Wanting to be tunneled

I gotta ask why people run at the killer when they have BT or DS so they can be toxic but complain about tunneling when they get caught and die
like whats the reason for that thinking? entitlment? people bein toxic in general? someone explain to me before I chuck my laptop out the window from frustration
I find most times they do it because they think you'll chase them after hitting them knowing they also have DS. I just wait out the 15 seconds then down them and eat the DS. The only time I won't is when they just try to protect the survivor that unhooked. That is fine, but when you are blatantly trying to abuse it, then bets are off.
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Abuse? How dare survivors have perks and try to use them!
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They're just mad cuz they made a dumb play and got punished.
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"how dare survivors have perks and try to use them"
which killer perks do everyone hate again? and complain about nonstop?
the difference is the survivor perks are designed as defensive perks and are being used offensively just to be toxic where as the killer perks exist for the sake of doing the killers objective
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Perk abuse doesn't exist period. If you don't like how someone uses their perk, you go ahead and be salty but it's not abuse just by playing the game as intended.
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Right, because purposly downing yourself unhooking someone while you have DS was of course the 'intended' way. Or when they decide to hop into a locker. Must have missed that in the Perk description.
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Then tunneling and camping also doesnt exists.
Why should survivors be allowed to do and use EVERYTHING they have but Killers dont?
Lets be real, if there would be a way to ,,camp" the Killer so he cant leave the place, almost everyone who complains about it, would use it. Just because they can.
Its not about if anyone abuse something or not, its the fact that people who play like this or use certein things then proceed to complain about other things.
So many times i got called a tunnler because they blocked me with BT active.
Sure you can say they just played smart, but then Killers can also say tunneling is playing smart too, because it is.
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Yes, and then they ask you why you tunnel them 🤷♂️
You do that to me of running towards me, I wait the 15 seconds, I eat your DS and then I send you to the lobby.
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honestly survivors do "abuse" the mechanics of their perks. oh hey i have ds, i'll sit on this gen for the minute it takes ds to go away, let the killer pull me off and get my ds hit. or i'll jump into a locker and let the killer pull me out to force the ds. and then they will swoop in with the last second of bt and stop a hit. all this time they stay injured... GREAT for the killer when thanataphobia is used! but sucks for your survivor friends because you could be healed otherwise but noooo gotta get that DS in. same with BT but it's not as long so it's more immediate.
this is not how they are intended to be used, the intent on DS and BT is to GET YOU OUT OF THERE. not to have you force something or do a generator with impunity. that is not in their description what so ever. Be quite honest with yourself, you want to use DS as a weapon to punish the killer only because he chased you. I have litterally hooked three people and taken the first to be pulled off the hook down and still gotten hit with a DS! how you ask? 1) down player and hook them (A has DS). 2) chase after player B who tried to swoop in with a bt save, and while downing them player A is unhooked now hook B. 3) see player D and C going to B, intercept D and hook them. 4) C still near, get C and hook them. 5) go to B, player A is there unhooking them and I down them right after. 6) pick up A and get DS'd... please tell me in all this, how the hell did I even tunnel player A? Answer: I didn't and yet in end game chat because B grabbed C and D, A finished opening the door and all got out. nice to know that DS is that much of a shield. In the end game chat player A shouts, in caps, "That's what you get for being a tunneler BISH!" I laugh and tell them I didn't tunnel, prove it... their answer? You got DS'd so you tunneled.
This shows that people think that DS is 60 seconds of KILLER CAN'T TOUCH ME or they TUNNELED ME! no it means you took advantage of DS. what was the ranks of the players? 3, 4, 6 and 7. my rank at the time? 16. I was running plague. so yea.... I banked on thana for people not getting healed or cleansed, but laughed because i was able to down a salt squad easily. Stop lying about your intentions on how to use it and stop calling tunnel when most people don't even know the definition of tunnel to use!
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It depends in my experience. Some people are dead set on forcing BT/DS to work, others wanna annoy you or challenge you.
If they complain afterwards I´d suppose they´re trolling or not as mentally capable.
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Tunneling and camping are real and are perfectly acceptable strategies. Just like is the case with perks.
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Perks have very little "intent" to abuse. As long as the perks are performing exactly as described, they are not being abused.
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Purposefully getting yourself caught is almost always a bad play and is always not worth the risk. These perks existing doesn't change that, there's nothing abusable about them period. You have no argument, only salty complaints.
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the perk itself has no capability of abusing itself. HOWEVER the player CAN ABUSE the effects to bully and harass another player. beyond what is normal. and you are making the case that tunneling is not an abuse, nor is camping or moris, or keys. nothing is abusable in this game... not in the slightest. Oh yea remember why they changed how long it took to start a mori action? that was because of ABUSE by the player themselves. you will notice that I did not say the perk was an abuse to be used but how it was used. At this point your whole argument breaks down and makes anything that happens in the game as long as it is working AS INTENDED not an abuse.
People that do these things are intending to be hooked, killed what so ever. and will call the killer a tunneler when they weren't. example that has been said here: player S with DS gets unhooked and when the killer doesn't go after them but the unhooker they then alter course and run into the killer's swing and go down. now this is done intentionally for various reasons including to now say they were tunneled. this is the abuse that I am talking about both in the forums here and end game chat. the fact they used DS isn't an abuse though it could be seen as such, the fact that they decided to run into the swing isn't abuse but what is the abuse is the intent behind it. This is where your agument falls flat, no one said that the perk abuses another but it was said that the perk is USED to abuse another. the key is the word USED or intent of the word used. the abuse comes from the player's actual actions or their intentions of what to do.
