Ideas for Survivor Perks that ACTUALLY encourage and reward playstyles.

So, my friends and I had a discussion about how very few of DBD's Perks actually "ecourage" or "reward" certain playstyles.
For example, David's Perks talk about rewarding high-risk play, but the truth is, they absolutely do not. They either don't involve risky play at all (WGLF, Dead Hard), or force it upon you with no compensation.
"Altruistic" Perks don't actually reward you for helping your teammates—they only make it slightly easier or, in the cases of BT and WGLF, encourage farming instead of altruism.
Laurie's Perks are supposed to "grant her powerful abilities at the cost of leaving her exposed". The only one that does this "well" is Object of Obsession, and it sucks. A lot.
I think you get the idea. So myself and one friend made a series of Perks that openly encourage and reward certain playstyles, either through giving you buffs and points for playing this way or punishing you for not. I figured it'd be nice to get some feedback on these Perks.
Selfish Perks
A majority of the people in the discussions felt that the endless buddy-buddy working of Survivors is what led to a lot of problems like genrushing and easy unhooks. They assert DBD is a game where your trust of the strangers around you is always shaky—you have a common goal, but they aren't your friends, nor are they your teammates, and you shouldn't treat them as such because they may not do the same for you. As such, one member of the discussion created a set of Perks designed around playing selfishly—rewarding you for screwing over other Survivors. These are the unique Perks of his murderous Survivor character, Zraxan Axak.
Nothing Personal
You matter, and you're the only person you need to watch out for. Action speeds decreased by 20/15/10% when it is a coop action. Action speeds are increased by 6/8/12% while you are working alone.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 30, where it becomes a teachable.
"There's only one person I ever cared about, and you're not them, kid." ~ Zraxan Axak
Killer Within
A little blood on your hands is always exhilarating. After successfully escaping a chase, survivors within a 16/24/32 meter radius of the killer will be revealed to them for 3/4/5 seconds.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 35, where it becomes a teachable.
"The first wasn't easy, but the second was pure bliss." ~ Zraxan Axak
Your Own Priority
Narcissism runs through your blood. You suffer from the Vengeful status effect. All other Survivors are notified of this at the start of the trial. While you are still alive, all Survivors recover from all status effects 30/40.50% faster. When you are sacrificed or killed, all Survivors remaining in the trial suffer from the Broken status effect for thirty seconds when entering the injured state and recover from all status effects 10% slower.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 40, where it becomes a teachable.
"My sister's not home, but why don't I let you in?" ~ Zraxan Axak
Selfless Perks
These are the Perks I designed for my codependent Survivor character, Chtepil Kluexatik. I designed these Perks to be high-risk high-reward, punishing you for even the slightest selfish decision and in return giving you strong bonuses for helping your teammates.
You live for others. When taking a hit for another Survivor, the Killer is forced to face you for 1/2/3 seconds and can see your Aura for as long as they are locked on to you. For every Survivor you heal out of the dying state or "unhook heal" gain a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token increases your repair, heal, sabotage, vaulting, dying recovery, exit opening, and cleansing speed by 1/1.5/2%.
"Sure, I could let others die to save myself. But the blood on my hands would be hard to clean off." -Chtepil Kluexatik
Watch Over Me
Nobody here is out of the woods yet; your job isn't done. For every Survivor still alive in the trial when you escape, you lose 1000 Bloodpoints. For every Survivor that escapes before you, gain 1250/1500/2000 bonus Bloodpoints.
"I'm not letting you die." -Chtepil Kluexatik
Strength in Numbers
No man is an island; every man's death diminishes you. For every injured, dying or hooked Survivor gain a token.
1 token: Repair speed decreased by 5%.
2 tokens: Movement speed when not in a chase decreased by 5%.
3 tokens: You suffer from the Exposed status effect.
When all three other Survivors are healthy/injured with No Mither, the security of knowing your team is safe gives you unexpected energy. Gain the following bonuses:
Tier 1: no bonus/no bonus/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 10%.
