think it's gonna be mr hyde, i think an alchemist is more possible, we still have so little amount of information tho that it could be something we wouldn't even think of.
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There are many different varieties of Mr. Hyde. I've seen big and small versions of him. But he is typically very hairy.
I had a theory that it was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He'd start off as Jekyll and he'd run around like a survivor in 3rd person. Then when he'd find a survivor he'd inject himself with the serum and he'd transform (Oni power style) and terrorize survivors as Mr. Hyde!
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The shape is more like an ape-man/King Kong/Yeti/Bigfoot-ish.
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Meh, it'll probably be another D-List killer with F-List Perks.
Honestly, nothing can get me hyped. =/
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For some reason, my mind went to bloodborne. But either jekel or the wolfman.
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I'm sure the entity can make it so a werewolf doesnt need a full moon
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that always happens.
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I thought it was one of two things. Either a werewolf or a sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type thing. I would like both honestly.
If we do get a werewolf, can we get a vampire?
Christopher Lee's Dracula pls