Remove CrossPlay for survivors on solo Q

I was happy when the new mmr left. Fun and balanced games for the most part. Until enter the cross play and the games are mostly like that.
That has nothing to do with crossplay, it just was either a good killer or bad survivors.
I get cp matches as survivor and as killer and they are as balanced as before cp was there.
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You got clowned on bro
Why do people keep demanding that crossplay be turned off when you can turn it off yourself? Making this post is clearly more high effort than just unchecking a box in the options menu.
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you can remove cross play yourself. at the main menu go into settings and there is a box that allows crossplay, uncheck it (or if it disallows crossplay check it)... read the option and the right way will be obvious. i believe it's an "allow crossplay" if it is checked.
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As a solo player, I would like cross- play to stay on. Yes, console is currently at a disadvantage but it will eventually even out.
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- you can opt out.
- This is one of the most balanced matches I've seen in a long time in this game. What exactly is your complaint here? You have everyone between rank 1-5 (and it's kinda cool that the points are in order by highest rank, but that's a side note)
- How exactly would they go about only disabling cross play for people playing solo queue?
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- CrossPLay default is off, priority for those of us who do not have it activated in matchmaking. Same platform have priority to play together
- This console players play like rank 15. I die in 1 hook. Their chases lasted less than 10 seconds.
- SWF can invite cross-play. Point 1.
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Oh I didn't know doing 360's slower (which is barely the only difference between console and PC Survivors) was that big of an issue. A rank 1 PC survivor isn't much better than a rank 1 Switch survivor.
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If you dont want to play with them, why not just turn off crossplay yourself?
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If you actively decide to restrict yourself why should you have priority queuing.
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You can just turn it off in your settings, you know that right?
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Seriously...that is a good match...why are you complaining...turn it off urself
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It wouldnt even be possible to have crossplay for SWFs and not for solo Q while still making lobbys. If I queue up with 2 friends on a different platform for myself, what platform would the solo Q random play on that we'd have to get grouped with to form a team of 4?
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Do people not read? The game clearly tells you that your crossplay is on and that you can disable it whenever.
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The problem is that if you turn it off, you can't find a game. If you turn off, you only queue with those who also turned off the cross play. My solution: Only 1 queue. If there are 6 survivors 4 PC (2 cross-play 2 no) and 2 Console. The PC players play together. Same platform have priority. For users who have cross-play activated it will not change. Times are going to be faster. For platform users who do not complete a team, expect a cross-play player
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Lol what Planet are you from “But it will Eventually Even out” Lmao
I wished PC just stayed in their own Servers and Make it Just Crossplay for PS/Xbox/Switch the Major Advantages PC has like Auto Targeting on Console doesnt help against PC players who have 90fps
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I play mostly solo and I want crossplay. Also, crossplay is on by default and you have to opt-out from the settings if you don't want it.
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The same planet that you're on. And as mention above, you can easily turn cross-play off. Cross-Play on dbd is not that much of a big deal compared to having cross-play on fps games.
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I’m not sure you are from my Planet.
But here are Boots you can Lick
How About Just Keeping the PC to their Own Worlds because having 90fps against a 60pfs shows how much fair it is
And How about you know just keeping the PS4 Switch and Xbox Consoles with just those 3 themselves
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Would you rather have longer queue times for more fair matches, or shorter queue times where it's a toss-up? I
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Opting out is a pseudo option You just heavily punish yourself with massive q times leaving no option but to live with this.
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Please don't do that i love fast q and console players are as good as pc players i only hope that they activate dc penalty
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I don't know what your issue with these childish insult because all I did was STATED MY OPINION.
I didn't reject your little suggestion of console only. If anything, if they implemented a feature that allows you to select what platforms you're willing to play with then that's not a problem.
There are console players who enjoy playing with pc players
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My option is faster queue times because is only 1 queue list. Now if we have 3 no cross-play and 1 cross-play. Is no a team. For people u active cross-play with my option is the faster way.