Let's Talk About The Spirit, I Need Opinions

Ekkles Member Posts: 10

I've played this game for quite awhile now and I play both survivor and killer, but I mostly play killer more competitive and better rewards. I've achieved rank 1 on killer and I'm still trying to get up there for survivor so far my best being rank 2. Thing is when I play killer I could pick ghost face or legion which are other killers I enjoy playing, but the majority of my hours are spent on Spirit so It's safe to say she's my main.

I've gone from rank 20 to rank 1 over 3 times in one season, and this season I've done it twice again already, all with the majority of my games being Spirit, I personally think shes busted in the same way nurse is, high skill cap but very very rewarding, defiantly deserving of her top tier place in the killer meta, however its her add ons that I think are a little broken.

Every killers add ons have some that benefit very well and some that are sort of gimmicks that can work well if used right, but every single spirit add on is very strong even the brown ones, Mother Daughter Ring + Yakaoka's Amulet turn you from a good chase killer, to a killer that can apply the same map pressure a Billy can or a Freddy with all the benefits of your chase power. Let's say that's not your thing and you want to end chases fast, well you can run Wakizashi Saya + Katana Tsuba and when you exit phase you zoom lighting speed and can end loops instantly and catch up to someone who uses dead hard completely ignoring it, and that's just two options for your playstyle.

From the survivor side spirit can be tricky but with how much I've personally played her it can be easy mind-gaming her right back, she can trigger way too many 50-50s way too quickly which can mess up my brain a lot to be honest. So opinions, do you think the spirit needs a nerf? or do you think if you're a good survivor or someone experienced with playing her is she balanced just fine?


  • WillTheWise
    WillTheWise Member Posts: 4

    I Don't think Spirit Needs a nerf, or even if, a minor change for her base kit or addons.

    Spirit isn't that hard as Nurse, altough it's still needed to learn how to play as her. Me-- As a previous Spirit main i found no trouble playing her at launch and then further. I Played i think two matches as her back when PTB happened on August 2018, and when Spirit was released i've been slowly and slowly learning her.

    4king wasn't hard back then because most survivors were still oblivious to how to play as her, but now after two years since her release, survivors adapted and made counters for her. You see, the problem with Spirit is that you can't really play against her and win without perks (Yes, as much as this sentence doesn't make sense, i'm trying to prove a point). You see, Spirit is based on scratchmarks and footsteps, as well as grunts. If you don't have perk like Iron Will, Healing Perks or Exhaustion perks, you will find yourself having a very hard time playing VS Spirit because if the Spirit you play against can make a great use out of information she has around the map, there is probably NO chance for you to win, while you can still dodge Nurse's blinks and mindgame her more easily than the Spirit because like, you can see when Nurse blinks and where does she blink, but when it comes to spirit, it's a 50/50, you have no idea where she's gonna come from while using her Phase Walk, she's an unexpected killer.

    Spirit's addons are another story and yes, i 100% agree that Spirit's addons, even brown ones are powerful. Spirit's base kit is powerful enough, and every (even) little small addition to her power already makes her a lot more powerful. I Do think that her base kit should be touched because if we let addons get changed, we may regret the changes because the addons may become useless (Like Hillbilly)

    So in Summary, Spirit is fairly easier to play as rather than Nurse. Learning her isn't that complicated like Nurse is. The only thing you need as Spirit is to have decent headphones, Stridors and map preassure, then you have almost a guaranteed win. Spirit's addons, even common ones are a powerful addition to the spirit, and i do think that she needs some small change to her base kit to make the addons less powerful, but don't touch the addons.

    Of course it is my opinion, and i'll be happy to see what other people say. Cheers!

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    She is fine.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    I'm of the opinion spirit needs a nerf, yes. I believe that she's incredibly strong, unfairly so, however the skill for this strength isn't that demanding. Look at nurse, she takes thousands of hours to master and rightfully once you're that good as her you can instantly win the game. Look at Hag, another very strong killer. A good hag will have such an amazing Web that survivors who try and enter there will be #########. Look at spirit, you can 4k in red ranks after 30 games provided you have a headset. Stridor? Make that 20.

    It's a similar issue Freddy has, high power low skill, except at least Freddy has clear, consistent, obvious counterplay in everything he does. Gens spew with blood and you hear a map-wide wind blowing sound when he's teleporting, snares are obvious, pallets not so much but pallet freddy is countered by memorisation. And then the one thing above all else is to just stay awake and he's going to have such a hard time catching you.

    The same can't be said for spirit. She needs an indicator that she's phasing--a consistent, solid, obvious indicator that can be seen by those with visual handicaps like me. I shouldn't need to make out with my monitor for 15 seconds just to see some small ass shards glowing at which point it's too late and I'm dead. Add this is, and ensure that Stridor doesn't work when she's phasing to enable Iron Will to be another consistent counter to her power, and I'd enjoy facing and playing her much more than I currently do.

