Why the Devs turn a blind eye to all the DS complaints?

VSchmitt Member Posts: 571
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Look. I'll start this by saying: DS is a really good anti-tunnel perk (and I know that the Devs never said it was its function) as BT is a great anti-tunnel perk.

Now that's over, WHY, WHY in the heavens the devs doesn't say NOTHING about all the complaints (and proofs) that DS is a broken perk in its current status?

Hell, there's almost a consensus (when you play both sides) that 1 minute of immortality and "do whatever you want as long as the perk is active" is utterly BS.

And a really good solution has been brought by Scott Jund (and many other players). Give DS any duration you want. Hell, make it last for the rest of the match. BUT, in the moment that a survivor touch a gen o start healing somebody, the perk desables.

It's that simple. You won't get tunneled, as it will be up, and the killer won't have to worry about you sitting on a gen in his face 'cause you have 1 minute of "get out of the jail free card".

Why is so difficult to do that? (Besides the fact that survivors are the majority of player base and god forbid that the devs mess with their beloved perk).

EDIT: BT is great anti-camp perk.



  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536
    edited August 2020

    I read in this forum a while ago that they should change it so that it deactivates if someone else got hooked but will be active as long as nobody else got hooked.

    Or maybe make it so that it stay activates as long as nobody else get downed.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    But that would be really worse, DS is fine as a anti-tunnel perk, really is, but you certainly are not being tunneled when you have time to sit on a gen or heal a teammate

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    You know the answer its because there will be a huge rise in survivors complaining that ds got changed to make it not as strong

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Yeah but change it so that it deactives if someone get/got healed or a Gen is done isn't ideal too bc if you got unhooked and the Killer is coming back. In the meanwhile a Gen is done or someone got healed(most Survivor's do Gen's befor healing) DS will be deactivated too quickly if the Gen is done 10 sec's after you got unhooked or someone being healed bc they don't focus Gen's first.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    No no, DS deactivates if the unhooked player (who has DS up) sits on a gen or heal somebody.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    But in what sense it would stop being a perk against tunnel? I really can't see how you are being tunneled if you're doing gens or healing someone...

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    Some killer need a big fat nerf before they touch ds

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    "Requirements". Dude, if the killer don't hook you, you'll never need DS #########? The problem ISN'T the tunneling part, wich is fine, the problem is a minute of immortality where you can sit in the killer's face and do 90% of a gen by yourself and the killer can either eat the DS or let you go free to try apply pressure somewhere else.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Then again, that's what I'm talking about. DS can last for the whole match as far as I'm concerned, you just can't touch a gen or heal somebody, so as long as you have your "immortality" you can't help to progress the game.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    And again, ignoring the part in wich you can do by yourself 90% of a gen 'cause the killer know you have DS up, so you can sit there as nothing will happen to you. Dude, I don't even need to guess if you're a survivor main or not, the entitlement is strong on you.

  • KentCStrait
    KentCStrait Member Posts: 9

    DS already got changed in the past from already having it activated in the beginning to only after being unhooked.

    Also why don't you just go for another survivor or if you find it necessery to start to tunnel let the survivor on the ground after the minute is over?

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Unbreakable or another player picking you up? But again, just READ what I've said. DS will be active as long as you want, you just can't sit on a gen and give a big f. you to the killer 'cause you can't get grabbed

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    So, what happened to the "hit and down the another 3 survivors?" You know that a killer can only chase one person at a time, the unhooked will have DS so I wouldn't touch him as long as I don't have a advantage on the match, so I'll go for one of the other 3, then chase him, then down him (after 20 to 30s of chase if he's healthy) by that time the unhooked will be sitting on a gen for 30s. If I go "apply pressure" on him, he'll sit there 'cause DS will still be up. If I go "apply pressure" somewhere else, he'll still either be sitting on the gen untill DS deactivates or will go for the unhook.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Yea less complaints I could see it now if it wasn't also clogged with complaints about spirit and freddy

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2020

    chase others instead of focus problem solved

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The hilarious thing is that changing it so it simply deactivates on another survivor being hooked/touching a gen would keep it just as strong for it's (or what they claim is) its intended use.

