PC Players are worse than console players

Sorry for the clickbait title but I want to get my opinion out to see how other people feel about it, and please read what I have to say before you reply.
I have been playing killer since console release on PS4 and consistently make it to rank 1 I would like to consider myself a pretty good killer I can perform well with almost all the killers, I enjoy playing all of them, and my killers I perform best with are The Nightmare, the shape, and the wraith just so you don't jump to conclusions. But to the topic at hand. Well with the introduction of cross play I que into PC players constantly everygame, usually 3-4 every game at my current rank of 5 now I haven't played more than 20 games since this rank reset but I have noticed a trend when I play against PC players, and that's how easy it is to close chase on them. Im still unsure if it's a playstyle thing or latency or what, but I know for a fact it is easier for me to lay down the law on a couple of players than my console plebian brethren. My theory currently is that PC players take sharper turns when they attempt to juke, now that seems like a good thing, but from my point of view it makes it easier to read the survivors, I find PC players very very predictable on average compared to console players. Now when I occasionally play survivor with my friends I find PC killers very difficult to play against but not the survivors. I would love to hear what some people think, maybe from the PC players side. Also PC players will randomly lag out of games for me as both survivor and killer, so take that into consideration that a tenth of players will at some point just drop out of game, this doesn't take away from how quickly I end chase with PC players. Please give feedback, and as always take what I have to say with a grain of salt, I'm not all knowing I'm just a guy that plays a decent amount of killer.
I wouldn't say worse but I've found that people on the other platforms are just as moronic.
I've actually been playing mostly as killer because of this.
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people are trash on every platform. tho pc players have advantages over console players because they're playing on PC.
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I also have this feeling, I play on PC.
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I guess most of them are too garbo to actually show it.
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how do you know they are on pc?
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The Icon next to their name, but that could mean any platform I believe bit the real give aways are the names and way they move, as I stated PC players tend to take very sharp turns but if they have a space in their user name they are on PC, unless switch can do that but I don't believe so, plus I doubt that I am playing against more switch players than every other platform.
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Maybe there's just one platform full of potatoes. We are always saying console vs pc, but we can't tell which platform each survivor is from.
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Xbox players have spaces in their names. I’m not sure about Switch.
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Really? I wasn't aware of that, I still would like to assume most of the people I play against are PC but maybe not after hearing this :/.
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I think the "killer mains vs survivor mains" community war is getting replaced by "pc players vs console players". 🤷
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It might not be entirely about bad players or good players, I think both sides are getting used to the mannerism's of the other.
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What I've noticed:
As Killer: 30 matches
- 26 4k matches (I count carrying the last survivor to the hatch as a 4k for this purpose) with at least 2 gens left in all. These matches had at least 3 console survivors in each. They were total potatoes. The worst rank was rank 8 with most being red rank. I'm rank 2 now. These guys do not do gens. They Urban Evade and Selfcare constantly. Dumb move vs Trapper and Pig.
- 2 matches with 4 PC survivors - both were very good SWFs. Though they were fun matches, I admit to losing both as all 4 escaped each time. To my credit, they were all on death hook and I let the last one go in one of them. Gens were flying off shelves like toilet paper in a pandemic!
- 2 Matches with primarily console survivors where 2 escaped.
Overall findings - Console players rely too much on 360s, which don't work well vs PC killers due to optimization. They tend to run more Selfcare, DS and Urban Evasion. Selfcare makes you the killer's best friend (you are off selfcaring while I down another survivor. By the time you are healed, I hit you again. You are not on a gen - thank you for that). DS is great if you are facing a tunneling killer, but I prefer to seek and destroy the next in line. I got DS'ed only one time in all of those games. Overall, I grew bored as heck facing so many potatoes. I thank them for the BP, but I prefer to be challenged. The only fun matches I had were vs those two SWF.....Gawd help me! I actually was happy to see an SWF!!!! Oh, then there is a disappearing bug. I have had several console survivors literally vanish in front of me. Just POOF! Gone.
As survivor:
12 matches (I don't like playing solo que as it is - this was even worse!!!!)
- The Selfcare/Urban Evade survivor teammates from console were about as useful as a football bat.
- 8 Matches vs Console killers - pure nightmare. They are yo-yos on my screen. They seem to glitch back and forth. Timing pallet drops or vaults is very hard due to their frames being so low. I got hit through more walls and solid objects than ever before. I had a huntress hit me from 30 meters while I was hiding behind a T-Wall. Literally through the wall. We were not in chase, just BAM! WTH?! I think a lot of the console killers are thinking that PC survivors can't loop well, but in reality, it is a huge problem timing your loops when the killer is phasing throughout the map. One second he is roughly 16 meters away, then you get smacked!