    Yes, spirit needs a nerf. She's boring, unfun (to play as well as to face, imo), and rediculously strong for the time you need to put into her.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    People need to remember this is a 1v4..1..v..4..not 1v1..now if we were to change her..give her a small tell during her phase on her husk..like a passive phasing flicker , for the moment her phase starts..it gives survivors some warning but let's spirit keep her mind games,, increases her skill floor a bit but doesnt knee cap her vs good teams

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Also before I say anything, I'm a survivor main, I play like 70% survivor, but I do play a decent amount of killer at red ranks. I also like to point out that used to be a spirit main, but I have since drifted away from playing her, simply because how annoying she can be when I play survivor.

    I do think spirit needs a nerf, just a small one if any. I don't know what they should change about spirit besides maybe making her power recovery longer.

    Also she does have counter-play, just a lot of it can be guessing, which is why she upsets a lot of people. I think I'm decent at playing against a spirit but there is very little you can do against a good spirit, especially if you are injured.

    Her add-ons, like you said, are quite strong. I think spirit's add-ons are what add-ons should be on all killers, not necessarily the strength, but in how versatile they are yet they all manage to be good.

    All in all I think spirit is quite powerful, but still requires skill. Most spirits I have gone against aren't even good at her.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    The issue with Spirit is that she takes away the single most important part of what the game is based on: information given and how you use it.

    Spirit stands still, and you have two options. She's phasing, or she's literally standing still. There is just no telling where she is or what she's doing.

    If they removed the husk, then maybe it would solve a lot of issues involving her.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I don't really feel Spirit needs a huge nerf to her actual powers, but I would like to see her lose the ability to fake-Phasewalk.

    I believe they could accomplish this by just removing her Husk when she phases (it would begin to "deconstruct" as she charges her Phasewalk). Her terror radius would still be planted where she stood when she began phasing, but observant survivors would have a VERY clear visual indicator that Spirit was using her power. Plus, Spirit could still mindgame an adjustment like this by charging her Phasewalk behind a wall/prop.

    I think Spirit's general lack of a "tell" when she is (or isn't) using her power is one of the main complaints I've seen levied against her. Fix that and she would probably generate killer-survivor interactions that feel more fun and less like endless blind guessing.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    we either need a full rework or a tell on location mid phase like giving her own scratch marks is one ive seen but we can all agree spirits broken right?



  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279

    It might be a 1v4 but you are with random with no communication and questionnable looping skills sometimes. I personnaly treat this game as a 1v (1v1v1v1). My teammate can be my allies but they can also unhook me near the killer without bt/sandbag me/ loop the killer near my hook which can make them my enemy.

    My opinion is that you shouldnt need iron will to even have a chance at juking spirit. Currently it's kinda that way you either have iron will and you can manage her(if she doesnt have stridor) or she can track you all the time and there's nothing you can do. All those backtracking jukes/walking don't work against a good spirit with a headset.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    To be honest I'd say she's fine. I can definitely see why she gets so much salt as her counters revolve around guess work but its definitely possible to keep a spirit busy with the right technique

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Bullshit..I do it all the time..that's a misconception who try to use bad players to prove a point

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
  • Ekkles
    Ekkles Member Posts: 10

    some survivors are very good at understanding when she is and isnt, i run distressing on her because it makes it very difficult for survivors to actually hear the phasing if im not running add ons that make it harder already, the survivors who dont stand still and crouch when they know shes phasing are usually the people who don't understand the info she can give with her husk, in my experience i try and study how fast she phases and know how long it will take for her to get it again, if she just pops out of phase and stand still i know shes trying to trick me, if she did a micro phase i know shell have her power in the next 3 seconds, vise versa, getting her power back so quick with add ons is again the only problem

  • Ekkles
    Ekkles Member Posts: 10

    her power on its base is actually pretty balanced tbh, the add ons make it crazy strong depending on the play style, I can run any add on on her and make it work exactly as its supposed to be used, and it defiantly improves the power, a spirit without add ons is much easier to handle. The fake phasewalk can come at a price sometimes, like ive mentioned to people studying how fast she can actually phase is a good indicator as to when shell do it again, so survivors that pay attention instead of trying to abuse loops and vaults, whatever, I have a much much harder time of catching because when i try to fake phase they just run and i don't have my power ready to catch up so im forced to give up the chase and pressure gens.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    See? Straw man..it can't be a good spirit because you succeeded...red rank spirits decked out in meta setups don't count apparently..even if my team is getting demolished but I managed to keep her busy..doesnt matter that true does it on the daily...but wait..if spirit is so easy..how can she ever lose? How can there be "bad spirits?" You see why I roll my eyes at this yes?

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    For the current state the game is in I think Spirit is fine and balanced! The reason why she is hated is because survivor's feel hopeless in a 1v1 against her which is the way it should be!

    She is also hated because survivor's are use to having the advantage in a chase's and feeding off of information. If we are being honest Spirit flips the script on survivor's on makes them feel like how all other killer's feel (besides Sally).

    Lastly I hate to say this, but there is no way to nerf Spirit without defeating the purpose of her. She is designed to trick survivor's and giving off any kind of information will defeat the purpose of Spirit

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    I think Spirit's add-ons are too powerful when her basekit is so strong already

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Stridor spirit/audio cues for spirit whilst phasing needs to be nerfed IMO.

    Stridor spirit is the bane of my existence.