What's up with all these genrushers?

I've nerver seen so much genrush than these past days. I don't know if it's because console players can't do anything but sitting on a gen, but nearly all the game I has were against genrushers. It seems to be even worse than before and even when I apply pressure, gens fly at a steady pace. It kills all the fun and I really don't think the game can be enjoyable anymore for killers.
can I ask how YOU define genrushing? because more often then not its not genrushing and people just use that as a way of saying what they mean even though its inaccurate
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No need to lash out at console players though. Problem is completing the gens is way too easy if the first guy chased is not completely braindead.
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Gen rushing does not exist, next.
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Have you seen the repair 16 gens challenge... I personally equipped everything for a genrush so it would be done in 4 games to reduce the grind. I don't think I'm the only one so if this is the case it will get better again.
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Nothing wrong with genrushing.
You should blame the Devs, not the Players.
That being said, the devs are working on a early game.
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What did PC players do? Open chests and do bones all game? This is getting absurd.
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This can only be a problem if you are faced with a SWF that intends to do gens only.
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It's doing nothing bu gens, in order to get out as fast as possible. Everyone has his definition but when gens are done insanely fast I usually call this a genrush because it is.
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Yep, it's really too easy and we killers need a really good perk to slow down the game at the start
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...what else are they supposed to do?
"Okay everyone, we've done gens too fast. Everyone just sit in a corner for two minutes"
Apply better pressure maybe?
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It's literally our only objective. Should we just sit around and let you kill us? Not our fault you can't place pressure on survivors.
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well it all depends on the circumstance
no ruin or other known hex so they might think they only have 1 objective - do gens
however if theyre letting someone die on a hook to get the gen thats different
my point being that if theres no pressure on them and no other objective they HAVE to do gens otherwise its game throwing
I would like other/new objectives to be added to the game but I dont make that call
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If they are pushing gens way too quickly, that means you aren't putting enough pressure to survivors. And God forbid survivors do gens to get out as fast as possible
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Did every single survivor in every single match bring a BNP, ignore other hooked survivors go to second phase-post phase 2 to death just to complete a generator? Because it they didn’t do all of those they were not gen rushing.
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I think I just noticed after all this time you're on my friends list.. you play PS4, right?
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Wait what? Who are you?
Yes i am on PS4.
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Don't misunderstand me, the problem is not survivors doing gens optimally, it's the fact that devs made it possible because of stupid gen speed.
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Ooh wait oops, that was demon Lily, not Demonl3y.. but that seemed so familiar though.. maybe I just saw you playing one day
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"JuSt ApPLy PreSsuRe"
Ok bud thanks
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ahh ok. Well there are good possibilits we met already anyway on PS4. :o
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Gen speed is fine. 80 seconds is a long time to sit on a gen uninterrupted. If you notice that survivors are often stacking on gens, try running Discordance.
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Post edited by Koukdw on0 -
Welcome to the party
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Most of the time it's not gen rush. If there's nobody on hook and nobody to heal you can't blame survivor for doing gens. That's literally the goal of the game. To do gen and to escape.
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Genrushing isn’t a thing. It’s a survivors objective to do the gens. That’s like a killer being accused of ‘killrushing’ - it’s just a nonsensical way to cry about losing a game.
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God forbid the survivors try to escape. If you're not pressuring gens well enough, take the depip so survivors can face people who actually know how to play killer.
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Yea, or you deleted me! I din dun nuffin doe, so that can't be the case
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It’s not gen rushing you just aren’t pushing them off gens
they have nothing else to be doing but gens if you are chasing someone
gen rush gets thrown around way too much same as tunneling, camping, and slugging
Real issue is the fact the game has no other major objective and it allows survivors to spawn separate and on top of gens good change would be the pregame and for survivors to always spawn together and no where near gens
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Whats your PS4 Name?
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What else do you want survivors to do?
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I always think its funny when I get accused of gen rushing while the only thing I have that can make gens go faster is spine chill.
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My matches vs console players were total opposite. Gens are done almost too slow.
Oh and let me fix your title: 'What's up with survivors focusing on their objective?'
The Gen-rush narrative irritates the tar out of me. I get why gens are blowing up when I'm trying to stop them. Why? Because survivors have only one objective. If they move off that objective, they lose. My job is to get them off that objective. Make them afraid to get too comfortable. Keep them hurt and healing, or punish them if they don't heal. Not easy, I fully admit. But I don't blame them for hitting gens.
Maybe survivors should complain about the kill-rush. Why do killers have to down the first person so fast?! Completely stupid....
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I think when two-three gens pop before Corrupt Intervention runs out something's amiss
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The thing is if all 4 survivors load into the game doing what they are SUPPOSED to do gens will naturally pop like nothing.
You can't even blame them really since their objective just doesn't take long unless you crouch through the map doing nothing productive.
I've even started cleansing dull totems, plundering chests and even then gens will pop fairly quickly unless someone's afk or the killer is snowballing like a tournament player.
As survivor there's just nothing to do on the map.
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Well, we are have different experiences with cross play, I opted out because no one is doing gens and they go down in seconds. The only globe ppl good were the killers. I'm on console btw.
Also that is the survivors job... if you're not applying pressure then it is what it is.
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Set pregame spawns would mean killers don't have to patrol at game start, but I think that patrolling should stay because it's a core piece of killer gameplay.
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Is gen rush a problem against specific killers? Yes
Is it the survivors fault? NO
Blame the devs for leaving such a small task for 4 people to do and such a large task for the killer to do.
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Now do that on legion.
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It's just not reliable against good survivors, even though I'm a nurse main too
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Thhe problem is gen speed. It's way too easy to press m1
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It's absolutely reliable against good survivors the problem is unbreakable even on the most boosted survivor will reset the game for everyone even though I personally don't have anything against the perk itself
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Yup, the consequences of killers using cheap gameplay mechanics to get 3k+.
When the rank resetted (13th of this month), we (survivors) had 2 horrible days at high rank. Killers were tunneling + camping hook or coming on the hook 10 seconds after leaving it and this in every game we have played even when only 1 gen was done.
So now killers main get gen rush as a punishment. Enjoy your games :).
I also play killer, but i use cheap mechanics only when 3 gens are finished.
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Ok. I should not use "cheap mechanics" (guess wth that means) until 3 gens are done. Another rule you have for me?
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I mean - personally I would like a 2nd objective as holding the repair button really is boring as hell. As survivor I would like to have to cover the map looking for things that help with gen progression.
Imagine something like this: Gens take longer than they do now (let's say 100 seconds by default instead of 80) but if you gather efficiency tools (once) that are everywhere on the map it increases your own gen efficiency leading to 80 second gens / current speed.
That would slow the early game down no matter what and would allow for a less stressful experience for killers while providing a change for survivors and since those "efficiency tools" wouldn't be near gens killers wouldn't find survivors straight away so the kill rate would possibly be the same.
Remember survivors could still work on gens at the start of the match so the killer will still guard the generators straight away making it less dangerous for survivors to look for those efficiency tools.
It would definitely shake things up. That's just a quick idea.
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nice meme thrown in at the end
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Here is a video for you.
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What the hell do survivors do apart from fixing gens and escaping 🙆♂️ Gen rushing would be like criticising a football teams for scoring goals to early in a game.
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Doing gens is all there is to do. It seems like "gen rushing" because most players are extremely inefficient when it comes to generators. Gens should never take more than 7 minutes, yet the average game length is 10-12 minutes.
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Yay another Scott Jung fanboy. As I already said it, I'm not mad at survivors for doing their objective. The problem comes from the incompetent biaised ($) devs that allow such ridiculous things