Tier 2: no bonus/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 15%.
Tier 3: grants immunity to the Cursed status effect/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 20%.
Stealth Perks
These Perks I designed to reward you for being stealthy—stealthy, not “immersed”. Immersion is genuinely more infuriating than getting looped. These Perks are tied to my fictional Survivor character, Vitaliy Mikhailev.
Quick Getaway
It's better to run to safety than to try and stay safe. For every five seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token gives you a haste status effect of 2%. When entering a chase or when in the Killer's Terror Radius and not moving, you lose one token every two seconds. Tokens are preserved but not activated when outside of the Killer’s Terror Radius.
"Davai, koresh! He can't see us!" -Vitaliy Mikhailev
Sweet Freedom
Get away before they come back! Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, reverse bear trap, or hook, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds if you are freed within the Killer's Terror Radius or enter it within 3/5/7 seconds of being freed.
Sweet Freedom ignores Exhaustion.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
”We're not out of the woods yet—literally." -Vitaliy Mikhailev
One With Nature
You know how to blend in with your surroundings. For every ten seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When One With Nature has at least one token, when the Killer attempts to read your aura, they will be unable to. Each time One With Nature blocks the Killer's aura reading abilities, one token is consumed. Aura reading abilities that do not have a set time limit will only be interrupted for a maximum of 3 seconds per token.
"I don't need a locker to hide in plain sight." -Vitaliy Mikhailev
No_Mither_No_Problem said:
So, my friends and I had a discussion about how very few of DBD's Perks actually "ecourage" or "reward" certain playstyles.
For example, David's Perks talk about rewarding high-risk play, but the truth is, they absolutely do not. They either don't involve risky play at all (WGLF, Dead Hard), or force it upon you with no compensation.
"Altruistic" Perks don't actually reward you for helping your teammates—they only make it slightly easier or, in the cases of BT and WGLF, encourage farming instead of altruism.
Laurie's Perks are supposed to "grant her powerful abilities at the cost of leaving her exposed". The only one that does this "well" is Object of Obsession, and it sucks. A lot.
I think you get the idea. So myself and one friend made a series of Perks that openly encourage and reward certain playstyles, either through giving you buffs and points for playing this way or punishing you for not. I figured it'd be nice to get some feedback on these Perks.
Selfish Perks
A majority of the people in the discussions felt that the endless buddy-buddy working of Survivors is what led to a lot of problems like genrushing and easy unhooks. They assert DBD is a game where your trust of the strangers around you is always shaky—you have a common goal, but they aren't your friends, nor are they your teammates, and you shouldn't treat them as such because they may not do the same for you. As such, one member of the discussion created a set of Perks designed around playing selfishly—rewarding you for screwing over other Survivors. These are the unique Perks of his murderous Survivor character, Zraxan Axak.
Nothing Personal
You matter, and you're the only person you need to watch out for. Action speeds decreased by 20/15/10% when it is a coop action. Action speeds are increased by 6/8/12% while you are working alone.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 30, where it becomes a teachable.
"There's only one person I ever cared about, and you're not them, kid." ~ Zraxan AxakKiller Within
A little blood on your hands is always exhilarating. After successfully escaping a chase, survivors within a 16/24/32 meter radius of the killer will be revealed to them for 3/4/5 seconds.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 35, where it becomes a teachable.
"The first wasn't easy, but the second was pure bliss." ~ Zraxan AxakYour Own Priority
Narcissism runs through your blood. You suffer from the Vengeful status effect. All other Survivors are notified of this at the start of the trial. While you are still alive, all Survivors recover from all status effects 30/40.50% faster. When you are sacrificed or killed, all Survivors remaining in the trial suffer from the Broken status effect for thirty seconds when entering the injured state and recover from all status effects 10% slower.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 40, where it becomes a teachable.
"My sister's not home, but why don't I let you in?" ~ Zraxan AxakSelfless Perks
These are the Perks I designed for my codependent Survivor character, Chtepil Kluexatik. I designed these Perks to be high-risk high-reward, punishing you for even the slightest selfish decision and in return giving you strong bonuses for helping your teammates.