Overall findings - Some of the console survivors broke the mold and played well. I saw why they 360 so much. The console killers really struggled vs the 360. I started using it when I'd see a phasing yo-yo killer chasing me and it worked really well. I was able to make that poor Doc miss 8 times in a row! That's a new record! I never got more than 2 in a row before - I'm not very good with 360s. The console killers were very difficult due to timing issues. Before figuring out to just 360, I struggled on loops because I could not tell if he was in swinging distance or not.
In short, I turned off cross play. It is a disaster.
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I've noticed similar things. I've been spun by console players a lot more than I ever have pc. Console players seem to enjoy the chase far more than pc players. PC guys will hammer out gens as fast as possible, ignoring healing and saves, then blame the killer for not pressuring better.
One thing the console guys need to stop doing is trying to 360 after being hit. PC killers can locate you, and then you wasted the sprint burst.
Overall, I love the cross play, I don't feel like I'm under a constant time crunch, and because of that, I don't use scummy tactics.
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Similar here, I also found Console Survivors tend to use way more meta perks than PC, more Unbreakable+DS combo, more Self-Care and for some reason way less BT than I see on PC.
My console teammates as Survivor have been... cuestionable to say the least.
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I am a PC survivor and played about 6 matches this AM, 2 PC killers and 4 Console killers. This is a small sample so I would not use today as an excuse to say "all" console or "all" pc. Today, all of the console killers camped and tunneled in their matches, the PC killers were much more diverse in working the actual objectives of the game like kicking gens, destroying pallets and engaging in chases.
I don't know if console killers can see post-game chat but I assume do not talk in it because it is cumbersome to use the onscreen keyboard and controller. So I was not able to communicate with any of these people in game.
I also noted that my fellow survivors who were console players were much more likely to run in for offhooks and such even with the hard camping occurring and then get downed themselves. Leading me to wonder if camping is so rampant on console that they are used to just barreling in because it ain't getting any better. With that being said I have encountered a decent amount of players still in double digits because you know match making is wonky, so it could be inexperience too. Just today's observations.
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I'm a ps4 player, I turned off crossplay after playing dozen+ matches the first day because solo survivor was so much worse with it on. I don't know what it is about other platforms that the survivors are so against saves. So many times I was left on the hook to die or atleast hit struggle when killer was no where near me, the only times I was saved before struggle was when another ps4 player was in the lobby. While against unhooks the other survivors are obnoxious about needing to be healed, I guess scared to play injured? I had survivors block me from saving another survivor that was on struggle because they wanted me to heal them first.
Most matches it felt like the survivors from other platforms were just working against eachother rather than work together. The only escapes were when my lobby was mostly ps4 or all ps4 players. If my lobby was mostly other platforms I might complete a gen or two between making saves, then get left on hook while no gens are worked on until I die, maybe one more gen will be completed after I died, another survivor would get killed and the remaining two would wait for other to die for hatch.
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YES! Console KILLERS are just as equal if not BETTER in skill than PC players, while survivors tend to be more like equal, slightly better or WORSE majorly than PC survivors. Facts.
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My experience may not speak for everyone and I dont mean this is a pc players are actually good, but I dont think you are playing pc players but rather other consoles. As someone who has been playing a lot and enjoying the new crossplay, ive seen like maybe 3 pc players ever. Its as if they all just up and quit tbh. Just dont forget, just because they have a globe, it doesnt mean they are pc as the globe also goes for switch, ps4, and xbox.
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Idk how you could ever claim that with a straight face. For survivor there is not much difference but you gotta be on that gooooood stuff to think M+K isnt vastly more beneficial to killer.
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Ever since cross play came out, out of all the matches that I played, only one console player, ONE, was able to come on par with a good pc player. Consoles are where the real potatoes are.
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Most of this is true, and no we console plebs can't see the chat after game, and typing isn't all that cumbersome with controller, (at least for me) I would like to see it added to console.
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I have noticed the exact opposite. So far every killer from console (all rank 5 and 6 right after rank reset) played like they weree drunk or just installed the game, sorry but it is true. Missing all the time, respecting pallets, no mindgames at loops etc
I dont know how it is at purple, green, yellow or even brown ranks, but a on R1, console killer were not able to get anything done so far. MAYBE it was just cooincidence, i dont know, but for myself i see a trend.
If FPS or controller is the problem... i dont know, but something is wrong with console killer. No offense to anybody, but it felt like bully the killer.
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Honestly, I've found that console players actually do gens way more than anything but pc SWFs. And it's not fun, I don't like it. I cannot play any killer with even a semblance of m1 gameplay, not even the dreaded Freddy. Gens are just too quick unless I'm laying down the punishment with quick chases and snowballs. That's not even to say that I win more, I simply have longer, more enjoyable games.
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Thanks for the input, that is kinda weird, I do notice of players will stay at pallets longer than console players as well, but (maybe not you of course) I think PC players actually are easier to mindgame as well this is most likely due to latency or something, and using a controller does not hinder me at all and the frame rate is not a huge issue a hit is usually still a hit regardless.
