

Do you think Object of Obsession is fine?

Member Posts: 1,811

It´s been a hot topic for the longest time. Is it fine as it is or does it need changes? What do you think?

Do you think Object of Obsession is fine? 97 votes

23 votes
74 votes

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  • Member Posts: 8

    As a solo survivor who uses it alot for the purpose of getting in chases, I love it. I voted yes mostly because I don't want it to be nerfed with a cool down timer. I'm perfectly happy with stealth killers being able to see my aura while I am unable to see theirs. It adds tension and jump scares to my DBD life.

  • Member Posts: 621

    i'm conflicted.

    on one hand, it's pretty balanced solo. high risk high reward

    on the other had, pretty broken with SWF

  • Member Posts: 27

    Don't see a problem as long as it's solo queue. Overkill as SWF tho...

  • Member Posts: 10

    The game is about chase interactions between killers and survivors, anything that happens before and/or after that is generator repairing/patroling. Dead by Daylight stopped being hide-and-seek years ago.

  • Member Posts: 444

    It’s fine. I don’t see the problem with it. I use it in SWF and Solo if I feel like it because it lets you know when the killer is headed your way and if you’re in a dead zone you have a few extra seconds to leave.

  • Member Posts: 5

    The answer is entirely based off the map you're playing on.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I´m pleased to see a trend here that aligns with my own thoughts. I made a lengthy post about why I think Object is down right broken. Unfortunately I didn´t get a Dev to give a statement on their take on OoO.

    I really hope it gets adressed soon because more often than not it´s getting used to rob the Killer of any chance of accomplishing anything during a match (given the swf aren´t noobs). In low skill brackets it´s fine though or if the team using Object is versing something that has the necessary tools to deal with it, like a high end spirit or nurse player.

  • Member Posts: 236

    You barely even see it. So I think it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 793

    If by "A few extra seconds" you mean potentially an entire map's length away for you and anyone on comms with you then okay go off

  • Member Posts: 744

    Ran it a couple of times in SWF in Midwich to test how broken it actually was.

    It is definitely not okay lol

  • Member Posts: 1,190

    I have no problem with it being used on solos. However, on SWF team it completely destroys some killers.

    OoO doesn't need changes. SWF does.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I definitely think OoO should have a total rework. It's completely busted in a competitive SWF and makes specific killers unplayable against them. (namely, trapper and hag)

  • Member Posts: 109

    You are absolutely right, just if you do solo queque is kinda balanced

  • Member Posts: 785

    To me, noticing an Object of obsession survivor just means that probably, they are cocky and overconfident.

    So, usually this type of survivors are really good at looping, and they always bring a flashlight. They will just try to make you lose time walking in your way trying to lure you into chasing them.They will try to make you angry...etc.

    But if you are a good killer you'll just ignore these type of survivors. Usually when you ignore them, they will keep trying to attract your attention, so you are just making them lose time.

    I just ignore Object of obsession survivors, and suddenly that perk turns into an advantage for me, not for the survivor.

    Regardless, it's also true that this perk is scary in 4 man red rank SWAT SWFs compositions.

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    I've seen OoO maybe a handful of times, as killer or survivor, outside of someone trying for Adept Laurie. I see killers complain about it fairly frequently but then most end game screenshots I see it is rarely on them. I'm not sure it's used enough to warrant the devs attention over other perks that are used more often and have a larger impact on the game. If anything maybe just add a cool down to it and/or make it only work if you are the obsession.

  • Member Posts: 140

    The initial chase distance you can get with OoO is insane. The info you get far outweighs the info you give.

  • Member Posts: 243

    people need to realize it's only really good on SWF teams because I play solo 99% of the time and hardly ever use it and just faced a pig and it was nothing but a hindrance. I didn't realize you can't see her when she crouches and I'm pretty sure it just lead her to me every time. It's getting to the point that I don't even want to play solo anymore unless I play as killer

  • Member Posts: 5,785

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