You live for others. When taking a hit for another Survivor, the Killer is forced to face you for 3/4/5 seconds and can see your Aura for as long as they are locked on to you. For every Survivor you heal out of the dying state or "unhook heal" gain a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token increases your repair, heal, sabotage, vaulting, dying recovery, exit opening, and cleansing speed by 1/1.5/2%.
"Sure, I could let others die to save myself. But the blood on my hands would be hard to clean off." -Chtepil KluexatikWatch Over Me
Nobody here is out of the woods yet; your job isn't done. For every Survivor still alive in the trial when you escape, you lose 1000 Bloodpoints. For every Survivor that escapes before you, gain 1250/1500/2000 bonus Bloodpoints.
"I'm not letting you die." -Chtepil KluexatikStrength in Numbers
No man is an island; every man's death diminishes you. For every injured, dying or hooked Survivor gain a token.
1 token: Repair speed decreased by 5%.
2 tokens: Movement speed when not in a chase decreased by 5%.
3 tokens: You suffer from the Exposed status effect.When all three other Survivors are healthy/injured with No Mither, the security of knowing your team is safe gives you unexpected energy. Gain the following bonuses:
Tier 1: no bonus/no bonus/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 10%.
Tier 2: no bonus/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 15%.
Tier 3: grants immunity to the Cursed status effect/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 20%.Stealth Perks
These Perks I designed to reward you for being stealthy—stealthy, not “immersed”. Immersion is genuinely more infuriating than getting looped. These Perks are tied to my fictional Survivor character, Vitaliy Mikhailev.
Quick Getaway
It's better to run to safety than to try and stay safe. For every five seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token gives you a haste status effect of 2%. When entering a chase or when in the Killer's Terror Radius and not moving, you lose one token every two seconds. Tokens are preserved but not activated when outside of the Killer’s Terror Radius.
"Davai, koresh! He can't see us!" -Vitaliy MikhailevSweet Freedom
Get away before they come back! Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, reverse bear trap, or hook, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds if you are freed within the Killer's Terror Radius or enter it within 3/5/7 seconds of being freed.
Sweet Freedom ignores Exhaustion.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
”We're not out of the woods yet—literally." -Vitaliy MikhailevOne With Nature
You know how to blend in with your surroundings. For every ten seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When One With Nature has at least one token, when the Killer attempts to read your aura, they will be unable to. Each time One With Nature blocks the Killer's aura reading abilities, one token is consumed.
"I don't need a locker to hide in plain sight." -Vitaliy Mikhailev
The action speeds thing is cool but gens being done too quick is already an issue and devs are trynna help slow the game down for the killer at your nothing personal perk. Same thing for healing and getting tokens for repair, more perks that makes gens get done fast or too many of them can be abused easily by swf perks should be made with that in mind.
The free sprint is interesting and ignoring exhaustion is powerful, gotta see how it plays out. It sounds interesting, has many chances to trigger unlike adrenaline so idk how it will effect the meta or balance of the game in practice. Interesting perks for stealth. Some perks are super abusable and can be an issue. If the vengeful perk stacks that's an issue as less than 30 seconds to charge exhaustion perks are gonna create infinites. Be cool for more details on how these perks work.
One with nature loses 1 token per aura reading right?.0 -
Gen rushes are people spread out solo-in gens. That perk that boosts solo actio speed would make it (gen rushing) worse.
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I don’t think a perk should be controlled on what the devs think. They also said not every killer should be viable. I don’t want a hard mode perk, I want a trade off perk, with said trade off being well worth it. No mither needs a buff
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Jack11803 said:
I don’t think a perk should be controlled on what the devs think. They also said not every killer should be viable. I don’t want a hard mode perk, I want a trade off perk, with said trade off being well worth it. No mither needs a buff
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"No_Mither_No_Problem..." Unless you just have a common name, I swear I've played a match with you before. You just have a memorable name.
