Soooo how bad is crossplay for console killers?

I haven't tried it yet but on xbox i can usually 4k everygame without really trying (not a flex, im just a billy and spirit main) will pc survivors actually be a challenge to go against or are they just as easy as console survivors?


  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Haven't really noticed much of a difference as killer. How do you turn off crossplay, tho? I've tried going into settings, but I can't seem to disable it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    You need to be on the main menu where you can select either killer or survivor, and then click options. It should no longer be blurred out.

    If you're a PC player though there is literally zero reason to disable cross play, unless you hate console survivors.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's not that console killers have a worse experience now but that pc killers have a better one.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Do it outside of killer and survivor menus so like the main menu ig.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Nothing's changed so far except maybe a little faster queues.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Thanks, @Leachy_Jr and @Waffleyumboy! I will try that.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Meh, it goes both ways, console can now come up against stretched res, cheaters, people with better frames and controls, and PC can now come up against people with worse controls and worse frames. Coming from a PS4 player, having a killer play at 10 FPS vs a survivor on about 60 is a huge disadvantage.

    Of course you can turn cross play off, but point still applies if cross play is on.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    For me the average of survivor skills seems to have stepped up a little but there seems to be fewer obvious SWFs so it balances out really well.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Crossplay is ######### WIERD. Almost no-one is any good at looping, but they drop pallets instantly to buy time while their solo teammates do gens as quick as they possibly can. I've had to stop playing m1 killers.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    edited August 2020

    What kind of noticeable advantage would a killer have if a survivor's screen stutters slightly more than usual? That's like the difference between 100 and 120 ms ping survivors xD

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Haven't noticed a difference so far on both sides to be honest.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    You get much smoother gameplay on the survivors end, making mindgames easier to read, hatchets easier to dodge, etc. While it's not directly correlated to killer, it still is an advantage.

    Lets say a killer is turning a corner at a loop with low frames he'll be seen almost lag around it like a passive phasing spirit. As well your movement on low frames feels very clunky as well.

    This actually doesn't happen that often on survivor, but if anyone has played on hawkins with low FPS, they'll know exactly what I mean.

    Plus, it just feels a bit trash knowing the survivors are on a smooth 60 FPS, while you're on 10.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I have an older PC and I get some problems with heat in hot summer months. The VRMs get too hot and downclock the CPU which causes frame drops. If I am unlucky, I also have low FPS when playing killer. On indoor maps (especially Lery's) it is really bad (10-15 FPS). So I know how you feel. And I will be so happy when I get a new PC in a few months.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    My first couple of matches had lots of lag, but things seem to be improving. I'll have to see how it goes over the weekend, though. Primetime might have the lag again.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    It's no different than before. As a console killer, my biggest enemy is the frame rate. This has not changed.

    It doesn't matter what your opponent's FPS is, if yours is 5.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2020

    For me, the best survivors are not any better than console survivors, however I am finding that there are many more swfs that consist of most if not all good players. Basically the good survivors aren’t any better than before, but there are more of them now. Also the blendettes are sweaty rather than immersed

  • NoObzBoiYT
    NoObzBoiYT Member Posts: 198

    As a switch player it’s horrendous! We run at 30fps and below. Everything is worse on the switch.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Its not bad actually. PC players are not that great.

  • Grain_Of_Salt
    Grain_Of_Salt Member Posts: 12

    I actually just made a post about this if you want to see what I have to say.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I haven't had any issues so far...

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2020

    So I played Killer for the first time since Crossplay came out. I play both sides and at Rank 1. Here is what I noticed.

    1) I was not ready for the flashlight skill. On console survivors are trash with them and I can look up and face walls etc. However the first game with flashlights was a macro click fest. I took 3-4 blinds to revert back to the habit of validating my area before just picking up. This is on me and wont be an issue, just an old habit from a difference in platform

    2) looping is way tighter and pallets don't just get thrown, you have to not respect pallets for free hits.

    3) Find the weak link and push them, there are more "mechanical rabbits on PC" just there to take the chase and waste your time. On Console we have them but the gen rush is the primary tactic that I am used to.

    4) There are still potatoes on PC. I played 6 rounds won 4 (3+ kills) drew 1 (2 -2 split) and lost 1. (Normally I get more 4k but again I had not played in a few weeks)

    5) Indoor maps are horrible at the moment for console killer. The frame drop was soooo frustrating, on The Game map, I almost just let everyone out. (This needs to be addressed ASAP)

    6) 360 spins can be countered with higher sensitivity on console. You have to learn to run this at a higher setting (even if akward at first), That or you will wiff 4 times to get 1 hit.

    7) I could sense that Red rank PC players were drooling for console killers and expected to bully me, when they realized I was console. The actions reminded me of a year or so ago when every survivor was toxic af. This changed once I started playing strong but I can see from this they must have had their way a fair bit and thought it was gg ez. So expect PC survivors to feel in the power role atm.

    Overall the skill is about the same in my mind, just some clear platform advantages to PC players.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    Same, our frame rate is so unstable that it's so hard to keep track of survivors.

    Plus killers can get easily spun due to the lower framerate and lower sensitivity so PC players can spin and make you miss which can make the difference between getting a pallet or not.