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Frame rates and aim dressing cuck cinsole killers
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I think it really depends on who you play against. A decent survivor on PC will never stay at a pallet unless it is a good play (which is almost never the case). dont know about the controler, i have my doubts that you can be as effectice as with Mouse or Keyboard. There is a reason you dont find that many good and probably not even one godlike nurse or huntress on console.
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I wonder if it has to do with crossplay. I just played some games as killer, and if i had console players, i missed a lot more than usual. I have no idea why.
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As a PC player I haven't noticed any change in skill. The only changes I've noticed are increased queues for survivors, decreased queues for killers, less toxic players (I assume due to console's lack of chat), and far less SWF when I play killer.
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The funny part is console players cant even tell other console players from PC so whenever they make posts like this, I just find it totally invalid.
That said, I think that PC survivors are about the same as console, maybe even worst because console players tend to be more altruistic. But console killers are SIGNIFICANTLY worse.
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You're wrong. End of story.
You play on Console, therefore your opinion is worth 1/4th it's weight compared to a PC player.
Try again, honey.
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Console survivors, from what I've seen, tend to be altruistic to the point of suicide. I've had games I would've had maybe a 1k or a 2k turn into a 4k because they would throw themselves at the hook, not even trying to distract or wait for me to leave.
I mean, the sentiment of not leaving anyone behind is nice, but have a plan.
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Is this your face now uh ?
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Hey I know u probably said this a while ago, but I really think you're on point here.
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Lol ok... What i can conclude about this crossplay update is that the game now became really really toxic.
Killers are all totally unskilled and then use ez mechanics to win (camping & tunneling), they kill all the fun from the game atm, it is literally impossible to have fun in soloQ, only way to have fun is to play in SWF where those morons can't do ######### cause they are just trash (PC & console)
And then about console surivors... they hide in closet, use urban evasion and take 2 hours to unhook cause they are so scared. Oh and ye, they don't know Borrow time.
Whatever, there won't be any survivors left if developpers don't adress the main issues.
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I play dbd on an abacus. I win.
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As a PS4 player in rank 1, the survivor teammates I get with globes are equal to my skill but when I’m matched with other PS4...that is why I won’t turn off cross. Cross killers, specifically pc, are much better than my homeland’s killers so that took a bit to learn but at this point it is safe to say,
Survivors in cross play = equal(excluding the outliers on all platforms that urban to a corner to sc)
Killers = significantly better on pc and for those of you pc killers that I looped, I apologize and for those of you who play very optimal, gg. For both groups, I commend you for taking the killer role and knowing how to play optimal
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Maybe the matchmaking is working then? Because I have been having quite the opposite. I play on PC, and every match I get a lobby of mostly crossplay. Red ranks both survivor and Killer, and I find all the players playing on console havn't the faintest clue to playing this game. They all seem to try cheap tricks you learn you actually can't do past green ranks. You know the same tricks you get from youtube like "360" or "window tech".
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going to say you mean facing switch or x box user you can't tell but ok if you say so.
saying his opinion don't matter because he play on Console makes your opinion is invalid
also before you say anything I play this game on ps4 and steam no ones opinion matter more because they play on pc nice try.
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How old are you ?
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Gotta disagree. As someone who's played a solid 50+ hours since crossplay has come out (Might be closer to 100? I honestly don't remember when the feature came out), I find it to just change on a player by player basis. There are some really good high level SWF squads on console, and there are a handful of really good console killers. However, I've found most of the survivors who are console I've played with tend to be amoung the stealthy variety (which is totally fine, I love stealth) and terrible at chase. Or, they're overly altruistic, and make bad plays because of it. I've also noticed on both sides that the game has a weird latency issue with console. Might have just been their internet (Obviously I can't ask them), but I've gone against a lot of really laggy console players. Not quite sure how common this is for anyone else.
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Very cool story.
Please do go on.
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You. Don't. Know. Their. Platform. Holy Christ it is so annoying seeing all these endless posts trash talking PC players, you have no flippin idea what platform they are on so stop talking like you do.
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if this come back you need to work a little bit hard then that.🤣
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Try that again.
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whats more annoying;
losing to a killer who is also on pc
or losing because your console team hid and self cared all game
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As a PS4 killer and (95% of the time) solo queue survivor with almost 3k hours, I've noticed that everybody is still potatoes. Having said that, my first PC Nurse, Huntress, Deathslinger, and Pyramid Head that I went against were on a completely different level than their console counterparts. I've slowly gotten better at running and juking PC killers, which has made me an even better survivor against console killers. At the other end of that stick, I've now played three survivor games in a row where I've completed two solo gens, gotten an iridescent benevolent emblem, and been left to die on my first hook, all while having at least two cross platform players in my lobby (cannot confirm they were PC survivors). This makes me a better player, but also infuriates me when I can't get a single decent survivor lobby to finish these tomb challenges.
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This thread is fake news.