Anyway, these are some pretty nice perks and have a good flavor to them. I've always been more about the theme and climatic aspects rather than the actual gameplay, though that is still a concern I have.
0 -
@No_Mither_No_Problem said:
So, my friends and I had a discussion about how very few of DBD's Perks actually "ecourage" or "reward" certain playstyles.For example, David's Perks talk about rewarding high-risk play, but the truth is, they absolutely do not. They either don't involve risky play at all (WGLF, Dead Hard), or force it upon you with no compensation.
"Altruistic" Perks don't actually reward you for helping your teammates—they only make it slightly easier or, in the cases of BT and WGLF, encourage farming instead of altruism.
Laurie's Perks are supposed to "grant her powerful abilities at the cost of leaving her exposed". The only one that does this "well" is Object of Obsession, and it sucks. A lot.
I think you get the idea. So myself and one friend made a series of Perks that openly encourage and reward certain playstyles, either through giving you buffs and points for playing this way or punishing you for not. I figured it'd be nice to get some feedback on these Perks.
Selfish Perks
A majority of the people in the discussions felt that the endless buddy-buddy working of Survivors is what led to a lot of problems like genrushing and easy unhooks. They assert DBD is a game where your trust of the strangers around you is always shaky—you have a common goal, but they aren't your friends, nor are they your teammates, and you shouldn't treat them as such because they may not do the same for you. As such, one member of the discussion created a set of Perks designed around playing selfishly—rewarding you for screwing over other Survivors. These are the unique Perks of his murderous Survivor character, Zraxan Axak.
Nothing Personal
You matter, and you're the only person you need to watch out for. Action speeds decreased by 20/15/10% when it is a coop action. Action speeds are increased by 6/8/12% while you are working alone.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 30, where it becomes a teachable.
"There's only one person I ever cared about, and you're not them, kid." ~ Zraxan AxakKiller Within
A little blood on your hands is always exhilarating. After successfully escaping a chase, survivors within a 16/24/32 meter radius of the killer will be revealed to them for 3/4/5 seconds.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 35, where it becomes a teachable.
"The first wasn't easy, but the second was pure bliss." ~ Zraxan AxakYour Own Priority
Narcissism runs through your blood. You suffer from the Vengeful status effect. All other Survivors are notified of this at the start of the trial. While you are still alive, all Survivors recover from all status effects 30/40.50% faster. When you are sacrificed or killed, all Survivors remaining in the trial suffer from the Broken status effect for thirty seconds when entering the injured state and recover from all status effects 10% slower.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 40, where it becomes a teachable.
"My sister's not home, but why don't I let you in?" ~ Zraxan AxakSelfless Perks
These are the Perks I designed for my codependent Survivor character, Chtepil Kluexatik. I designed these Perks to be high-risk high-reward, punishing you for even the slightest selfish decision and in return giving you strong bonuses for helping your teammates.
You live for others. When taking a hit for another Survivor, the Killer is forced to face you for 3/4/5 seconds and can see your Aura for as long as they are locked on to you. For every Survivor you heal out of the dying state or "unhook heal" gain a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token increases your repair, heal, sabotage, vaulting, dying recovery, exit opening, and cleansing speed by 1/1.5/2%.
"Sure, I could let others die to save myself. But the blood on my hands would be hard to clean off." -Chtepil KluexatikWatch Over Me
Nobody here is out of the woods yet; your job isn't done. For every Survivor still alive in the trial when you escape, you lose 1000 Bloodpoints. For every Survivor that escapes before you, gain 1250/1500/2000 bonus Bloodpoints.
"I'm not letting you die." -Chtepil KluexatikStrength in Numbers
No man is an island; every man's death diminishes you. For every injured, dying or hooked Survivor gain a token.
1 token: Repair speed decreased by 5%.
2 tokens: Movement speed when not in a chase decreased by 5%.
