Blance state of the game.

Honest question is there a ######### point to giving suriviors perks that Directing impact and Control the game while Forcing the killers to react to Purely mistakes of the suriviors?
honestly, this sounds to me like they dont give two ######### shits about the game with you give DS DH BT UB AD SB LITHE.
and what does the killer get for perks? pop? something that is only allowed to be used if the surivior makes a mistake and you made the right call?
dead hard is a perk that your allowed to use weither or not the killer makes a mistake or not. so why isnt pop just you can pop a gen and you have to wait 40 seconds seems fair to me. or better yet make it where if you pop gen as a surivior then you get one min to use dead hard befor its no longer up. seems fair to me. i dont understand the need to have the killer be so weak objectively morally and factually.
its a Proven recorded fact suriviors live more then killers kill THIS IS A PROBLEM its not a horror game if your allowed to live when ever you want.
you wanna stop the dying player base from losing more players? stop avoiding what people have to say and start ######### thinking with your brain cells instead of thinking with your wallet.
yea im speaking too you mat quebecois.
Actually, the stats say that killers kill way more than survivors escape. Of course, what they don't take into account is the fact that the moronic ranking system filled high ranks with potatoes that basically force 4k's on their entire team, or the fact that even Nurse can be beaten by doing the generators.
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well yes but that just Proves my point Fether the match making is its own topic all by it self but it is a big reason that its so unfair for both sides. how ever Befor they think about adding a new killer or a new Cos. they should be asking them selfs. "is this the way i would want my game to be?" and if they answer yes to that. that would be like me saying i think its 100% fair to have perks in the game that Feeds wins too Players for no other reason besides the perks Exists and theres no downsides into using it. see if i said that about killers that it should be fair to have perks like that for killers ho boy its like i just Poored gas on a fire. with how much flaming i would get for saying that. but if i say that for Suriviors everyone will act like im a hero. I can fully understand how people make the bold claim that this game is Any amount of Fair.
look up "Fair" and tell me if that describes Dead by daylight to you.
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Who's blance?
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You really didn't read my post, did you.
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i mean i did but still doesnt change what i said so i mean, your point? also about your data, sorry its flat out Wrong. you take the pool of kills to loses over the games lifes spane suriviors live more then they die FACT now you can say in brown ranks thats not the case but im not talking brown or this update or last im talking the game as a whole across the broad sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
your wrong sorry...
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She was one of the Golden Girls, I think. 🙄
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But if I'm wrong then the data is 100% accurate, no exceptions, the game is killer sided and gen speeds are fine.
Read. The damn. Post.
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You have an ability that you can use whenever you want. survivors do not.
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Well the game isn't dying, cross play was just activated so the game isn't dying anytime soon. I do agree that the game is obviously survivor sided, that is a fact. In a full swf, you almost can never lose against even the strongest killer because that's how strong survivor is. This is coming from someone who plays both sides equally. Before playing killer I always thought killer was op, they needed to be nerfed, etc. But after playing killer and survivor equally I begun to realize that this game is not balanced at all. The game is survivor sided, I believe competent survivors AND killers know that already. If you only play survivor while playing killer once a year, you don't know how bad killer has it, so I don't wanna hear from people who haven't played both sides EQUALLY. Once you start to play both parties, you'll begin to understand killers frustration. And to add on to that, don't just play killer for a couple of matches till you hit yellow ranks and assume you've gained all the knowledge, because no, you haven't. Reach purple/red ranks and come back. And please don't use broken add-ons/perks/offerings, learn to play killer.
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"Lithe" op lul.
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Well killers were getting more kills than survivors could escape, then they got buffed. Balance state of the game doesn't seem too bad right now, aside from devs refusal to buff low tier killers like Demo and Legion.