Optimization for consoles

Any chance you're ever gonna answer this topic, cause even on streams you ignore this topic.
Doesn't have to be the 2 off you but every other community manager or dev can do it too.
So I have no doubt this has been asked tons of times over and over again but here I go again. 😅
I believe it was 2018 or something when it was announced that it was coming.
Now lets keep it nice and say we're 1,5 year further down the line and yet it is still not there.
What I find funny is that crossplay was only announced recently that they were working on it and, well, here it is allready.
Don't get me wrong here cause I love crossplay.
Why is it possible to implement this so freaking fast while the very much anticipated optimization update, isn't even here after 1, 5 year?
What is the issue for it not being done yet?
Why is there a lack of info on that subject?
Is there a problem with certain consoles not being able to handle it?
If that is the case, why not focus on the consoles who do can handle it?
After that you can look why it wasn't working on the others and what's the possible solution to get it done.
Especially now with crossplay in play, a console vs pc match you do notice as a console player that you miss frames.
(yes you actually do notice that)
If you're still working on it but implementing crossplay first, than imo you guys working a bit backwards.
First the consoles up to date for crossplay, in terms of graphics and fps, that implement crossplay.
I really love for at least 1 of the devs to shed a bit light on this subject as it was said to be coming and then it stayed quiet.
And that while there is a massive player base waiting eagerly for this update to arrive.
So please do inform us what is happening/happend to this patch?
Don’t hold your breath. It took 9 pages to get a dev to respond about console frame issues.
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Well been holding my breath since the announcement, so I think I can hold a little longer 😜😂
But yeah i have little faith it will ever come unless maybe if the decide to remaster it for new gen, like ps7 and xbox xxxx
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and the response was "we're gonna read this thread to the dev team before they go to sleep" 💤 .
But hey, at least now we can dream!
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Hey a dream never hurts 😉
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I think it's fair to have these concerns, considering you're buying a product that's advertised to work properly. But, one thing to keep in mind is that the current gen consoles are pretty old unless you have a pro version. The next gen consoles will reportedly enhance/improve gameplay of older games. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
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That is why i said why not focus on the consoles who are able to run it instead of focusing on all consoles at once?
I do play on a ps4 pro indeed but but even a regular ps4 is capable of running 60 fps.
For example (totally different genre) gran turismo sport.
It runs at 60 fps on Pro as well as on the regular ps4.
And I'm very very confident that gran turismo sport asks far more from the console than dbd does.
So if they say it is not possible on ps4 than, i hate to say it, but then they're either be lying or are misinformed.
It just saddens me that they still haven't done anything with it and never kept us informed about the status regarding the subject.
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Yeah, we may never know why they make the choices they make. They definitely learn from them, that's for sure. My best guess is that there are probably a lot of people that play on the older consoles, so they could make up a large part of the population. If I were going to optimize the game I would aim to have the greatest positive impact on the people who are struggling the most to play. So unfortunately, I would guess that the people who need the optimizations the most are going to be the ones on older hardware, as newer hardware will struggle less. The squeaky wheel gets the grease :)
I would imagine that you're probably right, that gran turismo is more demanding on your system than DBD is - especially when you consider the difference in the image quality. Although, it could be that the engine they're using is capable of textures and quality like we see with gran-turismo, but BHVR doesn't have enough people on their team to be refining textures tot he level they're refined in gran turismo. So, the engine could place similar demands on the console as gran turismo does, even if they aren't utilizing all the of capabilities the engine has to offer. Also, gran turismo, and lots of games that are really pretty come from really big studios. Just for reference, an internal studio at Sony Interactive makes gran turismo, and if Sony is funding them, consider that Sony made 20 billion in revenue last year, whereas BHVR (afaik from heresay) brought in something like 100 million, or 200x less than Sony did. That's a major disparity in resources. Not saying that makes the game's state ok, but it's worth considering.
btw, I don't know for a fact that this is the case regarding the engine they use. I had similar complaints and did some research and this is kind of the conclusion I've reached, myself.
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Dbd's graphics are neither particularly up to date, nor are the maps big, nor is there an exceptionally high amount of computations required for the gameflow (like explosions, destructable environment, entities with alot of possible internal states).
There is no other excuse than simple laziness and the problem being low priority.
But this all makes me wonder how this all will change with the upcoming graphics update. Unless the developers have developed a magic trick to improve optimisation, those new graphics will turn console gameplay into a powerpoint slideshow. And if the developers have a magic trick to fix performance, why are they not telling us?
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I wouldn't go as far as saying it is lazynes as I don't know that much about programming.
But i do want (as does about everyone else), is to know why it isn't here yet.
And yes I do agree with the new graphics update.
Might that also be the optimisation patch for consoles?
But if there were trouble with the older version of the consoles (which I would find strange personally), what did they do differently to make it work this time?
Was it because it didn't work that it is still not implemented in the game or is it a different reason?
I would love to hear something from the devs or community managers about this tho.
I don't like to jump to conclusions fast, neither do I lime to be kept in the dark regarding a game I love so much
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- Until when do you start to lose fps due to heat (throttling)? (Especially the crap of the play4 with its lousy cooling system).
- How often do you disassemble your console, clean the fans, change the thermal pastes?
I can give you the answer, you can easily have a 4-year-old console and never have done maintenance and later come complain to the forum.
I especially changed the thermal pastes (PC) 3 months ago and 2 days ago I cleaned the fans and the game is doing very well for me in performance, I can play at stable 240fps and it is not that my 300 usd graph is the wonder.
An easy console after a year begins to suffer from throttling, imagine someone with 3 years. 🤷♂️
The peak of your performance is until when your gpu decides not to burn out.
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This is exactly why I turned crossplay off when I play Killer (to not give PC survivors even faster queue times) and why I don’t buy cosmetics.
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It has nothing to do with frame drops.
On console we don't get higher frames than 30 fps, that's where the devs capped it.
In 2018 they said they're going to optimise the consoles with an aim of 60fps.
Today 2020 we still haven't had any update regarding console optimization, nor did they ever released any info regarding that update after the announcement.
The thing what I meant which is visible, is like on pc it plays smoother also because of the higher frames, yet on console playing at 30fps you definitely notice the difference.
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That's the problem, on consoles they have to make the game run on everyone without exception (including the console from 5 years ago with a living being created from dust).
On PC that does not happen, if you buy the game and your PC does not have the requirements to run it, that is your problem, generally a PC user knows what their equipment can run and may prefer to play in very low quality to gain fps, on consoles I'm super sure that Microsoft/Sony will take the game out of the store if it looks ugly (bad image for the brand)
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They 100% need to do something about it. I've even made 2 posts regarding it.
Like this for example which I've posted on each of them. Even saying that Ghostface and Trapper are bad about it too. The problem is the little text box that says that you can use your power in that spot, so when you are indoors and it's constantly flashing off and on as you walk in and out of "Power use zones" it lags the console.
Now my question is... WHY does basically a jpg lag an almost $500 machine!?
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You need optimization and condensed assests and coding to bring it, up to par with crossplay. Especially when PC is the superior machine...
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I think pushing it to 60 fps for consoles will allready make a lot of difference.
Makes the game a lot more smoother and thus getting a much fair play vs pc players