New killer needs to be Nerfed.

I'm just starting the thread early :)
actually i would do something with his fakes. 100% reward 0% risk, very strong.
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candyman is too op
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But nea isnt new?? She just got a rework that fits her better
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Yeah but idk I still feel her rework kinda messed her up and made her MORE OP
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Well but if they tweak her face then whats the point of her?
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I can't believe they actually made "The Crapper" from Samination parodies, I meant, is that crap noises in that trailer ?
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Need a killer with a shovel so we can justify Quentins face.
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I thought this was going to be a thread about the hill glitch & getting trapped by the Invisible Man.
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OP? Pffffffffffffffsh, you probably want Demo nerfed too.
On a serious note, shards mean unlicensed correct? Idk why, but I think I see feathers in his silhouette. MOTH MAN! 😅
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There is just no counterplay. His power is braindead easy and way too strong. Nerf or no one will play survivor ever again!
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Perfect gif for the occasion
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He needs his facelift ASAP
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*Insert usual it's too early reply here*
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Yes shards mean unlicensed!
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He's been out for -5 days and I already have 0 hours on the PTB I know what I'm talking about.
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Seriously it feels so restrictive playing against him. I DC everytime at this point.
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The crap noises you're hearing is actually the song DNA by BTS but don't worry they're very similar
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He/she has zero counterplay, gives no chance to react, is boring/annoying/OP/braindead/no skill and can 4k with one hand tied behind his/her back
Did I forget anything?
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Its not as much that he is op or anything, he is just boring and annoying to play against. 0 Counterplay.
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His addons are kinda lame and not game changing at all. Probably because of the strong basekit? It kinda gets boring playing as and against him.
His chase music is S-tier, though!
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Tbh his chase music is very deafening, definitely needs to be toned down.
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Yeah I just wish he didn't have all he has when killers like trapper only have traps.
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Forgot the tunnel camp potential
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I'd like to add "the new killer is useless" to the list. You know there will come them too...
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His mori animation is so cool though, but sadly he needs to play campy in order to get high pressure smh, but let's not forget the noise that he makes while waiting for the match, it's so damn loud I have to take off my headset in order to not get deaf.