Why can't PC opt out of crossplay?

So tired of getting matched with survivors who somehow were carried to red ranks while urban evading and self caring while ignoring objectives, unhooks, and always opening gate immediately, and tired of going against the same kind of survivor. Also tired as hell of going against console Spirits who somehow can't maintain chase even without iron will, and almost always having noed. In just a few days, these stereotypes of console players seem to pervade my games quite consistently.
you can, just go on the main menu, don't chose any side, go to option and deselect crossplay, restart dbd and you will have the logo of non cross play player
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It's grayed out. Even going in from the main menu, not a lobby.
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weird, it's not for me if i'm on the main menu, if i'm on killer side or survivor it's grayed to
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why is it grayed out for some people not for others?
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This is exactly how it is for me. I'm not able to uncheck it.
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It's because you have to actually be at the starting screen, not in a match lobby.
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in this screen, you're clearly in the survivor lobby. you have to be in the MAIN MENU and then click settings. you can't be in a lobby. that's why it's grayed out for you.
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ok you have to be in the MAIN MENU not a lobby i like crossplay so i don't opt out.
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You can opt out of cross play. It's in the options. I don't know what else to say other than read the patch notes? If you do opt out of cross play, be prepared for the inane amount of waiting for a lobby. It's way worse than what you would be waiting for now. But, I agree with you that most of the cross platform players for my games are absolute potatoes compared to PC players on both sides.
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OMG, thank you so much. It has been the worst time playing with console folks. Bless you, out here doing gods work.