    You wouldn't need to touch the stun time, nor the timer. Just that simple change and DS would probably remain a meta perk, but it wouldn't punish killers simply for playing well anymore.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2020

    The developers want to pretend like they didn't design DS to be "anti-tunnel" despite everyone calling it anti-tunnel and specifically running it as anti-tunnel. This prevents them from having to acknowledge said busted perk is busted and actually balancing it. it does its job against killers that go out of their way to tunnel, however it also punishes any momentum or pressure good killers obtain because either they play well and end chases quickly or they're not expecting a survivor 60 seconds later afking on a gen to have it. It's also even more busted when you add Unbreakable in, which is a combination that they, again, choose to ignore the interactions it has with said busted perk

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    DS by itself isn't really an issue to me. Yeah you can force it's use or jump in a locker but when combined with Unbreakable and to a lesser extent BT it becomes an issue.

    If you have DS+UB and get slugged you can pick back up and still have DS for a bit removing the only real counter to DS (slugging). If you have active DS+BT you can unhook in the killers face and prevent a hook trade for your play (BT can be bypassed with undetectable so this is much less of an issue). If you have all three you can have your 60 sec DS plus be unable to be slugged plus prevent a hook trade and any pressure. If all of this happens in EGC near a gate the killer might as well go to the corner and completely give up since there's absolutely nothing they can do in that scenario to secure a kill.

  • schadenfreudez28
    schadenfreudez28 Member Posts: 32

    DS really isn't an issue. The 60 seconds go by a lot faster than you think and the "60 seconds of invulnerability" is such a stupid complaint.

    When you're playing killer you can slug or just not deal with the survivor if they jump into a locker. They're wasting their time, don't waste yours. I can't remember the last time I've been hit with DS and I usually get 4ks. Slugging is the most effective way to deal with it. It's not hard to make a mental note of who you just hooked.

    Meanwhile, for survivor the only times I do get to use DS is when the killer tunnels me, sometimes not even then because the chase takes longer than 60 seconds. By the time you get unhooked (with the killer across the map) , get healed up and find a gen or something else do to, the 60 seconds are done like that. You no longer have DS, and never get to use it if the killer is good at pressure (like 99% of my survivor games go).

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Only people complaining about ds are tunnelers.

    Only thing wrong with DS is that it doesnt deactivate once you past the exit gate.

    Getting unhooked during egc with a door 99 is OP and needs to be fixed.

    All other situations are irrelevant if your a good killer DS isnt even a problem.

    As a rank 1 killer with 1200 plus hrs i really only get hit with a DS if i plan to. Theres 4 survivours dont go after the same guy you just hooked.

    Its 60 seconds if you chase the person who saved even a basic potato can last 30 seconds in a chase. You hook him and go after someone different. Dont go back to the last guy whos still injured.

    Hes doing a gen fine let him. Go down a second survivor and create map pressure. Now you have 2 hooks and since ole guy you didnt tunnel did the gen instead of healing now go back and hes a easy one hit with no DS.

    Its not hard to go after different survivors.

    Only time its OP is during EGC and a door is 99d.

    It should deactivate when you pass the exit gate.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • Netherstorm
    Netherstorm Member Posts: 42

    Because you guys complain about everything.

    Look at the threads that appear here every single day. If behaviour listened to every complaint, there would be no game.

  • KentCStrait
    KentCStrait Member Posts: 9

    Just don't grab the survivor then, instead hit him, it's not that hard to understand simple game mechanics

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    They proably hear us but they have other things to focus on right now, I think the balance team is probaly trying out the new killer and his perks. same reason why mori, keys, NOED still havent received a nerf even if a lot of players complain over them. They simply got better things to focus on

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Why exactly would tunnelers want to extend the duration of DS as long as the survivor hasn't gone back to doing objectives? Does anyone actually read posts before they start typing?