    On Switch I would get 4K or 3K about 80-90% of the time (not bragging just stating facts) but the past few games with Wraith, one of my mains, have been awful, with me being spun left and right because of low framerate and gens flying. I hope the next few games are better.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I found it much better since cross play - I haven't been playing much killer until now as it was just horrible with the unbalanced matches but since crossplay, almost every match has been around my skill level and gave a decent challenge. I've actually had fun with it today, for the first time in a very long time.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I've noticed that things are opposite what many thought it would be. Console survivors seem to be total potato (I've had nearly 30 matches vs 3+ console survivors in a match and all were 4ks.) The console survivors seem to rely too much on 360s and selfcare. I'm playing at red ranks and these survivors are red rank as well - I honestly thought they were greens or worse during the matches, so I started going easy.)

    Console killers seem to have one leg up on PC survivors that I've seen. Poor framerates make timing loops, pallet drops, and vaults very difficult. I played about a dozen survivor matches with 8 vs console killers. The first few were ugly. I got hit through walls and solid objects. The killer seemed to be phasing around the map. You think you have time for one more loop, then he pops in nearly in front of you and smacks you. Or he swings on the other side of a wall and hits you. I figured out why the console players 360 so much though. I started employing it and the console killers struggled a lot against it. I made a Doc miss 8 times in a row. It is pure stupidity.

    I don't think we can really measure the skills of each set due to optimization issues. It is completely game changing for both. I turned off cross-play. We'll see how bad wait times are now. If they are close to the old 10 minute wait times, even 15 minutes, I'm good. If not, I'll quit playing for a while until they figure this stupidity out.

    Pretty good job so far BHVR.

  • Chappy04
    Chappy04 Member Posts: 193

    honestly, other than frames were pretty much the same on killer from what i feel when i play, with crossplay in i only feel a difference in ttvs plus queue times are better now. with surv, i feel that the average surv is worse yes but i reckon that the better players on console are just as good as the better pc players.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I've only played 2 matches as killer against pc so far and killed the whole team both times. In guessing they were random though, otherwise it would have been tougher

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Absolutely agree as I played both very recently and there is a very clear difference in the feel. You almost feel sluggish as killer going back to ps4

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I think it is the optimization that is the problem. Console survivors are likely just as good, but the style of play they have learned due to lack of optimization is not going to help them as much vs PC killers. PC survivors will have to adapt to phantom hits vs console killers. They will have to treat them all like Doctor, you drop the pallet early. You employ some 360s, etc.

    The problem is not skill, it is entirely due to the play style of console and PC is so different in large part due to optimization.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I get stomped into the dirt when going up as killer during crossplqy. Like literally in the first few minutes of the match I hit down one survivor, flashlight comes out of nowhere, drop survivor, and all gens pop at once. I’m turning it off cause it seems a lot of PC players dont know how to play without hacks. That and anytime i face off against pc players my frame rate drops and I can’t see for #########.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’ve had no problem personally

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Its really not that bad as some might make out, crossplay is pretty much the one thing they had added and got right lol but you do get sims extra awesome pc players just destroying with either huntress, slinger or nurse.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I will not be turning it back on until they fix Console issues.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    im a console killer and I tried to play ds yesterday. Nuff said

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Overall not much a difference though I've seen PC survivors loop tighter. And Console survivors do more jukes.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    As killer, I see no difference. Besides the occasional hacker it's the same as console players.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited February 2021

    Well whenever I play killer the survivors aren't sentient at all on both XBOX and PC. And whenever I play survivor the Killers are either low ranks, decent, or excessively BM'ing for no reason. And I predominantly get PC Killers when I play survivor.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    It's the same as always on PS4. I've been dealing with terrible frames for years, so nothing new.

  • Meg_Main
    Meg_Main Member Posts: 28

    I play killer on PS5. That alleviates the frames by a lot. I play killer 80% of the time and only play survivor when its with my friends.

    There's only a few types of survivors.

    Clicky Clicky: these are actually quite rare, at least for me. Usually play Nea, Feng, or Claudette and think they are God because they looped you for 1-2 beginning gens and dropped a pallet on you. Will always run the meta perks so expect the worst, hope for the best.

    Gen Jockeys: These players are usually Nancy, Dwight, Cheryl, and Kate. These players spend their free time reading engineering guides and will always sit on gens all game. Once you get in a chase with them it's probably a free hit since they usually have no chase game and try some scuffed af plays. A few of them are actually good in a chase but most just can't hold out.

    The Wannabe Clicky Clickys: These players are almost always Feng, Laurie, and Davids. Even if they are injured you can trust that they will always be a few meters behind you in a chase for emotional support or something. They frequently inspect your chest with their flashlight instead of aiming for the head for saving teammates. They usually just want the killer's attention but fail to receive it. Will bodyblock you whenever they can.

    The Bots: These players will be no better than AI and are usually default Dwights, Megs, Bill, Nancy, and Elodie. You can count on them to never look behind them in a chase and to hide in corners whenever they can. Usually 8-year old Switch users who stole their mom's credit card to buy A Binding of Kin.

    The Altruists: These players will not hesitate to farm their friends as soon as they are hooked. These people are usually Bill, Laurie, and Davids. The killers that they do this against is for some reason always Doctor. (the survivor in me speaking)

    The Parkour Vloggers: These players for some reason think they are filming an epic parkour montage and will jump off of every ledge, balcony, and open hole they can find without balanced landing. These are almost always people playing Claudette, David, and Adam

    The Snake on Virtuous Mission: These players probably die of heart failure every time they are seen by the killer and don't have any chase game at all. They will always hide wherever they can and are usually Elodie, Claudette (you know it), and default Nea(for urban).

    Overall I play against a lot of PC survivors and the occasionally console swf.