Which side do you favor most?

Do you favor the role of Killer or Survivor and why?
I tend to find killer more enjoyable due to the fact that there are a variety of perk builds that go well with different killer powers, aesthetics and gameplay.I play both side but I'm no main ,just happen to find survivor more Infuriating because of 🥔 players.
I used to prefer Survivor because of the hero - altruistic role.
But then I became disillusioned because /people
And so now I mostly play Killer for the satisfaction of murdering all the megheads.
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Survivor cuz I find killer really stressful and frustrating at times. Although, solo survivor is definitely the most frustrating at times it's better than being stressed and frustrated. I was starting to play killer more when MMR was up cuz I was told you'd get nooby games so I could practice. Now MMR is gone.
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I play survivor because killer makes me too anxious.
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Neither. If I want to have chill, easy games, survivor. If I don't want to rely on my team, killer. If I'm going against too many SWF's, survivor. If I want to get bloodpoints, killer.
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Killer is more fun but more work and much harder. When IDGAF, am not looking to sweat, I usually play survivor. Also depends on who has the most quests, etc, to do. I'm only solo queue/Killer, no friends.
EDIT: It's also much easier to dip in/out of a survivor game than a killer one.
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Survivor if im not trying to sweat and killer if i am.
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I have more fun on killer, but I play more survivor.
Killer is just way more stressful, especially for me as a Pig main, but I also find seeing how my stall game pays off in the long run as all of a sudden every survivor is dying on hooks, or the very rare and random RBT kill.
Survivor is a more consistent game for me, and the Archives are also easier to get through. Chases that I escape from feel less exciting as just getting the survivor on the tip of my weapon, probably because there is always the possibility that the killer abandoned the chase, rather than the cut and dry "I downed them, I won the chase" of a killer. Which is also ironic for me as I always preach about the reward of patience and slowing the game.
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solo survivor. i like the tension of not having all the information, and i like it more like a hide and seek game.
Killer is too stressfull, because survivor, especially when with communication, is way to powerful, at least for me.
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i play both side don't favor one side over the other.