3 tokens: You suffer from the Exposed status effect.When all three other Survivors are healthy/injured with No Mither, the security of knowing your team is safe gives you unexpected energy. Gain the following bonuses:
Tier 1: no bonus/no bonus/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 10%.
Tier 2: no bonus/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 15%.
Tier 3: grants immunity to the Cursed status effect/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 20%.Stealth Perks
These Perks I designed to reward you for being stealthy—stealthy, not “immersed”. Immersion is genuinely more infuriating than getting looped. These Perks are tied to my fictional Survivor character, Vitaliy Mikhailev.
Quick Getaway
It's better to run to safety than to try and stay safe. For every five seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token gives you a haste status effect of 2%. When entering a chase or when in the Killer's Terror Radius and not moving, you lose one token every two seconds. Tokens are preserved but not activated when outside of the Killer’s Terror Radius.
"Davai, koresh! He can't see us!" -Vitaliy MikhailevSweet Freedom
Get away before they come back! Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, reverse bear trap, or hook, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds if you are freed within the Killer's Terror Radius or enter it within 3/5/7 seconds of being freed.
Sweet Freedom ignores Exhaustion.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
”We're not out of the woods yet—literally." -Vitaliy MikhailevOne With Nature
You know how to blend in with your surroundings. For every ten seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When One With Nature has at least one token, when the Killer attempts to read your aura, they will be unable to. Each time One With Nature blocks the Killer's aura reading abilities, one token is consumed.
"I don't need a locker to hide in plain sight." -Vitaliy Mikhailevi like the sweetfreedom one i would bring that instead of adrenaline
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Dabrownman1812 said:No_Mither_No_Problem said:
So, my friends and I had a discussion about how very few of DBD's Perks actually "ecourage" or "reward" certain playstyles.
For example, David's Perks talk about rewarding high-risk play, but the truth is, they absolutely do not. They either don't involve risky play at all (WGLF, Dead Hard), or force it upon you with no compensation.
"Altruistic" Perks don't actually reward you for helping your teammates—they only make it slightly easier or, in the cases of BT and WGLF, encourage farming instead of altruism.
Laurie's Perks are supposed to "grant her powerful abilities at the cost of leaving her exposed". The only one that does this "well" is Object of Obsession, and it sucks. A lot.
I think you get the idea. So myself and one friend made a series of Perks that openly encourage and reward certain playstyles, either through giving you buffs and points for playing this way or punishing you for not. I figured it'd be nice to get some feedback on these Perks.
Selfish Perks
A majority of the people in the discussions felt that the endless buddy-buddy working of Survivors is what led to a lot of problems like genrushing and easy unhooks. They assert DBD is a game where your trust of the strangers around you is always shaky—you have a common goal, but they aren't your friends, nor are they your teammates, and you shouldn't treat them as such because they may not do the same for you. As such, one member of the discussion created a set of Perks designed around playing selfishly—rewarding you for screwing over other Survivors. These are the unique Perks of his murderous Survivor character, Zraxan Axak.
Nothing Personal
You matter, and you're the only person you need to watch out for. Action speeds decreased by 20/15/10% when it is a coop action. Action speeds are increased by 6/8/12% while you are working alone.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 30, where it becomes a teachable.
"There's only one person I ever cared about, and you're not them, kid." ~ Zraxan AxakKiller Within
A little blood on your hands is always exhilarating. After successfully escaping a chase, survivors within a 16/24/32 meter radius of the killer will be revealed to them for 3/4/5 seconds.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 35, where it becomes a teachable.
"The first wasn't easy, but the second was pure bliss." ~ Zraxan AxakYour Own Priority
Narcissism runs through your blood. You suffer from the Vengeful status effect. All other Survivors are notified of this at the start of the trial. While you are still alive, all Survivors recover from all status effects 30/40.50% faster. When you are sacrificed or killed, all Survivors remaining in the trial suffer from the Broken status effect for thirty seconds when entering the injured state and recover from all status effects 10% slower.
Unique to Zraxan Axak until Level 40, where it becomes a teachable.
