Question for devs

What is Blood Pact for?
Best Answer
Well, I’m a killer main so I have the luxury of playing low ranked killers when I do decide to play survivor, which means more fun with niche builds.
I actually use this perk.
- Blood Pact
- Aftercare
- Kindred
- Autodidact
I like to know what my teammates are doing, killer be damned. I wanna know what my teammates do. I have the most fun watching others. If someone is on a hook, I see everybody. Thanks to Kindred.
If the obsession or I are hurt, I at least see one person. Thanks to Bloodpact. An if I meet up and heal them or they heal me, I’ll keep seeing them because of Aftercare. If someone uses DS, they become obsession and they are hurt, means I get to see them and possibly have another opportunity for Aftercare. If the Killer has Nemesis or Furtive Chase then more chances to use Bloodpact or Aftercare.
I slap on Autodidact because I think it’s funny and when it works it feels great.
This is my Nosy Neighbor build~
Why dont just read the perk info?
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It's a niche perk, like many others, get over it.
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"When you or the Obsession are injured, you both see each other's Auras."
( We have injured status icons, so I find it useless.)
"After healing the Obsession or being healed by the Obsession, you both gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 7 % for up to 10s."
(If killer is not tunneling, its meaningless. And if killer is tunneling, I doubt I would finish healing. BT is anti-tunneling perk.)
So, what is it for?
Are you sure its even niche? :^)
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It's just a gimicky aura perk. You can both see each other's auras so they can either come to you to heal you, or you can go to them to heal you, or possibly work together in some way. It isn't amazing, but you kind of ignored the aura reading aspect, which is a lot more helpful than just knowing if each other is injured or not. Though I don't think it's even close to as good as Bond is.
7% movement speed isn't that good, bout the only thing that would be good for is hurrying to a gen, and if the killer does show up unexpectantly, perhaps you could get to a pallet or window you normally couldn't. Nothing special.
It's not a good perk, I wouldn't call it terrible like I would slippery meat, or Monstrous Shrine...well there are actually quite a few bad perks. It's just kind of middling.
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Its not just for the Icon? You can see the Aura of each other.
Also not every perk have to be a anti tunneling perk or something.
How about we give the killers some tunneling perks?
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If I hear a survivor crying around a corner, ok, I come and help. If survivor is injured across all map- nah. The middle of a map is questionable, too. If killer has ruin, then Im losing all generator progress. Should they come, if Im very far.. nah. Obsession better use self-care. xD Work together - about the same thing. Considering that we have penalty for working together, crossing a map is not worth it.
I agree, nothing special. :D
Uh, everyone can is entitys hint when obsession is chased. Aura is overkill. :D
pls, no tunnel. x)
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Ok, this is interesting way to use it. I didnt think about combining it with After Care. I accept it as answer.
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I mean it gives you other information too, like where the killer is exactly. Since you know they got hit across the map, or perhaps they got hit somewhere close to you, like on the bottom floor of the Game, while you are on the top floor, you'll know exactly where the killer is. Or if you get hit you can go to the obsession for heals. Or since you sound like you have a pretty selfish playstyle. You can go run at your obsession in the middle of the chase and try to pawn them off on them...though your Obession will see you running straight for them and get salty. xD
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I dont need to know where killer exactly is. If obsession status say that obsession is chased, thats enough for me. I do gens. If killer is not far.. a stealth killer.. Myers? Tier 1 Myers is not a huge pain. Other killers will share terror radius.
If I need heals, I'll use a med kit or emergency self-care. If somone is close - ok, I dont mind to be healed. :P
The most of time I play with: WGLF + Kindred + Bt + SC/Deliverance. If it make sense to go on hook to win time, I do it.
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It doesn't matter what you care about, some people like the information that it provides. Especially as a solo player. You asked what it was for, I gave you clear and cut examples. No one is saying you need to use a mid tier perk because it isn't top tier enough.