due to the que time.Can I expect a really huge killer buff is in coming ?

bgbomb Member Posts: 434


the que time right now is ridiculous than ever.

not only red rank killer but also yellow rank killer right now has que time within 3 sec.

meanwhile survivor need to wait 10 to 20 mins to find a lobby.

and it is even a 1 vs 4 game lol.

I think this difference in the number of player base should clearly indicate how unbalanced the game is now.

so I can expect a really big huge buff for killer's is in coming right?


should we let the friendly sleeping bing bong boy be great again?


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Dont know where you play but i have still 1-2 min lobby times as survivor, which means there are much more killer players in relation to survivors. Whch means survivors would need a buff by your logic.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Your 1-2 min Survivor lobbies don't mean ######### when it comes to Killer / Survivor relation, you realize that right? It's the long queue times that indicate a surplus of players queueing that role.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    even a 1 to 2 min que time is 20 to 30 time longer than killer que time and it is even a 1vs4 game. wow!

    btw when and where do you play.

    i literally kill a dragon in mhwi while waiting and still cant find a lobby for survivor.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    hopefully, after 4 years, the devs might be able to think about trying to give players the information on how many killers and survivors are playing, or at least implement a system that gives you expected queue times, so people who play both survivor and killer will tend to favor the side that's depopulated at the current time.

    But an option like that seems too elegant for this game, so I doubt it will be implemented.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    it shouldn't be due to shortage of players, because when you have so many tens of thousands of people playing, you're getting hundreds, even thousands of matches an hour, there's no reason to have wait times that long, regardless if it's a bunch of survivors playing at that time or killers. It would make sense only if there were like 200 killers to 1 survivor or vice versa. What I'm thinking is that despite there being dedicated servers, people are still limited to a small region of players near them due to ping.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Ummmm, your post makes no sense.

    You want a killer buff because killers get instance lobbies??? That just means more people are playing survivor. That has nothing to do with strength

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    You Have to ask why people are playing survivor more when this is the killers game. Why don't people wanna play ph Michael and the other killers? I mean when the ruin nerf went live i had nearly instant ques as killler and 10-15 minute ques as survivor. So it could come down to balance we don't know.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This only happened after crossplay.

    Before survivor queues were quicker on PC at least for myself in NA east. This could change depending on region and time of day for some.

    Maybe its not about strength but why there are more of one side on specific platforms or in certain regions.

    Console for one maybe just has more people playing with friends as they are more party orientated so gravitate to survivors.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Same for me on PC EU. That's why before crossplay I played a little bit more survivor. Killer queues were bad for me. Now they're better, but survivor queues are still fast.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    im only playing at night (11pm-12pm), purple ranks both sides (i really dont play that much to achieve red ranks, maybe one hour every couple of days). Im getting lobbies in maximum 2-3 min as a survivor and 20 sec as a killer. Im on PC, EU.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Well speaking for myself, I have more fun dodging and juking the person with the power than wielding the power. Going around killing people who can't do anything to me isn't really fun for me.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited August 2020

    Personally I think it's less of a balance issue and more of stress level issue.

    When Ruin got changed all those killers that used to roll survivors at 5 gens suddenly had no early game slowdown anymore which made everything feel faster and less forgiving as killer.

    Before the Ruin change people would literally run around like headless chickens looking for Ruin so games as killer were much more chill.

    As a matter of fact a good killer will still do fine at this moment. However even if you 4k chances are the stress level was way too high throughout the match resulting in a decrease of motivation despite the successful match. Without motivation people stick to playing around 5 killer games before they switch another game.

    Meanwhile survivor mains play the game all day long since the worst case is they'll die quickly but that's no big deal as no one cares about a dead survivor in a 4v1 game. It's not like killer where you are in the spotlight during the match and you HAVE to endure the complete match - even if you lose.

    The developers need to find a way to keep the current balance similar while decreasing the early game stress level for killers. At least that's my opinion.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Just end up with a game against me. You'll never need a buff :-) You'll probably never need perks either :-)

    But I can completely understand how you feel.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You realize killers get instant lobbies because there are too few of them, right? And survivors have waiting times because there is a surplus of them.