"My sister's not home, but why don't I let you in?" ~ Zraxan AxakSelfless Perks
These are the Perks I designed for my codependent Survivor character, Chtepil Kluexatik. I designed these Perks to be high-risk high-reward, punishing you for even the slightest selfish decision and in return giving you strong bonuses for helping your teammates.
You live for others. When taking a hit for another Survivor, the Killer is forced to face you for 3/4/5 seconds and can see your Aura for as long as they are locked on to you. For every Survivor you heal out of the dying state or "unhook heal" gain a token up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token increases your repair, heal, sabotage, vaulting, dying recovery, exit opening, and cleansing speed by 1/1.5/2%.
"Sure, I could let others die to save myself. But the blood on my hands would be hard to clean off." -Chtepil KluexatikWatch Over Me
Nobody here is out of the woods yet; your job isn't done. For every Survivor still alive in the trial when you escape, you lose 1000 Bloodpoints. For every Survivor that escapes before you, gain 1250/1500/2000 bonus Bloodpoints.
"I'm not letting you die." -Chtepil KluexatikStrength in Numbers
No man is an island; every man's death diminishes you. For every injured, dying or hooked Survivor gain a token.
1 token: Repair speed decreased by 5%.
2 tokens: Movement speed when not in a chase decreased by 5%.
3 tokens: You suffer from the Exposed status effect.When all three other Survivors are healthy/injured with No Mither, the security of knowing your team is safe gives you unexpected energy. Gain the following bonuses:
Tier 1: no bonus/no bonus/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 10%.
Tier 2: no bonus/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 15%.
Tier 3: grants immunity to the Cursed status effect/gain a 10 second Enduring timer when healed out of the dying state/all action speeds minus repair speeds are increased by 20%.Stealth Perks
These Perks I designed to reward you for being stealthy—stealthy, not “immersed”. Immersion is genuinely more infuriating than getting looped. These Perks are tied to my fictional Survivor character, Vitaliy Mikhailev.
Quick Getaway
It's better to run to safety than to try and stay safe. For every five seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token gives you a haste status effect of 2%. When entering a chase or when in the Killer's Terror Radius and not moving, you lose one token every two seconds. Tokens are preserved but not activated when outside of the Killer’s Terror Radius.
"Davai, koresh! He can't see us!" -Vitaliy MikhailevSweet Freedom
Get away before they come back! Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, reverse bear trap, or hook, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds if you are freed within the Killer's Terror Radius or enter it within 3/5/7 seconds of being freed.
Sweet Freedom ignores Exhaustion.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
”We're not out of the woods yet—literally." -Vitaliy MikhailevOne With Nature
You know how to blend in with your surroundings. For every ten seconds you are within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When One With Nature has at least one token, when the Killer attempts to read your aura, they will be unable to. Each time One With Nature blocks the Killer's aura reading abilities, one token is consumed.
"I don't need a locker to hide in plain sight." -Vitaliy Mikhailev
The action speeds thing is cool but gens being done too quick is already an issue and devs are trynna help slow the game down for the killer at your nothing personal perk. Same thing for healing and getting tokens for repair, more perks that makes gens get done fast or too many of them can be abused easily by swf perks should be made with that in mind.
The free sprint is interesting and ignoring exhaustion is powerful, gotta see how it plays out. It sounds interesting, has many chances to trigger unlike adrenaline so idk how it will effect the meta or balance of the game in practice. Interesting perks for stealth. Some perks are super abusable and can be an issue. If the vengeful perk stacks that's an issue as less than 30 seconds to charge exhaustion perks are gonna create infinites. Be cool for more details on how these perks work.
One with nature loses 1 token per aura reading right?.1 -
Anyway excellent suggestion. I would like more okaystyle oriented perks as well0
The descriptions were what the perks were initially designed to be. People eventually find optimal ways to use perks and the end result could be different than what they designed it for.
I like the perk ideas you came up with though. I have a bit of feedback for each one.
