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General Discussions

I'm tired of PC killers being able to outrun me this goes for the console players.

Whenever I have to go anywhere j bring my switch with dbd but when j wanna look a killer I end up having to drop the pallet immediately just because they are running at 100fps shouldn't mean they are faster then sprint burst please fix this issue I cant loop killers or have a chance even as a killer main which I know I'm trash atlooping killers and I've been complaining about this issue since it came out the killers have an overall advantage when playing on PC I cant enjoy the game on switch servers anymore since everyone just wants to play crossplay.

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  • Member Posts: 194

    What do you ask exactly?

    That those of PC limit us the fps to 30? or do miracles and your console make it run at 240fps?

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    The same thing happens to me after holding M2 with Hillbilly, also a bar appears on the screen..

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Just run Shadowborn and you won’t need to right click tbh.

  • Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2020

    People are roasting you in the comments, but as someone who plays both Switch and PC, there IS something up with it all. I can run in chases just fine on PC (disregarding my issue with currently being trash on KBM- ha!). Get that fast vault, throw that pallet down before getting hit, etc. But on switch I find it very, very difficult now to win or prolong chases against killers on other platforms. I'm not exactly sure what it is. Back when we were all switch players, I got dedicated plenty of times (McDonald's Wraith, can I take your order?) but I was capable of understanding that the killer had a CRAP internet connection against my crispy LAN. But now when I get those random spots of frame drops/lag in a chase, I end up being the only one who takes an L. The other day I got hit through so many pallet stuns that should have been 100% safe, and I also had trouble with Dead Hard in a way that I'd never experienced prior to crossplay (idk how to explain the issue I had with it- I know how to properly time DH but it was like I got hit regardless of what should have been good timing as they swung, and it wasn't a dedicated server hit sort of thing)

    I was playing with a friend on PC who was able to confirm my guesses about whether we were going against a PC killer or not at the end screen. It was a pretty obvious difference and I was *always* able to guess whether the killer was on PC or not.

    Idk, maybe I'm crazy. I just never noticed this issue before crossplay (it's different than dedicated server hits) and within the past couple of days I have found it EXTREMELY difficult to keep up with killers who aren't experiencing my frame drop issues. Like I mentioned, I also play PC and I don't experience this sort of stuff while on PC

    In any case, it hasn't discouraged me from playing on the switch (trying to get these tome challenges done on my main account... can't wait til September for cross platform progression LOL) but I really hope that a console optimization patch comes through sometime in the near future.

  • Member Posts: 17

    to be honest i also noticed this problem, at least i am not the only one who noticed this issue

  • Member Posts: 649

    omg please use punctuation.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    What do you mean? Did you ever use Shadowborn? It makes you 15 ° faster.

    So higher FPS will also make you faster.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    PC killers don't run any faster then console killers.

  • Member Posts: 225

    You know this is a killer's forum, don't you?

  • Member Posts: 48

    They don't teach it in schools anymore. Trust me, I'm a teacher. The writing is awful in every way imaginable. I try to remediate them but without luck.

  • Member Posts: 446

    Imagine playing with a potato pc that can only run the game at 15-20 fps. That's what a Nintendo Switch is. That's also a good chunk of the DBD playerbase. PC players who can run the game at 120 fps always had an advantage over potato pc players.

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