    Then there are people like me, right. I am a survivor main, but play killer too. Usually. But me playing killer has dropped from about 35% of my games to under 10%. That means, in 25% of my games, i play survivor instead of killer. I am one survivor more, and one killer less.

    And yes, i do it because of balance issues. i am not a good killer, and while i am a red rank survivor, i am only a rank 14-8 killer, yet, yesterday i played 3 games as killer, 2 of them vs all red ranks swf (i asked them, they confirmed it). Sure, the other team that only had 3 red ranks and were not swf still destroyed me. But it takes away any motivation from me to play killer. IF i am not alone, it might still be a balance issue, and then buffing killers is the right way.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170
    edited August 2020

    I've said it in previous posts and I think it'd be the healthiest change to the game they could possibly make. Remove the hooks from the game entirely. The hook phase is A. Unbelievable and takes away from all immersion in a horror game. B. It allows too many killers the luxury of face camping or proxy camping a hook for easy hits/kills/grabs. They should replace it with a counter that allows you to be hit and healed a specific amount of times before you die. Make it so unbreakable gives you one last pick up and make it so decisive strike only activates If you've healed another downed survivor from the bleeding state while injured. I think removing hooks will add intensity to the killer role without actually buffing a killers base kit and will also force survivors into a more team based style of play. The hooks and generators are the absolute most broken 2 mechanics of the game ( over ANY perk ) and they should both be replaced completely with new and fresh objectives and more than one main objective on each end.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    They will never outright buff killers. Individual killers yes. But killers as a whole no. Because they have to protect survivors. Despite this being a horror game, survivors never have to fear a killer.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    are you drunk ?

    why buff killer would cause more player play survivor ?

  • Scrublo
    Scrublo Member Posts: 45

    I'm not quite sure why this would make the Devs buff killers, especially if they are currently the dominant playerbase.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    because they need to do something to increase killer player base.

    otherwise most of the player in dbd would have a 10 to 20 mins que time.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I've been saying this for ages. The fact is playing killer is extremely stressful and most of the time it gets unfun. But no one focuses on the killers fun they only focus on survivors and making it easier to enjoy that gameplay. However I do think some killers are in desperate need of a buff as competing with the survivors meta is sometimes out right impossible with some killers. Hopefully this new Start game collapse objective will help balance and stress levels. Personally I think as a survivor main the old ruin was fine. It high risk (especially with those crap totem placements) high reward. In other words how a hex perk probably should be.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Although I agree with you that killer should not get a huge buff, I also think what they are saying makes sense. If killer is buffed, more people will want to play killer, or if survivor is nerfed, less people will want to play survivor. Both sides could probably use a few tweaks, but neither side as a whole really needs a huge buff or nerf (as a whole is referring to killers like clown who need something to improve them)

  • wimlin
    wimlin Member Posts: 30

    Another PC Player have had near instant Queues for most of the last few years. On a bad day or bad time of night I might wait 2-3 min. Now its 10 min every match and most matches seem to be ending in DC. You talk about killer buffs, but it seems to only be an issue since the change. I might add I queue up as about 5 games. All queues were instant and I mostly played console players. I killed every person every game without exception unless I decided to let someone escape. Not only that but in each match they never got 1 more than 1 generator done and I'm in no way shape or form a good killer. I'm terrible normally I get looped all day. This whole idea of cross-play was ill conceived and probably not well implemented. Its literally ruined the PC version of the game for anyone that mains survivor.

  • wimlin
    wimlin Member Posts: 30

    Queue times shouldn't be a consideration in who to buff or tweak. It should be about escape percentages and that should be the only criteria. Why would they buff killers if only 20% of survivors are escaping? I played killer for 5 matches as PC vs mostly console players and the results were not pretty for the survivors. No one escaped unless I let them crawl out the hatch and no one the games were close. Do I need an even more powerful killer? Maybe then instead of getting 1 generator done they could get 0? The games weren't even fun owning them that badly.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    were did you get those numbers, that only 20% of survivors are escaping? Can you prove it, plz?