Nothing Personal
The idea for this perk is great, but I could see it being used on those No Mither - Resilience builds for gen rushing. I think it should also have a decrease in altruistic action speed just to fit the theme more and maybe increase self heal actions a bit to compensate for it.Killer Within
I'm not too fond of this one. Seems like it is just a griefer's perk that will get you flamed in post game chat lolYour Own Priority
This one is definitely interesting. I like the double-edged sword that these perks tend to have (which is why I'm not too fond of Killer Within, since it's just a major downside for your team and nothing else). I think the status effect penalty when you get killed should be a bit more to make up for the huge amount of recovery they got at the start. (+50% recovery at the start, -25% recovery once killed). Great idea though.Selfless
I like the idea, but it's a bit overloaded for one perk slot. The first part seems really annoying to deal with, maybe a bit too annoying. I'd say reduce the time of the lock on and remove the token mechanic.Watch Over Me
Better than other bloodpoint farming perks survivors have right now, I like it.Strength in Numbers
Kinda confused on the functionality of the perk, but I'll assume that at the beginning of the game, you're at tier 3, and you lose one with each injury/down/death they receive. If you are immune to Ruin at the beginning of the Kinda defeats the purpose of Ruin to begin with. I think it counters too many perks that are vital to killers. Killer mains would throw a fit over this one XDQuick Getaway
I think this would actually be a great addition as is. A haste perk that rewards somewhat risky play by being in the killer's terror radius while not being overly oppressive in chases. Sprint Burst may have to be tuned a bit since the gap between you and the killer will be huge at the beginning of the chase when used together, however.Sweet Freedom
Not sure how it's a stealth perk, but as someone who likes the idea of Deliverance, this seems really fun. Plus it would help survivors do something against tunneling and camping. Another one I'd actually like to see be put into the game as is.One With Nature
May want to change the way you get tokens so you don't just rapidly gain effects by being within the killer's terror radius, but I also like this one. In my opinion, killers have way too much access to aura reading effects that make stealth almost impossible (BBQ in particular). Though, to balance it out, you'd probably need to limit the time each token can mask your aura for. One token masking 2 or 3 seconds of your aura seems pretty good to me, that way it proves to counter BBQ and other perks like Nurse's Calling without it reliably starving the killer of an aura reading. Masking yourself with a full heal from Nurse's Calling off of one token seems kinda unfair to me, especially since it has counters already.0 -
@Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
"No_Mither_No_Problem..." Unless you just have a common name, I swear I've played a match with you before. You just have a memorable name.Anyway, these are some pretty nice perks and have a good flavor to them. I've always been more about the theme and climatic aspects rather than the actual gameplay, though that is still a concern I have.
Was it a Jake? Very likely me.
Did he DC the second he got downed? Doubly very likely me.
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Sorry for being so late. In regards to your criticisms on Selfless, I've mulled it over and decided the camera effect should be reduced to 1/2/3 seconds. However, I'm keeping the token mechanic as it isn't super easy to earn them without We'll Make It, and tanking hits for Survivors is not a common feat, meaning the first part might not go very used.
To answer your question about Strength in Numbers, the different tiers are the different levels of the Perk. So at tier 1 of it, you get the action boost when everyone is healthy/No Mither-ed. At tier 3 you get the boost, the Enduring, and the immunity to Cursed.
I do appreciate your criticism of One With Nature and am editing the Perk accordingly.
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Usually I play as a Killer to grind Bloodpoints but if there were more Bloodpoint perks for Survivors, I would be encouraged to switch. Nice suggestions though.0
@Yzalirk said:
Usually I play as a Killer to grind Bloodpoints but if there were more Bloodpoint perks for Survivors, I would be encouraged to switch. Nice suggestions though.I mean, Watch Over Me is a very risky Perk as you have to survive until others escape to get any extra Bloodpoints, and even then the highest base bonus you can get is 6000. I personally like the design of the Perk (I did make it so like), but I may need to increase the bonuses, especially since leaving first takes away 1K BP for every Surv you ditched.