Oni Power Glitch

Ever since this patch came I've been playing some Oni, been having a lot of fun but there's one issue. I think it's caused by picking up a blood orb while your passive power regen is still going, but if I do whatever the cause of the issue is, my Blood Fury meter will pause at 100%, and not progress past that. I cannot activate it, my hand does not glow red, I can't absorb anymore, the only thing from my power I get is blood orbs that I cannot absorb. Idk if anybody else is experiencing this, but it's my 2nd time today. It's extremely aggravating, and it's honestly just gonna make me stop playing my new favorite killer. Please someone either peddle this to the devs, or tell me what causes the glitch, I just wanna play Oni with my power working.
Yep passive absorbing is supposed to not work after you hit like 95% of your powermeter, but this has been broken since a few patches.
Patch 4.1.0 - 28 July 2020
The Oni: Fixed an issue that prevented entering Blood Fury if the power meter was filled while carrying a Survivor.
Just make sure that your powergauge is low or you max refill before picking a survivor up.