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Using in game mechanics as intended is not harrassment. A killer who brings a mori is not a bully, neither is a team with PT and BNPs or a key. Play how you want within the rules of the game, these imaginary honor codes people come up with are simply fake and can be manipulated over time to fit people's narratives. Stick to the facts and you'll never steer yourself wrong.
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Eh. Scenario you described is the one I would be totally fine with. As a killer I get a slug and some kind of pressure. Worse is when you have no choice but chase a person with DS. I don't even talk "I couldn't see the other person". No, it's way worse: person with DS active will stay near a gen where he was saved, healed and all. You hit them to scare from the gen, unhooker escapes into the skyline and you have nothing better to do but chase a guy with DS active, with him jumping into a locker somewhere in the middle of the chase. That's a nightmare to deal with and really grinds my gears.
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Well, if someone farm you with bt and he is got injured it is a good idea to protect your rescuer while you have endurance status effect. Also I never seen someone using DS complain about tunneling. Sometimes I could tunnel the ######### out of person that DS me. I was expectig a ton of tunneling complains in the end game chat or in my steam comments. But it never happened. Somehow people that use antitunneling perk never complain about tunneling.
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You're lucky. I get complains (in chat because I don't like people leaving them on steam page) all the time if I slug people around to avoid DS. I meet so many players that think sluging unhooked people is tunneling.
Heck, I had people collectively DC on me because I refused to swing at 360 and trashtalk me for that in chat, so I kinda stopped caring.
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Yes it seems familiar. I got blamed for tunneling when I throw one hatchet to unhooked person and slugged him while chasing rescuer.
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you totally missed my point. when using a perk in the game to aid another that's fine. but using it to intentionally be able to use that fact LATER to say "I WAS TUNNELED!!!!" and being SALTY over something they themselves DID intentionally is the abuse, not the use of it in game. I had no issue when it was done in game i thought to myself "REALLY??? you want to get this over with? sure! I'll do it!" I picked them up knowing a ds was coming and I planned for it. they didn't plan that I already had judged where they would go and i went and I hooked them again because to me at that point they had chosen not to go recover but to act. I then took them out, hooked them and they didn't struggle on second hook. Funny thing is the one they "saved" is the only one that got out and even that player jumped in my defense saying that they intended to run in, get the ds and yell and scream I WAS TUNNELED! I was laughing so hard I couldn't reply anymore and I hurt.
The ABUSE is not the use of the perk, though there are a few times it can be done like mori-spamming that is abuse, just activating the mori and letting it play through is not. You missed the whole argument just to feel like you were right, go back and re-read my post again and you'll see what i said does not contradict your remarks at all.
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Also no matter what perk a killer brings, they still have to work for the down. Insta down doesn't make you immune to pallets, BT, DS, or DH (unless they lag) unless you're Bubba, or Nurse... But Nurse has fatigue and a CD so if she misses a blink shes fugged.
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Because they hope that you have no brain and think "This survivor ran directly at me and gave me a free down! Wowie how kind! I will pick him up right now because he can't possibly have DS, right?" Usually survivors will only do plays like this when the killer isn't doing so well in that particular match.. I believe they call it "asserting dominance"
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using an anti-tunneling perk like DS as a minute or two of incivipility is abuse and not playing the game as intended which is against the rules.
if i hook 2 survivors and get ds'ed by the 3rd when they refuse to heal and run into a locker at the end of a chase at 59 seconds that is abuse.
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You are wrong. Obviously there are perks and mechanics also in dead by daylight you can abuse. DS is complained because it gives you 60 second immunity after you been hooked when it was specifically designed that you wouldn't be tunneled. Devs have also said you can abuse mories by targeting a specific player over and over again. How would you feel if you played in small region area and some killer decided that he will bring ebony mori in every game when you are in it. Object can be abused as well in SWF games when 4 players know the killers exact location at all times.
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Lets stop thinking that DS is an anti tunel perk just think that is a bubble of protection to you dont get in the last hook in less than 1 minute
i see a post that you say that perkof survival is for defesive this is bullshit its a perk you need to used if you can, what you are sayng is the same as i say that is toxic killers using noed if the surfvivals dont gen rush
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Players want to get utility out of their perks, especially when The Killer is trying so hard to circumvent them. It's like when you're hard tunneled right off of the hook and hop into a locker to use DS. Otherwise you're likely to just get slugged. Same with BT. I've seen The Hillbilly use his free Sprint Burst Tier 20 with no exhaustion, fly back to the hook when someone is rescued. So in that case the person decided to start rescuing when he was on his way back and they got accused of being toxic. And that circumstance it made sense to gain utility out of BT, because the killer was trying so hard to circumvent it by temporarily going away and then immediately returning to the hook. Killers often go out of their way to circumvent perks so it makes sense that survivors are going to find ways to get usage out of them.
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Nothing wrong with being salty as long as you don't use harmful language. Killers are salty all the time as well. You can't change the attitudes or behaviors of others by crying about them, they change gradually to reciprocate the behavior of those they interact with. All you can do to calm the salt is tone down your own salt levels.
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DS isn't an anti-tunnel perk, it's a second chance perk. It obviously only gives second chances, no abuse there.
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Devs never said DS is an anti-tunnel perk, this was invented by the community to fit their narrative :)
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They have said that actually.. =)
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Okay please post an example, thanks!