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Honestly, DS is fine as it is in my opinion. Just slug if you think they have it. The problem is DS and unbreakable. The combination of the two is the problem.

  • IMilkNobody
    IMilkNobody Member Posts: 114

    ive never understand how people find noed op its a one time perk that will get you one hook most of the time or it will be gone if the team did do bones

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Let us for a moment understand how the perk works so that everyone is on the same page with this. Once a survivor is hooked and unhooked, DS activates and will stay active for up to 60 seconds. While active, if they are picked up by a killer, they will be given a hard skill check, regardless to whether or not they hit the skill check, DS will deactivate for the rest of the game. If they happen to hit their skill check, they will escape the killer's grasp and the killer will be stunned for 5 seconds.

    The complaint is that survivors are given a "get out of jail free card" for 60 seconds but what happens after those 60 seconds? Nothing, you can down, grab, and hook them like normal. What happens if they miss that skill check? Nothing. You can hook them like normal. What happens if they hit that skill check? Well, you get stunned for 5 seconds but after that what's stopping you from being able to just down that survivor again? Lets be honest, they're injured, leaving a trail of blood and scratch marks directly to them, what would stop you? In my experience using the perk, nothing as for an anti-tunnel perk it isn't really that good at deterring tunneling.

    Changing it to be a perk that deactivates upon healing or repairing a generator creates this problem where killers will intentionally allow survivors to complete those actions in order to get rid of DS and then proceed to tunnel like nothing's changed. It also encourages survivors to do nothing to progress the match while DS is active.

    I believe Scott's idea was to have it last indefinitely in chase but expire upon touching a gen, healing, or someone else being hooked. While that sounds awesome in theory, it isn't that good in practice, because instead of having survivors 'taunt' you from a gen they will intentionally thrust themselves into chases in order to be as toxic as possible.

    Let's imagine a swf team going out of their way to stall the game by doing everything in their power to stop new hooks once someone is hooked? I could see that happening the same day the change rolls out. So instead of being able to wait the 60 seconds out and hook like normal, it will be a game of hopefully you can get another hook while all the survivors are body blocking, breaking hooks, and just doing everything possible to save the person you're trying to hook to get rid of 1 survivor's DS. Once that new person is unhooked, you have to start the whole thing over.

    If we even think about it from the other side, I believe it would still be abused as now killers are encouraged to ignore survivors long enough for them to touch a gen, or get healed. Not complete a generator. Just touch it. So think of a wraith who goes invisible and hides near the freshly unhooked survivor just waiting for them to progress the game a tiny bit so they can hook them again. Hell, any killer or killer perk that can make it seem like it's safe to do a gen or heal will make lives for survivors a living hell.

    I get that being DS'd is annoying, but we're talking about 5 seconds of being annoyed. Then the game progresses like normal.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    I didnt read lol but i mean its 60 seconds. This whole survivor just do gens in my face is cause they are invincible is bs.

    You have two choices

    A. Hit and slug then to force there UB or force a team mate to come help.

    B. Grab them off gen and eat the DS its 5 seconds and if your a good killer catching back up to the survivor isnt hard and then its an easy hook again.

    I just dont see why everybody complains about this, i cant imagine experienced killers getting hit by DS every game. I rarely ever eat a DS unless its planned.

    I think just the majority of killers are potatoes and dont know how to play around DS.

    As ive stated before its really only OP if its used during EGC with a door 99d.

    Thats a get out of jail free card.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Here come all the survivors talking about how any more restrictions would ruin the perk, which it wont. Or how DS already has enough restrictions, which it doesnt.

  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Oh dear how did I forget about the infamous “DS isnt even that good” which is the funniest one