The new map from the teaser seems to be an outdoor map

If you haven't seen the teaser here it is:
Like you can see tree branches so I assume the next map will be an outdoor map ESPECIALLY after all the feedback from the last indoor map, Midwich. I personally like outdoor maps more so I hope this one lives up to my expectations. Any thoughts?
I mean it could be anything. Midwich has outdoors too but it's still considered an indoor map..well kinda.
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I saw someone point this out on Twitter:
looks like the background is from an existing map?
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I would say that the background has nothing to do with the new map. I've never seen a teaser that showcase the new map yet.
Or it could be another map in that realm.
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Dude people are out of this world! It looks like the same wall from my perspective too now that you pointed it out! But why would they use this map tho?
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*laughs in Ghostface trailer*
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Maybe. Unless it’s just set in that realm? I dunno. Just thought I’d share what I found. I don’t claim to know anything, as it’s all just speculation.
Edit: I also heard rumours that there might not be a new map at all. But again, it’s all speculation & I hope it’s not true lol
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Well there's a first time to anything. I've heard some people say that this chapter won't have a new map, but honestly, who knows?
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It's a good find. I did not realise it until now.
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If it is a new map, I'm hoping for a graveyard... with the names and 'deathdates' of the various characters on the stones. it'd be a cool way to pin down an official timeline
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Killer better be a video game monster again. Otherwise it will be boring getting another film Killer (unless it's Alien).
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Not all killers are licensed :/
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I didn't see a map anywhere.
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This means that we'll get grass aroud the Building which buffs Trapper.
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As Infaredd already pointed out (I've said that a lot today) the map seems to be pre existing. Dataminers have found absolutely nothing for a new map but stuff for the graphical update, including the one that appears to be in the teaser. It seems like there is no new map and we'll be getting the first part of the graphical update to compensate.
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well, given the lore we've got for The Alchemist in Tome 1, he used to be a Survivor who turned into a Killer after getting addicted to the Serum we got to collect on Halloween.
so since the entity originally took him as a Survivor, it would make sense as to why we wont see a new map with him.
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This killer isn't licensed