Who's the most fun killer

For me it's oni
He's strong and fun to play
Demo is fun but not the strongest imo
Oni for me too. His charge is just so satisfying. Next favorite would be a tie between Spirit and Ghostface. Spirit because similar reasons to Oni ; being able to speed around the map. Ghostface for the grabs and the jumpscare moments.
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mines nurse for me because I’ve gotten decent to an extent with her , just the luxury of not having to deal with loops is really relaxing and survivors often try to run into you when you blink so you could just make a short blink and easily get them
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Oni, Spirit, Demo, Myers and Nurse (if you are good), Bodyblocking Hag, Space Billy, Speed Limiter + Muffler Bubba
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Pig, you get more time to play via RBT and can mindgame loops better with her dash.
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The Doctor. I enjoy any game or character that lets me throw electricity around.
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Pig is most fun ahead of Clown and Spirit.
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I enjoy playing Demogorgon a lot since I'm pretty good with him. I've gotten the hang of Spirit and like sneaking up on Survivors and mess up their skill checks. I've also found Wraith to be pretty fun too from time to time.
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but if survivors just hide 24/7 then its by far the most boring experience you can have with a killer
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Demogorgon w/I'm All Ears
Pig is fun when using Amanda's Letter + Murky Reagent offering :) they never see you coming
Huntress is fun as long as you're hitting your shots.. -_-
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Pig against solo potatoes.
You toy with them and drag out the game as long as possible. Play it like Tru3's Wraith in that you keep them guessing. Not the Sloppy/Thanat part, since crouch is super slow.
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Michael Myers 🤠
And nea
Post edited by deollie on1 -
Oni. What other killer can you drift with?
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Nurse (ps4) she takes out looping she’s frustrating in a different way but I just enjoy not looping
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Currently, Doctor is most fun since he can annoy survivors a lot.
Most satisfying killer is Trapper if I get enough set up time. Chasing a t-bagging flashlight clicking Survivors only to hear them scream after a loud “SNAP!” is a priceless moment in time.
Hag is fun with overly altruistic Survivors. Teleporting and instantly grabbing them is loads of fun. I like to imagine that their undies got a little wet.
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Nothing is more fun than playing as jump scare Myers on an indoor map and no one can change my mind.
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Ghostface then Oni love scaring people with Derpface and Oni is really satisfying for them hits with bat
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Im with Demo right now, but I love Wraith. Always play with windstorm because running that ######### fast being sneaky feels so dam good for me. Also Ghostface is ######### nuts. Also loving oni.
But ninja myers... god I hope they make a killer like him. Like being stealthy and slow but creating fog or something.
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Oni ... nothing beats a Demon Rush into insta down into DC 🤣
Ghosti ... the "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Where the hell did he come from" 😁
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Myers all the way. Especially scratched mirror on an indoor map.
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Oni, Ghostface, Spirit, Plague, Legion, Freddy, Doc, and Billy all make me wanna splurge in my pants when I play as them 😋.
Also, gettin some practice in with Huntress so she may soon be added to that list.
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Pig is the most fun. Her Jack of all trades master of none kit let's her he extremely versatile.
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doc so I don’t have to worry about blendettes
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Leatherface currently.
I like going through those pallets and love the satisfaction of downing with his 'saw.
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They are all super fun in my opinion, and i might change my pick on daily base, but for right now, i love the new doctor. His rework is really well done. Strong, fun and interesting playstyle, i absolutly love him now <3
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For me legion and ghost face. With the right Perks legion can control the game and switch up targets really fast. Has the best cosmetics as well. And jump scaring as ghosty is awesome.
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I faced him recently and he's super fun with his 2 iridescent addons
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Right now, Myers, Doc, Pig, and Deathslinger.
Of course, it changes from time to time (except for Myers).